Is technology going to save the world. . . or kill it?

Most intelligent life in the universe would end up in a solid state.
Really? Are you privvy to a database of advanced civilisations the rest of us are not?

Because we currently have exactly ONE advanced civilisation in our database; US. And a statistical sample size of one isn't enough to extrapolate to any conclusions involving many civilisations.
We can't invent technology and give it free will and then blame it when it kills us. Just look how we treat God. lol.
An excellent point. I find it very peculiar that we allow our weapons industry to lead in the development and deployment of artificial "intelligence".
I think technology is a set of tools humanity uses to interact with and alter our environment. As such it is not either the savior or the threat; how we use the technologies we have at our disposal is the key.

At the moment, things aren't looking good.
An excellent point. I find it very peculiar that we allow our weapons industry to lead in the development and deployment of artificial "intelligence".
My fear of AI saw this coming. Don't give superior beings free will. Problem solved by human input. That way we can bone ourselves without a proxy, but yeah we will most definitely eventually bone ourselves.
My fear of AI saw this coming. Don't give superior beings free will. Problem solved by human input. That way we can bone ourselves without a proxy, but yeah we will most definitely eventually bone ourselves.
AI is certainly not a superior being. It is merely a manifestation of our ability to program autonomous minds. As such, we are gonna make some crazy mistakes...
AI is certainly not a superior being. It is merely a manifestation of our ability to program autonomous minds. As such, we are gonna make some crazy mistakes...
It's free will incarnate when you put it in a computer and a metal body. AI- ability to think and make decisions for ones self. Add it to any superior host and technically what you have is a superior lifeform. We will easily replace ourselves. My hopes were that we would transition our own consciousness to the superior lifeform for purposes of longevity before going down the darker path of Artificial Intelligence.
Interesting stuff this "technological singularity" ideas... still, we need to make quantum computers bring to work, and give robots the ability to be autark on their own. But who in their right mind would give so much control away?!
Still, I believe a mechanical system can never be as flexible & adaptive as a biological one. But automatons may become topnotch to exploit space/sol system for us. Helium-3 etc pp
"Free-will", "intelligence", some words sciencifically not really defineable, thus problematic. An AI may just look intelligent when doing something it's been coded to perform great. It may fail completely if you just change the situation. If it can learn by its mistakes the question arises - to what end/goal?
Interesting stuff this "technological singularity" ideas... still, we need to make quantum computers bring to work, and give robots the ability to be autark on their own. But who in their right mind would give so much control away?!
Still, I believe a mechanical system can never be as flexible & adaptive as a biological one. But automatons may become topnotch to exploit space/sol system for us. Helium-3 etc pp
"Free-will", "intelligence", some words sciencifically not really defineable, thus problematic. An AI may just look intelligent when doing something it's been coded to perform great. It may fail completely if you just change the situation. If it can learn by its mistakes the question arises - to what end/goal?
Actually, we have both quantum supercomputers and biological computer systems in the US, not sure about anywhere else. Some of it was classified for over 50 years and AI is on the consumer market, so who knows what else they really have (;
so who knows what else they really have (;
Maturity is going to save the world...if we can develop enough of it, soon enough to matter.
Letting technologist run wild with no supervision is not a good game plan. even if they have no sinister motives, they are trying to build a mind that will have access to ALL the information we posses, and it will be able to draw logical conclusions...why wouldn't a mind like that conclude that we're our own worse menace? because that's exactly what we are. what would it consider an acceptable solution to such a problem? maybe reducing the population of the world until we reach a level that is sustainable using nonpolluting energy sources, and sustainable agricultural methods? how many would have to die to reach those goals? maybe 1/2 the world population? maybe 3/4?...
if we don't slap some controls on this "research", we deserve what we get
I think technology is a set of tools humanity uses to interact with and alter our environment. As such it is not either the savior or the threat; how we use the technologies we have at our disposal is the key.

At the moment, things aren't looking good.
Recently Beau made a video about the military wanting to arm it's robot dog with a rifle. Problem is lots and lots of military hardware ends up in the hands of local police departments.
Recently Beau made a video about the military wanting to arm it's robot dog with a rifle. Problem is lots and lots of military hardware ends up in the hands of local police departments.
Beau is late to that party; the robot with sniper rifle already exists.

The slippery slope steepens...
It's too early and I didn't smoke enough yet. This thread makes my eyes hurt.

[Insert quips here]

Only fantastic scanner I know is a 1990's Sony handicam with ir night shot mode turned on during daylight, it becomes the Sony X-ray see thru clothes scanner.