January 6th, 2021

republicans are on the way out, i expect them to kick and scream as they're being drug out to the curb for trash pickup...that doesn't constitute a civil war, at best that qualifies as a police action. when trump is in a NY prison cell, and half of the "freedom caucus" is on trial for the crimes they committed leading up to 1/6, there will be a lot of aimless milling about by the magats, maybe a few will lash out, but they'll quickly be supressed.
cut of the magats head and it will thrash around for a while, but it will eventually die
i agree.

Early-on Trickster Devin Nunes has quietly resigned..that was the chink in the armor..they're all quietly slipping away..no one notices because of the Noisemakers MTG MG..has anyone noticed even Boebert's been pretty quiet.
Go big. Haldol depot injections. Chemical restraint as so freely practiced by our wonderful new private for-profit prisons.

For-profit prisons should be enough of a warning to anybody who believes “small government” will make things better.

yeah i forgot there's Haldol..they put you in those chairs to to restrain you..used to see it on LOCKUP..teach you how to make PRUNO too..secret is in the Heinz Ketchup packet. only use Heinz.
Enforce the law from the Top down, is what we need. Why do the top dogs and wealthy get off and the five and dime go to jail? Govt incompetance, that's why.

because they have lots of money for attorneys who will file suits etc and jam the courts.

you and i only have rights if we can afford an attorney retainer.
Enforce the law from the Top down, is what we need. Why do the top dogs and wealthy get off and the five and dime go to jail? Govt incompetance, that's why.
How does one do this?
Specifically, how does one enforce the law on those effectively above it?
Traditionally, the method of last resort has been sedition leading to revolution.
Most revolutions, even when organized as a legitimate and humanitarian response to an oppressive regime, are quickly suborned by utter authoritarians.
Mankind’s best and most engaged minds have not figured out how to stop that outcome, and they certainly have not found another way of displacing a dictator from inside the system (where law applies).

I think your idea is impracticable. But it is a punchy slogan that some aspiring prince can use as a propaganda device.

None of this requires particularly deep thought. Why do you think it has merit? Please use reason without sentiment. Sentiment almost always “makes up for” glaring rational fails.
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How does one do this?
Specifically, how does one enforce the law on those effectively above it?
Traditionally, the method of last resort has been sedition leading to revolution.
Most revolutions, even when organized as a legitimate and humanitarian response to an oppressive regime, are quickly suborned by utter authoritarians.
Mankind’s best and most engaged minds have not figured out how to stop that outcome, and they certainly have not found another way of displacing a dictator from inside the system (where law applies).

I think your idea is impracticable. But it is a punchy slogan that some aspiring prince can use as a propaganda device.

None of this requires particularly deep thought. Why do you think it has merit? Please use reason without sentiment. Sentiment almost always “makes up for” glaring rational fails.

why don't we start with a fair taxation of the wealthy? non w-2 people get away with paying no taxes until whenever.we can't run a country with only the lowest classes holding the bag.
why don't we start with a fair taxation of the wealthy? non w-2 people get away with paying no taxes until whenever.we can't run a country with only the lowest classes holding the bag.
Similar question. Fair taxation (by what scheme? The devil is in the numbers!) is opposed by the elected majority. Explain how you would make the thing happen against that legislative will.
Enforce the law from the Top down, is what we need. Why do the top dogs and wealthy get off and the five and dime go to jail? Govt incompetance, that's why.
Justice is delayed for normal reasons, but the feds at least, want Donald running around during the election forcing the republicans to refight 2020 and carry the increasingly discredited big lie during the election. I might help, clearly the republicans are worried about it and it is a singular issue that could make a difference. Winning in 2022 if far more important than prosecuting Donald's ass, that can come later. Nobody gives a shit about his minions and henchmen though, so some of those will be going down with squeal deals and guilty pleas.

NY could have different ideas about when Trump gets prosecuted however, but Joe will have clean hands over that and Donald will say he's a "political prisoner" anyway. Having Donald around in 2022 could be useful, if he's freaked out enough he could pull another Georgia on the GOP and tell his base to stay home. Things will improve more by winning in November, than by the feds prosecuting Trump before the election and they are doing everything they can to win.
Similar question. Fair taxation (by what scheme? The devil is in the numbers!) is opposed by the elected majority. Explain how you would make the thing happen against that legislative will.
i would start by voting people out of office, and making sure that they knew why you were doing it...
that requires a lot of work and the ability to persuade people to your viewpoint...so lets get started recruiting charismatic people with a lot of time on their hands...but i have no idea who that is, or how to recruit them...
any viable ideas?
i would start by voting people out of office, and making sure that they knew why you were doing it...
that requires a lot of work and the ability to persuade people to your viewpoint...so lets get started recruiting charismatic people with a lot of time on their hands...but i have no idea who that is, or how to recruit them...
any viable ideas?
No. I am quite unsuited to be in sales.
How does one do this?
Specifically, how does one enforce the law on those effectively above it?
Traditionally, the method of last resort has been sedition leading to revolution.
Most revolutions, even when organized as a legitimate and humanitarian response to an oppressive regime, are quickly suborned by utter authoritarians.
Mankind’s best and most engaged minds have not figured out how to stop that outcome, and they certainly have not found another way of displacing a dictator from inside the system (where law applies).

I think your idea is impracticable. But it is a punchy slogan that some aspiring prince can use as a propaganda device.

None of this requires particularly deep thought. Why do you think it has merit? Please use reason without sentiment. Sentiment almost always “makes up for” glaring rational fails[/B]
you make the government a lot more transparent, and appoint watchdogs, and more watchdogs to watch those watchdogs, to make sure that laws are being obeyed...the government does work for us, whether they want to admit it or not. it's time for people to start communicating a lot more with their law makers at every level, and letting them know what they do and do not find acceptable. let them know in no uncertain terms that it is not ok to accept campaign contributions from businesses you are involved with, that it is not ok to sit on committees that make laws about businesses and industries that you are involved with. let them know that you aren't happy about institutionalized racism, about restrictive voting laws, about regressive social policies...people need to stay in their faces, to make sure they know what we expect from them.
Enforce the law from the Top down, is what we need. Why do the top dogs and wealthy get off and the five and dime go to jail? Govt incompetance, that's why.
Finding good legal representation and funds to pay whatever it takes is my guess.

Just riffing. If somebody has wealth over a certain limit, make it so they CAN'T pay for a lawyer. The have to accept a randomly appointed public defender who is paid the same, whether they represent a homeless person or a fat cat.
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