Autoflower, 20 days old, am using fox farm ocean forest, not giving any thing else just water, please help

Yes watering makes a difference for sure. They’re like 28 days old and I’m just giving them 32oz of water now in a 3.6gal pot and I barely get run off with that little bit of water
Yes watering makes a difference for sure. They’re like 28 days old and I’m just giving them 32oz of water now in a 3.6gal pot and I barely get run off with that little bit of water
Sounds good. I water in 5% water to soil when they're small and up it to 10% when they get a lil bigger.
I'm too lazy to keep the very top moist all the time. I water every other day and it's like 10% RH so it's not ideal. BlueMats would be cool, but I don't like the idea of a reservoir on the 3rd floor of my house.
10% rh?! I freak when mine gets to 49%. Lol
With a thick layer of barley straw, mine almost never gets dry on top. That's what's great about living soil though, you can get a lil lazy, and not have to worry.
I can now confirm that you can “heat up” the FFOF mix. I have a rando seed that popped and I put in solo. Maybe 20 days old. Been watering the solo excessively to runoff so I don’t have to water it every day. Well. By doing that. Have a little nute burn on the few lower leaves. I’ll take a pic. I’m assuming that wetting the whole soil also wet up some of the ferts/nutes and caused an excess. What you guys think?