Whats your views ,Real or la la land thc content


Well-Known Member
I don't believe it and even if true I don't care. There is more to good weed than THC content.

Where's the lab report? You can go to ACE Seeds website and they have lab reports posted for most of their strains. If it was 37% THC you would think they would provide some form of proof. There is zero regulation regarding cannabis seeds. They can make any claims they want. They can call a strain anything they want and sell you hemp seeds and there isn't a thing you can do about it. I don't believe hardly anything coming from the cannabis industry.

I find it hard to believe that if they actually had 37% THC they wouldn't post proof in the form of a lab report because that would be marketing gold since so many are only concerned with THC content.

And even if they did get a sample tested that was 37% that doesn't mean that someone else growing it would get anything close to that. I put breeders THC content numbers in the same category as their flowering time numbers. That category is "Not reliable".

Buy some seeds, grow them out, get the result tested at a legitimate lab and tell us what you find out.


Well-Known Member
Its impossible to say a thc content ,all depends on the grower.But has any one done it or seen it in any of out lets at these levels
Gmo can sometimes test over 30 if you grow it right. I wouldn't bother with that breeder though, that pic they are showing looks nothing like gg4 or starfighter.


Well-Known Member
I call bullshit.

Also did you know a study recently stated that if you have a 30% thc strain and a 20% thc strain although you blood to thc content is higher with the 30% they saw zero difference in actual effects.

Basically your cannabinoid receptors can only receive so much.

But again I call bullshit.

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
I don’t even trust what is labeled on legal dispensary bud. Thinking they take samples and test them until satisfied with results. There’s no governing body regulating the accuracy of “independent“ weed testing results. Advertising is what it is; a vehicle to get you to buy the product listed. I’ve grown out strains that were supposed to be 20%+ high test turn out to be meh while stains that test in the teens knock my fuckin socks off. THC content is only a guideline; choosing strains based on the flavor profiles you prefer seems to be a better method imo.


Active Member
Future1 is not even close to 37%

- I have grown multiple phenos of Future1 from Anesia seeds across multiple grows (been growing it for almost a year now doing tests)
- I lab tested all the phenos (six in total)
- many came out around 16-18%- the best was 22.5 %

We are doing this from multiple breeders that are reporting high THC strains in order to prep for commercial product.

It is a nice strain, nothing earth shattering in quality and the THC is in the low 20's max if you have a decent Pheno.

We just received test results back today from a number of other Anesia cultivars.

Anesia Seeds (every one of these strains claimed OVER 30%)

Gelato Dream - 18.78% , 18.53% (two Phenos) - Very nice flavor profile
Blackberry Moonrocks - 15.78%
GG4 - 15.22%, 14.04% (2 phenos)
Nova OG - 17.05%

We are running another grow of the above strains to repeat testing. Will have results in 10 weeks, we went in to flower yesterday.
I am also popping seeds from a bunch more strains, again all claim to have over 30%

The Product is very nice. Great reports on the smoke of the Gelato dream, BBM, and GG4.
Anesia - Nova and GG4 are a pain to grow commercially as they love to branch out excessively. In fact most of the Anesia strains do.

Lab results done at a certified lab used by many LP's,
Yes... we know how to grow and are considered expert growers.
We have strains over 30%, none are from Anesia

We kept one Pheno of the Future1 at ~22.5%

We are going to be running a number of other strains shortly, all claiming over 30% as well as high THC-V and CBG. Will have results at the end of Q1 2022


Well-Known Member
At what point do you just dab? I like actually smoking, and have all sorts of bongs, pipes and papers to maximize that experience. "One hitter quitter" always seemed more like a regimented drug routine than partaking in an enjoyable smoke session.


Well-Known Member
ACE Seeds Golden Tiger is high THC 29.95%. Not viable for a commercial grow due to the long flowering time. Grown properly it will fuck you up. Not always in a good way either. This one Malawi leaning pheno I grew had me feeling like I was on acid. I had to fight the paranoia it caused. A newer smoker would have had a bad time if they were anywhere else but the confines of their own home. I gave most of it away. I did get a call from a friend asking me what the hell that was. He smoked a bowl with his girlfriend that doesn't smoke often and it messed her up pretty bad.

I much prefer a nice mellow strain. In fact I like something like a 12-15% THC sativa like Ethiopian for daily smoke. Uplifting and motivating. Something I can smoke a joint of and still go out and work in the garden or write code.



Well-Known Member
Future1 is not even close to 37%

- I have grown multiple phenos of Future1 from Anesia seeds across multiple grows (been growing it for almost a year now doing tests)
- I lab tested all the phenos (six in total)
- many came out around 16-18%- the best was 22.5 %

We are doing this from multiple breeders that are reporting high THC strains in order to prep for commercial product.

It is a nice strain, nothing earth shattering in quality and the THC is in the low 20's max if you have a decent Pheno.

We just received test results back today from a number of other Anesia cultivars.

Anesia Seeds (every one of these strains claimed OVER 30%)

Gelato Dream - 18.78% , 18.53% (two Phenos) - Very nice flavor profile
Blackberry Moonrocks - 15.78%
GG4 - 15.22%, 14.04% (2 phenos)
Nova OG - 17.05%

We are running another grow of the above strains to repeat testing. Will have results in 10 weeks, we went in to flower yesterday.
I am also popping seeds from a bunch more strains, again all claim to have over 30%

The Product is very nice. Great reports on the smoke of the Gelato dream, BBM, and GG4.
Anesia - Nova and GG4 are a pain to grow commercially as they love to branch out excessively. In fact most of the Anesia strains do.

Lab results done at a certified lab used by many LP's,
Yes... we know how to grow and are considered expert growers.
We have strains over 30%, none are from Anesia

We kept one Pheno of the Future1 at ~22.5%

We are going to be running a number of other strains shortly, all claiming over 30% as well as high THC-V and CBG. Will have results at the end of Q1 2022
God I hate when people use the term expert grower. However good luck boosting those numbers. They are low considering some of those strains should be much higher. What does your place look like? What's your setup look like? I worry more about terpenes anyway. Cater to terpene development and thc content seems to follow in a good way.
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Well-Known Member
@Miraghoul also why use those seeds? Seems silly with all the options stateside already that are better bred. It's crazy no post since 2014 until now....... very curious on how yalls grow is currently.


Well-Known Member
I always like flower between 23-28%. Good balance lol. Not that I can tell the difference. If I’m not stoned. I load another bowl. If I wanna get ripped. I take a dab. If I wanna get set back go to sleep. I bake a strong ass brownie.