How scewed can the system be...

Wonder what it cost to clear a Canadian person's record with US authorities.
So many Canadians were banned from the USA for weed conviction here. I've heard you can apply to the US but have no idea if they rape you for it.
Wonder what it cost to clear a Canadian person's record with US authorities.
So many Canadians were banned from the USA for weed conviction here. I've heard you can apply to the US but have no idea if they rape you for it.

Should be automatic. How the fuck can the US states purge 100's of thousands i fnot millions of cannabis convictions with 1 press of a key but in Canada you get to pay for the privilege.

NY is planning to purge 2million+ cannabis convictions, no fucking payment necessary.
Should be automatic. How the fuck can the US states purge 100's of thousands i fnot millions of cannabis convictions with 1 press of a key but in Canada you get to pay for the privilege.

NY is planning to purge 2million+ cannabis convictions, no fucking payment necessary.
Is that just for their own citizen's. Are they doing this for Canadian convictions known in their country. I think this means for Americans only.
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Wonder what it cost to clear a Canadian person's record with US authorities.
So many Canadians were banned from the USA for weed conviction here. I've heard you can apply to the US but have no idea if they rape you for it.

Cost is under $40 to apply for an entry waiver if you're doing the paperwork yourself. If you hire a US attorney to do it for you obviously it can get expensive fast. If you're doing the paperwork for yourself you just have to pay for the 2 record checks.
It costs just way too much, beyond anything money can afford to buy. Stories that haunt a victim for the rest of their lives, putting on them a constant shadow which won't dissipate even under direct summer sunlight in a desert...
How the fuck can the US states purge 100's of thousands i fnot millions of cannabis convictions with 1 press of a key but in Canada you get to pay for the privilege.

It's only Los Angeles county and a bunch more around the country that's doing it. The fed would have to legalize before everyone could have those records erased. Federal convictions sure won't be getting expunged.

I'm pretty sure I heard/read something about Canadian records being expunged for free but something about not a full pardon. Even with a pardon here the US still has access to past records so still screwed crossing the border I think.

Guaranteed to add further restrictions so as to bolster the legal schwagg growers.
They will cry the blues about lost taxes and dead children from the big bad BM players. Any lie they can make up will do in their eyes. As long as they can bullshit the public into believing the lies. They will be crying a river of "wow is us".
These dirty cunts will tell us anything.
Guaranteed to add further restrictions so as to bolster the legal schwagg growers.
They will cry the blues about lost taxes and dead children from the big bad BM players. Any lie they can make up will do in their eyes. As long as they can bullshit the public into believing the lies. They will be crying a river of "wow is us".
These dirty cunts will tell us anything.

They already have Canadian gov ads on FB to support legal online retailers as illegal weed is full of organized crime. Lets say the ad comments were colourful.
IMO eventually we may find out lots of mari-caca happens to "belong" to predators, "legal" or otherwise.
As an American, I'll trade you my healthcare for your paying for expunging convictions.
Yes we have paid for healthcare here. Yes it's terrific for sure. Not everything is paid for though.
Still paying the US gov to forgive my joint smoking is a bit too much for my liking. Gotta love them calling me a threat...jeez. The time they got me and FREAKED out at my past cannabis conviction was unbelievable. They acted like they just caught JFK's killer. Buncha wife beating drunks they looked like to me so it was even in the end. .