January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.

Trump adviser Navarro: Rioters on Jan. 6 hurt plan to challenge election result
Peter Navarro, Trump's former top aide on trade, said Tuesday during an interview on MSNBC that Trump's allies believed there was legal basis for the plan, which would have involved Republican members of Congress rejecting the election's result and kicking the votes back to state legislatures, something he referred to as the "Green Bay sweep."

"The plan was simply this: We had over 100 congressmen and senators on Capitol Hill ready to implement the sweep. The sweep was simply that. We were gonna challenge the results of the election in the six battleground states," Navarro said.

"And basically these were the places where we believed that if the votes were sent back those battleground states and looked at again, that there would be enough concern amongst the legislatures that most or all of those states would decertify the election," he added.

Earlier in the interview, Navarro falsely stated that "the election was in all likelihood stolen through fraud and election irregularities."

"All this required was peace and calm on Capitol Hill," Navarro continued, before praising Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and other GOP members of Congress for "beautifully" objecting to the certification of the results of the Electoral College.

During a separate interview with Rolling Stone this week, Navarro said he primarily worked with former White House top strategist Stephen Bannon on the plan to whip votes and drum up support for a plan to stop the election certification on Jan. 6. Bannon was indicted by the federal government late last year for defying a congressional subpoena in connection with the attack on the U.S. Capitol.

"He was the strategist involved. He was the guy who was coordinating the whipping of the votes, right? There were over 100 congressmen — both the House of Representatives and senators — that were lined up to execute that plan," Navarro said. "And it started flawlessly, but the violence overtook that event. The rest, as they say, is history."

Sure does sound like a coup to me.
I know what the title says but I have read most if not all entries in this post. And Everytime someone has chimed in with a different opinion they have been demonized by the same people. I hope everyone that was involved with the events of January 6th are locked up and charged with treason. Because what took place was nothing less. But I feel that mandatory vaccines are an overstep by the government. I may get covid and it may kill me but that is my choice. I do not believe in executive orders that can decree what the people of this nation must do. That is akin to socialism. And all the media entity's that are censoring people no matter who they are because they don't agree with them is the exact same thing Putin does. And any true patriot should not stand idly by and let that happen. But I see so many people agreeing with the social media companies taking away some else's freedom of speech because they do not align with them politically. This sight is included. The mods here do not believe in equality or social justice unless it aligns with their political views. Who is to say that my opinion does not matter because they do not agree with it. This country is headed into total chaos and if the true patriots do not stand up and seek change as a collective this country will turn into a socialist or communist republic.
True patriots don't support radical right wing wannabes
You know as an army vet who did 2 combat tours and fought for this nation it really pains me to see the polarization that exist in this country. You either have to pick one side or the other and you are demonized if you do not agree fully with the left or right. And that is exactly how the politicians want it. I have personally voted for both republican and democratic presidents. I fought to give ensure that everyone has a voice regardless of color,race,religion or politics. I do not agree with the censorship that is taking place on this site or any other entity. What happened to common decency and everyone fighting for the common good of this nation. So before anyone ask no I didn't vote for trump either time. I believe in freedoms that are guaranteed to every citizen under our constitution. What ever happened to a man or woman's right to make up their own mind. I am an unvaxxed American patriot. I personally do not believe in abortion but I also believe that is up to the woman. Government has no business being involved. I do not agree with mandatory vaccinations. I again believe that is up to the individual. I do not believe in racism or white power extremist. I know they exist and am not blind. But then again I fought for everyone to have their voice. if more people felt as I do the world would be a better place. Enough ranting for now. I will be back in a bit because I am sure that I will hear from several people who do not agree with me. But that is ok. I fought for those people to have a voice also. Peace.
Sure , only you Monica
I know what the title says but I have read most if not all entries in this post. And Everytime someone has chimed in with a different opinion they have been demonized by the same people. I hope everyone that was involved with the events of January 6th are locked up and charged with treason. Because what took place was nothing less. But I feel that mandatory vaccines are an overstep by the government. I may get covid and it may kill me but that is my choice. I do not believe in executive orders that can decree what the people of this nation must do. That is akin to socialism. And all the media entity's that are censoring people no matter who they are because they don't agree with them is the exact same thing Putin does. And any true patriot should not stand idly by and let that happen. But I see so many people agreeing with the social media companies taking away some else's freedom of speech because they do not align with them politically. This sight is included. The mods here do not believe in equality or social justice unless it aligns with their political views. Who is to say that my opinion does not matter because they do not agree with it. This country is headed into total chaos and if the true patriots do not stand up and seek change as a collective this country will turn into a socialist or communist republic.
How quaint. I miss those days when I could rationalize what had happened and gaslight myself into thinking maybe we could work with these people.
What you are describing is some sort of sick abusive relationship. Tell me lies tell me sweet little lies about how they did not beat Capitol police and that fire extinguisher was not a fire extinguisher but a bouquet of roses. And then we will kiss and make up.

how, MAGA of you
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Former Trump press secretary to meet Wednesday with Jan. 6 committee
Grisham, who recently wrote a book that is critical of former President Trump, reportedly had a phone call with one of the committee members, Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), in which she was “candid” about some of the events that took place behind-the-scenes at the White House on Jan. 6.

One source told CNN that Grisham discussed conversations that included Trump. During the phone call, Raskin reportedly sought to meet with the select committee.

Grisham announced her resignation shortly after Jan. 6, when a mob of Trump's supporters overwhelmed U.S. Capitol Police to forcibly enter the Capitol. Five deaths were connected to the attack, which forced the evacuation of Congress.
I do not believe in executive orders that can decree what the people of this nation must do. That is akin to socialism.

What the fuck?

a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

How is one like the other?
Former Trump press secretary to meet Wednesday with Jan. 6 committee
Grisham, who recently wrote a book that is critical of former President Trump, reportedly had a phone call with one of the committee members, Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), in which she was “candid” about some of the events that took place behind-the-scenes at the White House on Jan. 6.

One source told CNN that Grisham discussed conversations that included Trump. During the phone call, Raskin reportedly sought to meet with the select committee.

Grisham announced her resignation shortly after Jan. 6, when a mob of Trump's supporters overwhelmed U.S. Capitol Police to forcibly enter the Capitol. Five deaths were connected to the attack, which forced the evacuation of Congress.
One of many underlings who won't risk lying and who talked already, or are writing books, even the guilty are writing books confessing to their crimes.
What the fuck?

a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

How is one like the other?
It's just a slogan, garbage in, garbage out, at least he's not saying we are a bunch of liberals! :lol: :lol:
What the fuck?

a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

How is one like the other?
This is what fascists and their Republican or Libertarian toadies believe that word means:



The global elite and American leftists look to CCP murderer[1] Xi Jinping for Hope after the election of Donald Trump.[2] "Socialism with Chinese characteristics" is defined as having your heart cut out while you're still alive.[3]

Socialism refers to a set of related left-wing socio-economic systems based on control by a bureaucratic elite of the means of production (as opposed to individuals personally owning property). It is a failed system.[4] ideology based on hate, dehumanization, envy, segregating people by class, and mass murder[5] and which promotes totalitarianism at the expense of individual freedom.[6] The movement is responsible for the murder of at least 94 million people over the past 100 years.[7] The fundamental flaw of socialism is the belief that one person has the right to the fruit of another person's labor and private property, for example, that healthcare paid by others is a "human right." Socialism has led to increased bureaucracy and reduced freedoms even in Scandinavia,[8] and it has been tried and failed in countries such as the United Kingdom, India, and Israel during the 20th century.[9]
The two most infamous socialist regimes of the 20th century were the Bolsheviks, headed by Vladimir Lenin,[10] and the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazi Party), headed by Adolf Hitler.[11] The schism between these two competing leftist ideologies for global mastery resulted in World War II.

Both Communism and Nazism are totalitarian or statist, subverting the rights of individuals to the collective of a single party. Nazism deviates from orthodox Marxist theory in substituting racial and ethnic conflict for economic class warfare. Nazism substituted "Jews" as the oppressor class, responsible for all societal woes. Contemporary American leftists substitute race war for class conflict.

The Second World War was a life and death struggle between two leftwing interpretations of socialism - both atheistic and subverting the rights of individuals to the state, one considering "equality" to apply only to members of a nation or race, the other multicultural and globalist. After the United States assisted the communist victory over National Socialism (see Popular Front liberalism), the Cold War was an effort to suppress the spread of global communism. Socialists consider all forms of capitalism as "fascist" (see Antifa).

We don't speak the same language. One can look up every word in an English dictionary but they aren't speaking English. Never mind the factual errors in their definition. It's what they believe that is important to them.
I hope Garland makes some news today and not the same old shit, he should have had warrants bugging people and phone calls by now, they have for lesser crimes and for many others. He has some explaining to do according to many experts, we don't need to know names and details either.
This is what fascists and their Republicans and Libertarian toadies believe that word means:


View attachment 5060826

The global elite and American leftists look to CCP murderer[1] Xi Jinping for Hope after the election of Donald Trump.[2] "Socialism with Chinese characteristics" is defined as having your heart cut out while you're still alive.[3]

Socialism refers to a set of related left-wing socio-economic systems based on control by a bureaucratic elite of the means of production (as opposed to individuals personally owning property). It is a failed system.[4] ideology based on hate, dehumanization, envy, segregating people by class, and mass murder[5] and which promotes totalitarianism at the expense of individual freedom.[6] The movement is responsible for the murder of at least 94 million people over the past 100 years.[7] The fundamental flaw of socialism is the belief that one person has the right to the fruit of another person's labor and private property, for example, that healthcare paid by others is a "human right." Socialism has led to increased bureaucracy and reduced freedoms even in Scandinavia,[8] and it has been tried and failed in countries such as the United Kingdom, India, and Israel during the 20th century.[9]
The two most infamous socialist regimes of the 20th century were the Bolsheviks, headed by Vladimir Lenin,[10] and the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazi Party), headed by Adolf Hitler.[11] The schism between these two competing leftist ideologies for global mastery resulted in World War II.

Both Communism and Nazism are totalitarian or statist, subverting the rights of individuals to the collective of a single party. Nazism deviates from orthodox Marxist theory in substituting racial and ethnic conflict for economic class warfare. Nazism substituted "Jews" as the oppressor class, responsible for all societal woes. Contemporary American leftists substitute race war for class conflict.

The Second World War was a life and death struggle between two leftwing interpretations of socialism - both atheistic and subverting the rights of individuals to the state, one considering "equality" to apply only to members of a nation or race, the other multicultural and globalist. After the United States assisted the communist victory over National Socialism (see Popular Front liberalism), the Cold War was an effort to suppress the spread of global communism. Socialists consider all forms of capitalism as "fascist" (see Antifa).

We don't speak the same language. One can look up every word in an English dictionary but they aren't speaking English. Never mind the factual errors in their definition. It's what they believe that is important to them.
They also have a rather skewed definition for the word “patriot”.
It's just a slogan, garbage in, garbage out, at least he's not saying we are a bunch of liberals! :lol: :lol:
No, it is something worse. It is scapegoating, generating a necessary enemy from whole cloth. That killed over nine million people in Germany less than a century ago. It pounds home the longest-running Big Lie in American politics: that we are at immediate peril from Communism. Socialism gets especial venom for being the gateway to this fabricated Communist threat. Liberal politicians are demonized for carrying Marx’s water. Ironically the ones making this claim are carrying Stalin’s.

Then as now, the goal would be to unite a frightened populace into embracing fascism.