January 6th, 2021

No GOP here. I have said it before I am a conservative moderate, voted for Obama twice actually.

But I guess if I don't walk around leaning left, I would be considered MAGA by most of you.
I meant the Republican prosecutor not you. You should quit snow flaking man.

And that guy screams another insurrectionist RINO who is willing to use his office to sell propaganda to suit the GOP agenda by joining bullshit panels to combat 'woke (the right wing programming term) protests'.
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Blaming liberal politicians for riots and rising crime rates, former Detroit Police Chief James Craig is turning up the conservative rhetoric as he prepares to formally announce he’s running for governor as a Republican.

Craig on Monday announced the creation of a “bipartisan” group whose mission is to support law enforcement and denounce “woke protests and rogue prosecutors.”

The Law Enforcement Action Team (LEAT) is intended to “strengthen law enforcement with better recruitment of officers, increase retention and protect them in the line of duty,” Craig said.

In a news release announcing LEAT, Craig employed Trump-like rhetoric, tapping into people's fears and blaming political opponents for high crime rates. He took shots at Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, saying they aren’t committed to combating crime.

“The Governor and Attorney General are focused on settling political scores rather than keeping our communities safe,” Craig said. “They investigate their political opponents time and time again, but refuse to investigate the nursing home policies that cost thousands of lives.”

Craig also claims that judges “are letting criminals back on the street” and that some county prosecutors “are refusing to enforce our laws, refusing to hold criminals accountable, and putting our communities at risk.”

“Liberal politicians at the national, state, and local level are part of the problem rather than part of the solution,” Craig said.

The nine-member board includes seven Republicans and two Democrats. The Republicans are Oakland County Sheriff Michael Bouchard, Livingston County Sheriff Mike Murphy, Luce County Sheriff John Cischke, state House Speaker Jason Wentworth, former House Speaker Tom Leonard, Kent County Prosecutor Chris Becker, and Sen. Tom Barrett. The Democrats are Macomb County Sheriff Anthony Wickersham and Gladwin County Sheriff Mike Shea.

Democrats dismissed the plan as en empty public relations stunt.

“In yet another example of James Craig putting politics first, he has once again sold Michiganders short in his Hollywood-like production to look tough on crime, Rodericka Applewhaite, spokesperson for the Michigan Democratic Party, said. “This isn’t leadership, it’s showmanship, and his empty ‘plan’ will do little to make Michigan any safer.”
No most of the ones arrested were likely randoms.

That is not the same thing as what you wrote.

Yeah Patriot Prayer, Proud Boys are really just figments of my imagination and just a small part of the people actually doing the damage. I don't buy it.

No way that dickhead would be white terrorists could use all those radicalized kids to blend in and do damage to your city.

I do agree with you about rioting is not protesting though.


No question Portland is a totally different situation. Your cops have been beating up protesters for a very long time.

Says a GOP'er from Grand Rapids. No way that they are just trying to keep the Trump/Republican lie hidden. It is not like Republicans would lie to the news to sell their agenda or anything.

The proud sissies are mostly from up in Washington. Longview ,Battleground, etc... They haven't been around lately. Lat I heard they got some Middle School locked down across the river in Vancouver Washington because they were out protesting about mask mandates. Which is odd because I doubt any of them have children. They'd have to have girlfriends or wives for that but their just one big sausage fest. A bunch of losers that can't get dates.

I think after their last encounter here in Portland they're not so eager to return. The cops stood by and let them brawl in an old Kmart parking lot. I don't think it went the way the sissies wanted. Portland showed them the door. Hopefully they stay away.




The proud sissies are mostly from up in Washington. Longview ,Battleground, etc... They haven't been around lately. Lat I heard they got some Middle School locked down across the river in Vancouver Washington because they were out protesting about mask mandates. Which is odd because I doubt any of them have children. They'd have to have girlfriends or wives for that but their just one big sausage fest. A bunch of losers that can't get dates.

I think after their last encounter here in Portland they're not so eager to return. The cops stood by and let them brawl in an old Kmart parking lot. I don't think it went the way the sissies wanted. Portland showed them the door. Hopefully they stay away.




Hopefully it does. Maybe those gas prices and their gas guzzling trucks have helped you all out a bit.
The proud sissies are mostly from up in Washington. Longview ,Battleground, etc... They haven't been around lately. Lat I heard they got some Middle School locked down across the river in Vancouver Washington because they were out protesting about mask mandates. Which is odd because I doubt any of them have children. They'd have to have girlfriends or wives for that but their just one big sausage fest. A bunch of losers that can't get dates.

I think after their last encounter here in Portland they're not so eager to return. The cops stood by and let them brawl in an old Kmart parking lot. I don't think it went the way the sissies wanted. Portland showed them the door. Hopefully they stay away.




I do hope Portland sorts out it's problem with fascists operating with a free hand from inside the Portland police force so that they don't help Proud Boys perpetrate their violence upon the good people of Portland.

It should not have been left to the good people of Portland to keep its streets clean from trash. That said, I am glad that the police broke up a Proud Boy snipers nest. At least the police drew a line at sniper fire and told their paramilitary buddies they couldn't just slaughter us.
I do hope Portland sorts out it's problem with fascists operating with a free hand from inside the Portland police force so that they don't help Proud Boys perpetrate their violence upon the good people of Portland.

It should not have been left to the good people of Portland to keep its streets clean from trash. That said, I am glad that the police broke up a Proud Boy snipers nest. At least the police drew a line at sniper fire and told their paramilitary buddies they couldn't just slaughter us.
I remember that shit and it definitely polarized me to be more okay with things getting wild from the far-left. In my view, if it weren’t for anti-fascists showing a willingness to get physical, we may be further down that police-state road, as unappealing as that may be. But, who knows, maybe peaceful protesting will prevail in the end.
Not too optimistic. Happy to be living rural again.
I remember that shit and it definitely polarized me to be more okay with things getting wild from the far-left. In my view, if it weren’t for anti-fascists showing a willingness to get physical, we may be further down that police-state road, as unappealing as that may be. But, who knows, maybe peaceful protesting will prevail in the end.
Not too optimistic. Happy to be living rural again.
It isn't over. I live near Portland, not in it. That said, I understand @xtsho 's frustration with the property damage and damage to businesses in the districts of Portland were the protests came down. I totally do not understand why, when Chauvin was convicted of murdering Floyd a small group of idiots in Portland busted some windows in Portland's police union building. That said, property damage is not necessarily an act of violent protest. It is not the same as what happened in the Capitol Building on Jan 6. Property damage has been part of protests against the status quo since long before now. The tradition of doing time for the crime also has a long history and it's understood by the perpetrators. Do the crime, do the time. But that has little to do with the guy who is standing in front of a line of Proud Boys who are intent on mayhem. Those guys are heroes.

I understand the frustration with all of that. That said, Proud Boys were everything antifascist counter protesters said they were. Not only that, the police were shown to be helping them. It's now out in the open. Some members of Portland's police force are fascist and their buddies look the other way when they act on their beliefs. That is also something Antifa was right about.

I attended counter protests to Patriot's Prayer rallies that used Proud Boys as their goons to project white supremacist power in Portland. Their early rallies featured all the fascist regalia. The Nazi flag, the Battle flag of North Virgina, and other fetishistic symbols of white supremacy fascism. We confronted them in 2016 but it all took a turn up in violence in 2017 when Trump gave his little monsters political cover.
"Approximately three dozen Proud Boys members and associates have been charged in connection with the 6 January Capitol riot, in which Trump supporters sought to overturn his election defeat."

They got the leader on his way to DC before the assault on the Capitol. He got to sit that one out in jail. Ha ha ha

Okay, if you weren't getting your face stomped, you would be dead. There were hundreds of people, fueled off adrenalin. I also saw a car running people over and several cars shooting pistols in the air in the midst of the fires. I believe you, Rkymtn Rittenhouse.
cool story, brah! sounds like an arnold schwarzenegger movie!!! did you say "i'll be back" by chance?
The proud sissies are mostly from up in Washington. Longview ,Battleground, etc... They haven't been around lately. Lat I heard they got some Middle School locked down across the river in Vancouver Washington because they were out protesting about mask mandates. Which is odd because I doubt any of them have children. They'd have to have girlfriends or wives for that but their just one big sausage fest. A bunch of losers that can't get dates.

I think after their last encounter here in Portland they're not so eager to return. The cops stood by and let them brawl in an old Kmart parking lot. I don't think it went the way the sissies wanted. Portland showed them the door. Hopefully they stay away.




that second pic is disgusting to me! no mime deserves to be treated like that. he was probably stuck in a box for chrissakes. lmao.
It isn't over. I live near Portland, not in it. That said, I understand @xtsho 's frustration with the property damage and damage to businesses in the districts of Portland were the protests came down. I totally do not understand why, when Chauvin was convicted of murdering Floyd a small group of idiots in Portland busted some windows in Portland's police union building. That said, property damage is not necessarily an act of violent protest. It is not the same as what happened in the Capitol Building on Jan 6. Property damage has been part of protests against the status quo since long before now. The tradition of doing time for the crime also has a long history and it's understood by the perpetrators. Do the crime, do the time. But that has little to do with the guy who is standing in front of a line of Proud Boys who are intent on mayhem. Those guys are heroes.

I understand the frustration with all of that. That said, Proud Boys were everything antifascist counter protesters said they were. Not only that, the police were shown to be helping them. It's now out in the open. Some members of Portland's police force are fascist and their buddies look the other way when they act on their beliefs. That is also something Antifa was right about.

I attended counter protests to Patriot's Prayer rallies that used Proud Boys as their goons to project white supremacist power in Portland. Their early rallies featured all the fascist regalia. The Nazi flag, the Battle flag of North Virgina, and other fetishistic symbols of white supremacy fascism. We confronted them in 2016 but it all took a turn up in violence in 2017 when Trump gave his little monsters political cover.
Yeah vandalism to buildings or groups not directly associated with a problem is counter productive in most cases. Though I do think the PPB has some “chickens-coming-home-to-roost” so-to-speak (sorry ‘bout the hyphen-ventilating). I think some people just look for an excuse and some cover (pandemic masking, crowd-distraction) to vent their frustration, AND I think there was definitely some “false-flag” imposturing going on. I mean, pretty easy to disguise yourself as an anarchist antifa member and throw some bricks or torch stuff.
I’ve gotten a bit more to the center on some things, but if shit hit the fan I’d be swinging from the left for sure. I don’t want to give ammo to righty trolls but I think it’s not a crime to have un-PC views, BUT you better expect that people are going to verbally slam you for them, as they should. I’m learning that “kill’em with kindness” seems to have a better track record for conversion than verbal assault. I think when people get too high and mighty on folks who may be on the fence, that person is more likely to be pushed on to the other side of that fence, rather than fall into the arms of the verbalist.
That said I completely unfriended a lot of old friends over the whole Trump thing. You can only try so much to pull people from the grips of a cult. Hopefully the cold-shoulder from many worked.
Yeah vandalism to buildings or groups not directly associated with a problem is counter productive in most cases. Though I do think the PPB has some “chickens-coming-home-to-roost” so-to-speak (sorry ‘bout the hyphen-ventilating). I think some people just look for an excuse and some cover (pandemic masking, crowd-distraction) to vent their frustration, AND I think there was definitely some “false-flag” imposturing going on. I mean, pretty easy to disguise yourself as an anarchist antifa member and throw some bricks or torch stuff.
I’ve gotten a bit more to the center on some things, but if shit hit the fan I’d be swinging from the left for sure. I don’t want to give ammo to righty trolls but I think it’s not a crime to have un-PC views, BUT you better expect that people are going to verbally slam you for them, as they should. I’m learning that “kill’em with kindness” seems to have a better track record for conversion than verbal assault. I think when people get too high and mighty on folks who may be on the fence, that person is more likely to be pushed on to the other side of that fence, rather than fall into the arms of the verbalist.
That said I completely unfriended a lot of old friends over the whole Trump thing. You can only try so much to pull people from the grips of a cult. Hopefully the cold-shoulder from many worked.
People will change when they are ready. I have never had success when I took the time for a real talk with this new breed of Republican. It's always ended up with "that's your opinion and I have mine". I'm not good at that kind of thing, maybe others are.

DIY turned me on to a book written about Trump's followers that was co-written by a long time researcher on authoritarians titled Authoritarian Nightmare. The following is a book review and discussion on the topic:

According to Altsheyer and Dean, Trumpers are authoritarian followers who double down on their beliefs when challenged. Authoritarians are more likely to become more radicalized when shown the truth than they are to accept that they might be wrong and learn. Near as I can tell the short term answer is to suppress them. I think the long term answer is to wait for them to die.
People will change when they are ready. I have never had success when I took the time for a real talk with this new breed of Republican. It's always ended up with "that's your opinion and I have mine". I'm not good at that kind of thing, maybe others are.

DIY turned me on to a book written about Trump's followers that was co-written by a long time researcher on authoritarians titled Authoritarian Nightmare. The following is a book review and discussion on the topic:

According to Altsheyer and Dean, Trumpers are authoritarian followers who double down on their beliefs when challenged. Authoritarians are more likely to become more radicalized when shown the truth than they are to accept that they might be wrong and learn. Near as I can tell the short term answer is to suppress them. I think the long term answer is to wait for them to die.
To your first paragraph, I don’t think your skill is a problem. You’re dealing with people who make a virtue of narrowmindedness.
To your first paragraph, I don’t think your skill is a problem. You’re dealing with people who make a virtue of narrowmindedness.
Can't knock people for trying. But I'm too analytical and facts driven to reach somebody who believes the MAGA mythology. As I said, they just double down and my effort makes it worse. People with more empathy are better at that kind of thing. I hope.
The proud sissies are mostly from up in Washington. Longview ,Battleground, etc... They haven't been around lately. Lat I heard they got some Middle School locked down across the river in Vancouver Washington because they were out protesting about mask mandates. Which is odd because I doubt any of them have children. They'd have to have girlfriends or wives for that but their just one big sausage fest. A bunch of losers that can't get dates.

I think after their last encounter here in Portland they're not so eager to return. The cops stood by and let them brawl in an old Kmart parking lot. I don't think it went the way the sissies wanted. Portland showed them the door. Hopefully they stay away.




Those pics are great.

Antifa got the idea of paint filled water balloons to defeat the visors they wear to protect them from mace. I think the guy at the bottom is named "Tiny". It looks like he took a direct hit. lulz
Can't knock people for trying. But I'm too analytical and facts driven to reach somebody who believes the MAGA mythology. As I said, they just double down and my effort makes it worse. People with more empathy are better at that kind of thing. I hope.
i just can't handle their yeah, but biden or yeah, but Dems or yeah, but Obama responses. they really are programmed like a cult