The planet is no fucking danger at all it has been around for 4 and a half million million years and will still be there when we are gone. Anthropogenic global warming is bullshit. There have been around 5 major periods of glaciation in the last 600 thousand years, ALL ended with massive increases in CO2 only problem is that there were NO humans around for 4 of them and not that many at the wind down of the last so called Ice age which started to end approx.14 thousand years ago. Which incidentally has not ended yet since only 60% of the ice sheets formed at its peak have melted so far. Upshot is, Of course its getting warmer and CO2 is increasing IT ALWAYS DOES it is a natural cyclic event as is extinction for which we humans are overdue, fuck with CO2 and it will be sooner rather than later and if the frozen methane (CH4) in the ocean deeps is released its game over pretty much instantly.