So yeah, now that you get your bullshit trolling out of the way.i never saw the picture of him crying. fucking great lol. I guess kyle was better at "playing soldier in the streets" eh?
The friend selling him the gun illegally I believe is the felony.
I wonder if the judge is going to allow the video of Rittenhouse saying he wished he had his AR to start blowing people away when he thought they were ripping off the CVS.
Would you be ok if some 17 year old kid from a different state went and stood outside projects somewhere with a gun and waited for someone to 'scare' him and started picking people off?
ps You never said, are you equally ok with the guy that killed the Trump supporter in Portland?
If a guy went to the projects and waited to shoot somebody that would be premeditated because his intent was to kill or maim. Now if he was armed walking by the projects and attacked them defended himself he would be justified in doing so. As far as the Trump supporter that was shot I’m not familiar with the case. If he was defending himself then he was defending himself but again it also comes down to intent. We are supposed to be unbiased in things like this or the whole system is fucked
blah blah blahMinor in possession is not a felony. I think it was stupid for anyone to be out there that night after curfew. One thing that I think they will have to decide is intent. Did he go down there looking for a fight or was he really just trying to protect a business. There were a couple of times on the videos where people engaged him looking for a fight and he in one walked away and in another responded to somebody talking shit “ I love you too.” I don’t see intent or as someone else said “ Hunting” because he turned down the opportunity several times. People were throwing tear gas bombs on them, hurling rocks,lighting fires, ect and he never fired around until he was chased and another guy fired off rounds.
Jan 6 and an idiot no longer in office aren't winning campaign points, like it or not.Yeah weird how a little fascist coup keeps people worried
he shot the guy in the back in self defense?The issue is if it was self defense and I have been watching the trial and everything in my mind if I was on the jury so far would point to yes.
logically shooting someone in the back in self defense. makes as much sense as a business that got DeStRoYeD!!!!11!!1 but is open right nowThat all sounds WAY too nuanced, logical and thought out. We pick a side and call people names here sir. You sure youre not a white supremacist righty or whatever?
What if they just said that they were there to 'defend' a park bench or something? Keep in mind they don't live there and came from out of state.If a guy went to the projects and waited to shoot somebody that would be premeditated because his intent was to kill or maim. Now if he was armed walking by the projects and attacked them defended himself he would be justified in doing so.
Yeah kind of funny that way.As far as the Trump supporter that was shot I’m not familiar with the case. If he was defending himself then he was defending himself but again it also comes down to intent. We are supposed to be unbiased in things like this or the whole system is fucked
LOLI’m just trying to look at it fairly.
By fleeing the scene of someone he murdered?One thing I don’t think a lot of people have pointed out is how many armed people actually chased and attacked him. Look in the background at the amount of people and the weapons some had. IMHO he showed tremendous restraint given the situation. When he is walking away after shooting you can hear people shooting at him from a distance. He actually gave the guy he shot in the arm a chance to gtfo even after running up on him. But the guy raised his gun towards Rittenhouse and got shot. It kind of reminds me of the OK corral. Rittenhouse was very lucky that night and things could of gone way different had he done any one thing differently.
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No they didn't, the guy was right ontop of him and didn't shoot Rittenhouse even after getting shot himself. You are just making shit up now to pretend like this idiot kid should get off because he got spooked and started dropping bodies.
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I know,Jan 6 and an idiot no longer in office aren't winning campaign points, like it or not.
People were interested in local problems. Forcing national issues into every local race doesn't work.
i hear it's legal to shoot someone in the back now as long as you find out later that they did some other unrelated crime in the past. thats called being nuanced and logical and not emotional and biasedblah blah blah
The same mindless defense of Eric Chauvin came from goons like you when that trial was going down. I have no idea what the jury will decide but I know damn well that you don't have a clue about what happened in Kenosha. You are just parroting some right wing bullshit from the same sources who claim Trump won the election and the Jan 6 seditionists were peaceful patriots.
I didn't think the jury in the Chauvin trial would convict. I was wrong. Prosecutors had a strong case and made it. Seems that they are making as good of a case here. But I don't have any idea what the jury will decide.
Oh, and a skateboard makes a terrible axe. Just saying, if I were in the jury, Rittenhouse's attorney would have lost me there and then when he talked about him being in danger of decapitation from a skateboard. I'm getting used to your kind's histrionics. They don't concern me any more.
dont care. we're not gonna stop talking about your fascism for any reason. learn to deal with your hurt feelings.Jan 6 and an idiot no longer in office aren't winning campaign points, like it or not.
People were interested in local problems. Forcing national issues into every local race doesn't work.
Unbiased, as in, where it's really easy to answer a simple question and not be dodgy because you don't want someone you like to look bad..? That kind of unbiased?
it's called apprehending an active shooter who just fatally shot someone in the backarmed people actually chased and attacked him.
do you think it's ok to shoot someone in the back as long as you find out later that they had committed some unrelated crimes in the pastOk how am I being dodgy?
Ok how am I being dodgy? You are giving me a possible scenario and I’m responding. The other guy I never heard of