Flush with ice or light???

I knew a girl who agreed to do every guy at the poker game for a case of Old Milwaukee
Something in the water I'm thinking as she was quite specific :lol:
I have a feeling she was the kind of girl it would take drinking about 1/2 a case before taking her up on that offer seemed like a good idea?
Flushing oneself with bad beer can make for very, very poor decision making, and the STDs that sometimes accompany such decisions.
I have a feeling she was the kind of girl it would take drinking about 1/2 a case before taking her up on that offer seemed like a good idea?
Flushing oneself with bad beer can make for very, very poor decision making, and the STDs that sometimes accompany such decisions.
And here I thought the brand was the issue
Ah, the Sting of the King. We were partial Mickey’s back in the 1990s, the bigmouth let you guzzle faster. Old English 800 if we were gonna play Edward 40 Hands.

We were drinking 40's at the time they mandated the change in bottle shape so that people would be less likely to use broken 40's as weapons. But yeah, we did all the classics. I remember the first time we went to the corner store and told them we just wanted to buy a case...and they told us that they'd never sold cases. Because no one had ever asked. But yes, the classic Mickey's hand grenade bottles...