Cloning help


Well-Known Member
Hi guys first time taking clones and 10 days in no signs of roots at all by the looks of it, cuttings are in root riot cubes cut at a 45 dipped in clonex rooting gel and sat in a aeroponics cloner with a weak nute solution. They look healthy and have never wilted but showing no signs of roots? Anyone got any ideas as to why they aren’t rooting? Cheers



Well-Known Member
Hi guys first time taking clones and 10 days in no signs of roots at all by the looks of it, cuttings are in root riot cubes cut at a 45 dipped in clonex rooting gel and sat in a aeroponics cloner with a weak nute solution. They look healthy and have never wilted but showing no signs of roots? Anyone got any ideas as to why they aren’t rooting? Cheers
They're in root cubes in aeroponics why pick one. Stop pulling them out of the cubed as well


Well-Known Member
Ok thanks for the suggestions i have a dome that I mist daily as well. I will put the pump on a timer. I think i could raise the humidity a bit which probably is slowing them down


Well-Known Member
Ok thanks for the suggestions i have a dome that I mist daily as well. I will put the pump on a timer. I think i could raise the humidity a bit which probably is slowing them down
My aerocloners i dont use domes. They aren’t needed. I cut and stick 4 to 5 days there are roots. the water I toss hormex no 8 in with something close to 300 ppm of nutrients in it and a pinch of pool shock.


Well-Known Member
Youd be farther ahead to just unplug it.The RR are wet enough for 5-7 days.Maybe re dip but they may be brown already you just cant see it.


Well-Known Member
Hi guys first time taking clones and 10 days in no signs of roots at all by the looks of it, cuttings are in root riot cubes cut at a 45 dipped in clonex rooting gel and sat in a aeroponics cloner with a weak nute solution. They look healthy and have never wilted but showing no signs of roots? Anyone got any ideas as to why they aren’t rooting? Cheers
When I look at your clones it looks like they are woody older growth. Don't know what the plant they came from looks like but I find green stemmed clones shown below root easier than older woody stems.


Well-Known Member
This rooters are staying too moist. Give them time to dry a lil. Just use a propagation tray with the rooters and dome, or use the cloner without the rooters. You'll get much better results.


Active Member
Hi guys first time taking clones and 10 days in no signs of roots at all by the looks of it, cuttings are in root riot cubes cut at a 45 dipped in clonex rooting gel and sat in a aeroponics cloner with a weak nute solution. They look healthy and have never wilted but showing no signs of roots? Anyone got any ideas as to why they aren’t rooting? Cheers
Which nutes are you using and what’s the ppm and ph of the solution? You might want to consider environmental factors as well

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Which nutes are you using and what’s the ppm and ph of the solution? You might want to consider environmental factors as well
they have no doesn't matter what the ppm or ph is...they aren't absorbing any of the nutrients in the solution.
the biggest problem most people have is that they have non beneficial microbes fucking up any roots that do try to develop...use a little pool shock


Active Member

they have no doesn't matter what the ppm or ph is...they aren't absorbing any of the nutrients in the solution.
the biggest problem most people have is that they have non beneficial microbes fucking up any roots that do try to develop...use a little pool shock
Clonex claims to have the dogs bullocks of beneficial microbes haha personally I stick to the old organic method using honey


Active Member
Hi guys first time taking clones and 10 days in no signs of roots at all by the looks of it, cuttings are in root riot cubes cut at a 45 dipped in clonex rooting gel and sat in a aeroponics cloner with a weak nute solution. They look healthy and have never wilted but showing no signs of roots? Anyone got any ideas as to why they aren’t rooting? Cheers
Dont worry to much.
Ive had these in since the beginning og august. Still no roots. For some reason neighter clones og seeds wanna fuck with me in hydro. So i spawn seeds om Coco, i put clones in coco - this seems to work for me. Ill use a mix of Coco, perlite and a good amount of lavarocks. Soil is shit to get of roots. Like litterally u know soil is shitt. But Coco makes transfer to hydro really easy. Just put a fork to the roots and you will clean them up real good befor putting them in hydro.



Well-Known Member
Dont worry to much.
Ive had these in since the beginning og august. Still no roots. For some reason neighter clones og seeds wanna fuck with me in hydro. So i spawn seeds om Coco, i put clones in coco - this seems to work for me. Ill use a mix of Coco, perlite and a good amount of lavarocks. Soil is shit to get of roots. Like litterally u know soil is shitt. But Coco makes transfer to hydro really easy. Just put a fork to the roots and you will clean them up real good befor putting them in hydro.