January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.

I'll respectfully choose to disagree completely with your statement - just one look at the news will show LOADS of incidents of racial tension in the US. Its doesn't appear to me to be a minor percentage at all. I grew up in South Africa in the 1970's - I have seen pure evil racism first hand, and am starting to see the same traits all over again, in the US. The police seem to me to be completely racist, which most definitely takes me back to seeing some terrible things done to children by the very people that were supposed to be protecting them. How can you trust a US police officer any more? Talking about the colour of a person's skin also reminds me of my childhood - it was THE thing that would decide your fate. We all bleed the same, there's no difference.

Edit - I know that not all coppers are bad people, but a bad apple ruins the basket, as the saying goes.
What you are reading is a change in reporting. It has always been going on, as any attentive minority (race, sex, gender) member could tell you.

Im grateful the hate and corruption are being reported. But the big trouble has been the fragmentation of the news media, and the enthusiasm of the big online social sites for disinformation. There is an entire stratum of our society that eats at a trough kept topped up with manipulation by the rogue press and the social media profiteers.
So it’s good that these issues are being published in more honest news organs.
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As is your right to do so.

Does make me think though - you mentioned Brexit - if you're from the US, then you're doing the same thing I am, so no real room to talk.

If you are from the UK, you're making comments about US politics - again, snacks a tad of hypocrisy.

So I am left wondering what right you think you've got to make comments like that, based on the fact that from either direction, you have no room to talk, as doing so will be hypocritical.

You have no idea where I live, or have lived, or my life experience, so I think I’ll give your observation all the attention it’s due too.

Finally, this is a public forum, so I will say what I want without consideration to your so called sensibilities. If you cant take the heat ....
I’ll put a fiver on Portsmouth England
What you are reading is a change in reporting. It has always been going on, as any attentive minority (race, sex, gender) member could tell you.

Im grateful the hate and corruption are being reported. But the big trouble has been the fragmentation of the news media, and the enthusiasm of the big online social sites for disinformation. There is an entire stratum of our society that eaters at a trough kept topped up with manipulation by the rogue press and the social media profiteers.
So it’s good that these issues are being published in more honest news organs.

I agree - the more of this that comes out, the better - for all countries, not just our US chums. There is no place for racism in today's society at all - I look forward to the day we can say we got rid of the cancer that racism is. Although there is still a long way to go, South Africa is trying hard to get rid of its stigma. A generation or two in the future will hopefully see all people united under one flag, regardless of colour or creed.
I agree - the more of this that comes out, the better - for all countries, not just our US chums. There is no place for racism in today's society at all - I look forward to the day we can say we got rid of the cancer that racism is. Although there is still a long way to go, South Africa is trying hard to get rid of its stigma. A generation or two in the future will hopefully see all people united under one flag, regardless of colour or creed.
Zuidafrika had to endure Zuma. Almost a rehearsal for here.
Zuidafrika had to endure Zuma. Almost a rehearsal for here.

Corruption is a blight on the whole continent of Africa - South Africa is no different, sadly.

Look back to the people who ran the country in the 60's or 70's - there's real evil for you.
If we did not care for the direction the US is going we would not be here. After all, there is a saying up here, "If the US sneezes, Canada catches a cold."

Its a public forum - we all have a right to post our thoughts here, as long as they are not rude or bigoted. I might not agree with your point of view, but I believe you have the right to express that view, regardless of how I feel about it.
Corruption is a blight on the whole continent of Africa - South Africa is no different, sadly.

Look back to the people who ran the country in the 60's or 70's - there's real evil for you.
I remember back then Idi Amin was held up as the poster child for corruption, with Qaddafi a close second and the Ayatollah with a podium finish.
Africa is full of them, sadly. Robert Mugabe? He was a real nightmare too.

What really saddens me is that there is likely to be the next Einstein, or Lewis Hamilton, or Neil Armstrong living in Africa right now, but because of politics and religion, they'll never get to show their full potential.
Do you think that politics and religion have caused much of this divide, or are they being used as vehicles to promote racism?
Two through six are Fox, and top slot is more Qrap
Well that says something by itself, right?

That the standpoint on RIU politics are not what the rest of the population is into viewing. And that was the point of the topic I was replying to.
Well that says something by itself, right?

That the standpoint on RIU politics are not what a portion of the rest of the population is into viewing.
I believe, after these past two years, the prevalent political views here are becoming, if not majority, then at least tolerated by a majority.