Scored Some Square One Genetics Today! Anyone else get lucky?

The irony of it all, is all the youtubers that run square one genetics don't pay for them. Part of square one's marketing. Their Banana buttercups has grown some nice looking buds though.
That must be so nice to have those kind of sponsors.
I'm jealous.

You are correct Banana Buttercups is a nice looking girl.
What ever she seems to cross with just makes the crossing partner that much more frosty.

Hope your grows are awesome.
If I happen to get some clones we can talk.
Keep an eye out on the sites, I would imagine some people might be selling some of their seeds for profit.
Sorry you missed out.

I refreshed the screen once at 4:20pm as soon as my computer clock rolled over. and I had all of my info saved and ready to go.
After one purchase everything was gone.
After locking up my purchase I tried to grab a different flavor, but they were all sold out.
Square one Genetics will refer you to their retailer, Black Dog seed reserve for the purchasing.
Just book mark their sale page with the items, and refresh at launch, and I'm sure you will get some next time.

Good luck with your grows, I hope they are awesome.
Let me know when you get some or make them I don’t want to pay 1500 for them lol one guy was selling them for 1000 and 1500 for the 3 bbc
Let me know when you get some or make them I don’t want to pay 1500 for them lol one guy was selling them for 1000 and 1500 for the 3 bbc
Wow that sounds pretty dang steep.
But I may be wrong, maybe that's the going rate.
I still think $1,500 sounds steep.
Wow that sounds pretty dang steep.
But I may be wrong, maybe that's the going rate.
I still think $1,500 sounds steep.
This is what resellers do. Don't sound shocked or complain. This is what you support.
They build fake hype, limit availability and drive up the price, then the resellers gouge people even more...wait until you find out the resellers are working with them. But maybe that sounds like a solid plan to you.
This is what resellers do. Don't sound shocked or complain. This is what you support.
They build fake hype, limit availability and drive up the price, then the resellers gouge people even more...wait until you find out the resellers are working with them. But maybe that sounds like a solid plan to you.
I won’t be paying that lol just like the fuck heads buying all the ps5’s up I won’t get one of them until the are widely available let the scalpers get stuck with them
Yep sucks when you have a rough patch.
Guess that's why I thought I would join the community so I could learn a little something.
If you look at that post you will see how cordial and polite I was with everyone responding.
But seems like everyone wants in on the Troll game today. So let's have some fun.

So far all I've learned is:
There are a bunch of sour puss people out there that like to rain on everyone else parade.
Kinda like your self LordHooha.

Hehehehe, I love that name.
Lord Hooha.

I wonder why I was happy getting my new genetics?
Could it be that I was just happy about something I was impressed with.
And about how nice it would be to have a good grow.

But trust me when I say that I understand that you happen to be the best judge of what's good and bad.
And I can see that you have assembled quite a team of experts.

Please oh Great Lord Hooha forgive me for thinking that the participants in this grow forum would not be snobs, assholes, pricks and un Whitty.

I am getting bored with this Thread.
You guys are not even trying to up me on the Troll beating I am giving you.

Let's explain the rules.
Insulting some one is not intelligent.
It's just an insult.

Now playing cat and mouse until you reel in all the rats out of the sewers.
Now that's a win.

Sorry for asking but Does Lord Hooha stand for God Vagina or does it stand for God Al Pacino catch phrase.
See that was an insult.
That was no points.
It was just for fun.
But since it was a Whitty insult.
That gets 1/2 a point.

Welcome to the party LordHooha
It’s really how you came off after no one fawned over the fact that you got some seeds and told there’s plenty out there that you could have gotten. I’m all for new strains and crosses don’t get me wrong. But looking through some of their strains and some ppl that grew them I didn’t see anything special. As for insults go for it I don’t care I was in the military long enough I’ve heard more then my fair share. Now for my handle I’ve been using it came from the Comedy Central show “the critic” it just stuck. Nothing special. I’m not really anything special honestly I grow plants. Granted my plants look good and I know when to pull them on time and bring out the terpenes which is what I target and really try to maximize.
I will say with a name like wolf kitty though it sounds like a terrible porn star from the 70’s god the unkept bushes then well before my time. I’m just glad my wives trim the hedge and such.
id recommend you continue to learn and stay away from 99% of the youtube growers. They’re just as I said trash growers. Mr Canuck is at the top of the list of people not to follow. His plants always end up looking like shit. He spews bro science nonsense. But please continue on your rant you sir/madam or whatever class of helicopter you identify as.please continue to rant away you’re most definitely provide me with levels of entertainment that I haven’t found since palmy. Lol sadly you won’t get the reference of palmy but you're right up there. Sorry it took me a minute to get back to you but I couldn’t hear you through my forest I was running through. My ladies needed some feed some music.
I love your insults LordHooha.
I'm going to write it down so I don't forget it.
It’s only an insult if you're said person. Are you mr Canuck? Dear lord everyone we have a celebrity here! Its captain plant trash himself. He must of heard we were calling him on his shitty grows. It explains why your plants look so bad in the one post you made. Don’t worry though we can help you out canuck. We will help you grow plants the right way.
I like how he says we're all upset. I checked this thread a couple times and left a one liner but he's written several books worth of insults and whatnot that I didn't even bother reading.
Lol. Still loving the wolf pussy comment earlier. That one got to him
Fucking seedheads now just like sneaker heads...waiting for the latest "drop" lol just being suckered by marketing.
Yep. Literally that ALL this is. Still, I feel compelled to try some of these hype strains to see what the fuss is. Because I have a NL2 from 1996 that yields north of 30% grease returns. So frosted out that if planted outside it can catch grasshoppers!!!! Banana buttercups and these cash grab fly by night hype strains probably won't be clones in a growers garden 25 years from now.
Go watch Mr. Canucks last video then you will understand. If you are not impressed with what he grew. Then all I can say is to each his own.
Sponsored grow yo, lol. This is precisely how this marketing hype is built. And why ppl will pay 260 bucks like an idiot for 6 seeds of an untested poly. Ever wonder why popular yt or ig growers always have this hype shit first?
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Sponsored grow yo, lol. This is precisely how this marketing hype is built. And why ppl will pay 260 bucks like an idiot for 6 seeds of an untested poly. Ever wonder why popular yt or ig growers always have this hype shit first?
Square one is actually tested. Do some research. ALL of his work is FIRE. ALL of it. Better than most breeders out there. Give it sometime, you’ll jump on the train after you realize you’ve missed out for so long.
Square one is actually tested. Do some research. ALL of his work is FIRE. ALL of it. Better than most breeders out there. Give it sometime, you’ll jump on the train after you realize you’ve missed out for so long.

Reviving an old thread over some pollen chuck seeds that are definitely not the best. Breeder is a loose term these days. Anyone can chuck pollen. It's easy. Take 2 strains, cross them, F1 seeds. Some of you think these guys are spending years seeking and searching through thousands of plants. They're crossing everything with everything and selling whatever comes out as fast as they can with some new stupid sounding name to naive cannabis growers that act like children racing out into a field for an easter egg hunt. All these "Drops" people wait on. What a joke.

All these guys are doing is making crosses from crosses others made. It's called pollen chucking and it's not difficult.

Look through this thread and then you might have a clue.

Too funny. BS is people staying up all night to get some damn cannabis seeds that are no better than half the stuff available already that you can leisurely buy just do some online shopping to acquire.

Enjoy your frostiest strain in the world. It's probably the best shit ever.

Yeah, but if you grow it in a 50/50 mix of rocket fuel and snake oil, with a pinch of wonder dust, they grow as big as an oak tree. Those frosties are all that matters.