Awesome, thank you. I will heed your advice. As for the additives, some of them are probably gimmicky, but I just followed the feeding schedule from advanced nutrients for all of it. Some of it is root zone stuff, some of it is stem strengthening stuff, some of it is for bud weight. I’ve also run Hydroguard from day one. I basically got the full product line from advanced nutrients, and winged it based on their suggested feedings. But according to their labels, a lot of the stuff isn’t really nutrients, as much as supplements. Lots of guessing going on by me. My best strength is probably that I’m completely aware of how little I know about all of this stuff. When I was a kid, we just threw seeds in dirt, and whatever came up came up. Now, I’m completely determined to learn how to provide myself with quality flowers, and I’m fearless of the failures it will take to get to that point.