Well-Known Member
The best way to improve a broccoli/bacon/cheese dish is to omit the first ingredient.I guess I better try that next time we make broccoli. Butter good, cheese good, bacon good.
The best way to improve a broccoli/bacon/cheese dish is to omit the first ingredient.I guess I better try that next time we make broccoli. Butter good, cheese good, bacon good.
Convince meThe best way to improve a broccoli/bacon/cheese dish is to omit the first ingredient.
No.Convince me
How can you be so sure nobody believes it? Look out around you, the Earth looks flat. I look around and everyone dies but 4.5 billion Christians and Muslims still think they are going to live happily ever after in Never Never Land. People can believe any nonsense. Flat Earth sounds pretty reasonable by comparison.none of these flat earth asshats believes this shit, it's all just someone to troll because they're incels who are too sore to masturbate 24/7...
i'm not saying that no one anywhere believes it, i'm saying the trolls that have kept this thread alive for 223 pages don't believe it...but you could be right, they might be that stupid...How can you be so sure nobody believes it? Look out around you, the Earth looks flat. I look around and everyone dies but 4.5 billion Christians and Muslims still think they are going to live happily ever after in Never Never Land. People can believe any nonsense. Flat Earth sounds pretty reasonable by comparison.
i'm not saying that no one anywhere believes it, i'm saying the trolls that have kept this thread alive for 223 pages don't believe it...but you could be right, they might be that stupid...
The best way to improve a broccoli/bacon/cheese dish is to omit the first ingredient.
It is part of the natural physics of water and other fluids to always find their level and remain flat. If disturbed in any way, motion ensues until the flat level is resumed. If dammed up then released, the nature of all liquids is to quickly flood outwards taking the easiest course towards finding its new level. If the Earth is an extended flat plane, then this fundamental physical property of fluids finding and remaining level is consistent with experience and common sense. If, however, the Earth is a giant sphere tilted on its vertical axis spinning through never-ending space then it follows that truly flat, consistently level surfaces do not exist here! Moreover, if the Earth is spherical then it follows that the surface of all Earth’s water, including the massive oceans, must maintain a certain degree of convexity. But this is contrary to the fundamental physical nature of water to always be and remain level!
No independent travel is allowed below the 60th degree south parallel. This is 900 miles from the coast of Antarctica. If you ever want to chill and dig my herb you need to quit lying.The continent has never been transversed. Commercial airlines do not use it as a shortcut say if you wanted to travel from Australia to Argentina. So much deprogramming and re-education to do and so little time.
why don't you try and prove us all wrong and get your pilots license. Do a trip around the world. Untill then shut the fuck up, your beliefs are wrong.
Bullshit.... I've learned plenty from gi joe cartoons. Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.The only images of the earth NASA gives us are fake. Go to youtube and look at ISS and tell me it's not fake. None of you have proof of a Globe Earth it's just what you been indoctrinated with. A waste of flesh is a KOOL-AID drinker who believes what they are told to believe. Your television is for entertainment and propaganda not for education. It's always been that way.
Yes . You are not aloud past the 60 parallel south ….I'm new to this, so pardon the question, but aren't flights over Antarctica "forbidden" ?