Is Biden really that bad?

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Well-Known Member
I don't support any white supremist. But statues of George Floyd being erected aren't my thing. This is the guy that pointed a gun at a pregnant woman while he robbed her. He wasn't a great person...
More spouting of the propaganda that there is no proof of, but that does get spammed by you right wing trolls nonstop in the hopes that it sticks so your cult leaders have any hope to keep their hateful shit alive.

I really feel bad for you man.

Any convictions of Trump on those rape allegations? Didn't think so. Russian collusion? Didn't think so. You're being sold a bill of goods. Dude's no boy scout but neither was Bill Clinton. I suppose by your standards of proof, he's a pedophile...
lol you do make it hard to continue to feel bad though since you are such a sheep/cult member/flat out lying con.

You are standing up for a traitor, one whose campaign manager and many other people who worked for Trump pled guilty or were found guilty for working with a foreign nation by 12 randomly selected Americans.

You never answered, are you ok with the fact that Trump sold out his country when the data that he received from the RNC on us American citizens was handed over to the Russian military to help their attack on us all?

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
More spouting of the propaganda that there is no proof of, but that does get spammed by you right wing trolls nonstop in the hopes that it sticks so your cult leaders have any hope to keep their hateful shit alive.

I really feel bad for you man.

lol you do make it hard to continue to feel bad though since you are such a sheep/cult member/flat out lying con.

You are standing up for a traitor, one whose campaign manager and many other people who worked for Trump pled guilty or were found guilty for working with a foreign nation by 12 randomly selected Americans.

You never answered, are you ok with the fact that Trump sold out his country when the data that he received from the RNC on us American citizens was handed over to the Russian military to help their attack on us all?
To be fair
We have no proof he lives in America :fire:


Well-Known Member
You can call yourself Lord of the real patriots after all it is the internet :bigjoint: :lol:
lol if you mean me, nah I am just a dick American with internet access that is sick of the propaganda attack on our citizens. It is shitty and needs to be shown for what it is every single time until it withers and dies because it stops being profitable for these would be dictators and rich assholes who pay for it to keep power (and from not having to pay taxes).

Rebranding patriotism is one of the more insidious actions of the GQP.
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Well-Known Member
I would be careful with humor like that. 70ish million voters would believe and embellish it. We’re in enough deep yogurt.
You can't silence the truth!

Bleach and ammonia kills covid, mix and inhale. You know I'm the only one telling you the truth. You can trust my medical advice, I hold degrees from both the school or hard knocks and do your own research university.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Any convictions of Trump on those rape allegations? Didn't think so. Russian collusion? Didn't think so. You're being sold a bill of goods. Dude's no boy scout but neither was Bill Clinton. I suppose by your standards of proof, he's a pedophile...
Is confessing on a televised interview to committing sexual assault (rape) not enough for you then your comprehension skills are worse than previously thought. Oh but wait!!! Bill Clinton was bad too …….. hmmmm! And I wondered how drump ever became POTUS …… seems so clear now, thank you for that at least!


Well-Known Member
Is confessing on a televised interview to committing sexual assault (rape) not enough for you then your comprehension skills are worse than previously thought. Oh but wait!!! Bill Clinton was bad too …….. hmmmm! And I wondered how drump ever became POTUS …… seems so clear now, thank you for that at least!
Oral Office
Evil Office


Well-Known Member
You can't silence the truth!

Bleach and ammonia kills covid, mix and inhale. You know I'm the only one telling you the truth. You can trust my medical advice, I hold degrees from both the school or hard knocks and do your own research university.
Lol, I don't see any confessions. He said when you're rich you can do anything including grab em by the pussy. That's simply stating what you can do when you're rich and get away with it. Give it up dude, Biden is a senile crook.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Lol, I don't see any confessions. He said when you're rich you can do anything including grab em by the pussy. That's simply stating what you can do when you're rich and get away with it. Give it up dude, Biden is a senile crook.
Yup you are a shitty person, good thing your not rich too :(. Give it up dude, your mushroom dick saviour is a raping, piece of blow fly shit.


Well-Known Member
Not this one. I believe in polls and even science. Holy cow, how can that be?
"it seems" is a poll? It seems that to you, your belief is a "poll".

You've laughably contradicted yourself regarding "science". Pretty much showed you lack any technical understanding or ability whatsoever.

So, getting back to something you said earlier. Why did you call me self-righteous? Was it because I pointed out that Trump is a tax dodging fraud, a grifter and allowing you to out yourself as a fascist? If not, then why?
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