Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?

they didnt do shit but destroy their communities. the idea of BLM is one i support. the organization and everything they've "done"is a fucking joke. I do admire the big houses their founding members now own in the nice safe gated communities though. sweet places.

do you support the idea of "disrupting the nuclear family"?
Name one city that got destroyed
lmao. i admire your level of delusion.

White supremacists killed this ex cop? Or does this mans life not matter because it doesnt conform to your fairy tale of a narrative?

Tell me you weren't in a multi racial major city when that shit happened without telling me you weren't in a multi racial major city when that shit happened
Suck his dead cop dick pedo boy
are you implying that i would ever think or say that ACTUAL black lives dont matter? the human beings? Thats absurd. I never said nor would i ever say anything of the sort. The multi million dollar organization that you got duped into supporting is the evil, not black people. dont be fucking silly and twist my words.
No you are just the dip shit acting like somehow it is the boogey man 'BLM' that the is the real problem over the summer of 2020 like a good racist cuck. Falling for the right wing propaganda designed to paint the social justice protesters as 'rioters and looters', so that the insurrectionist RINO's had any chance at all at keeping in office.

Oh I am sorry are you the 'I am not racist, but' cuck? Either way, same shit is used to trigger you to believe the bullshit narratives you are pushing here.

Next maybe you can cry about "CRT".
i wish this was a meme but people are really this delusional in real life. "activists" just doing gods work i suppose

