Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

Paul Drake

Well-Known Member
Delicious dabs...a custom blend of Black Lime Bubba, Dracarys, and (*checking memory banks) ah yes, Run Away Bride...all Katsu strains I believe!

Damn I feel like shit though...I wonder if I could have covid. I feel better than I did 2 days ago. but still very much not right. I woke up early the last 2 mornings with anxiety.

Showing a house here soon too. Got to find a place for my buddy to live that lives in the Ranch, ore he'll be moving in here :cuss: I don't really mind...he's not home much! And I can make him clean, lol.
Don’t do it, let him live with you I mean. Trust me.

Go to the dr yo. Can’t screw around. Got a friend with a major covid break through.

Go luck with the house.

I’m dab drooling over your mix. I’m dabbing pre98 crumble. Wife is a gator fan so I dab for every point scored. 14-0 over vandy weeeeee!!!


Well-Known Member
In the 80s and sunny in Chicago this weekend. Had the gig from hell last night, pretty much anything that could go wrong did. But the bride was really happy with me for some reason, and that's all that counts. No other gigs this weekend, a rarity, so I'm gonna have lunch with an old friend at a great local brewery al fresco. Gonna get some sun, micro brews, and whatever food looks good. Hopefully I'll be hungry by the time I get there. My buddy's buying a couple of ounces, which is great. Weed sales have been slow this month for some reason, I'm starting to get backed up with the poundage again. I need to acquire a few more customers. Looking forward to socializing outdoors, it's been a while...

Paul Drake

Well-Known Member
In the 80s and sunny in Chicago this weekend. Had the gig from hell last night, pretty much anything that could go wrong did. But the bride was really happy with me for some reason, and that's all that counts. No other gigs this weekend, a rarity, so I'm gonna have lunch with an old friend at a great local brewery al fresco. Gonna get some sun, micro brews, and whatever food looks good. Hopefully I'll be hungry by the time I get there. My buddy's buying a couple of ounces, which is great. Weed sales have been slow this month for some reason, I'm starting to get backed up with the poundage again. I need to acquire a few more customers. Looking forward to socializing outdoors, it's been a while...
Have fun

Paul Drake

Well-Known Member
I hope it's enough for today. I seem to smoke a little bit more than usual when at concerts

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I'll bring my pen and dabs too. Yeah, with the pen, should be enough. Gonna go charge the pen... can't have that fkr dying on me.

bongsmilie bongsmilie bongsmilie

Just like your sister taught you :hug: bongsmilie

You just never know where you may get stuck. Know what I’m saying


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Well shit I just got banished to WnB!! ROFLMAO


Smoke and Mirrors
Staff member
Well shit I just got banished to WnB!! ROFLMAO
Your logic is too strong for the dark side. Oh, wait, I think we ARE the dark side. Hmm...


Well-Known Member
Showing a house here soon too. Got to find a place for my buddy to live that lives in the Ranch, ore he'll be moving in here :cuss: I don't really mind...he's not home much! And I can make him clean, lol.

Ok handsome I need to visit you ;D I like how you roll :lol: :eyesmoke:
Hey I roll too ! ;D
I get the good seats and parking . Just hop on the back might get too excited if you’re on my lap …. 1633813553944.gif
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