January 6th, 2021

That's why I'm here, to get a heads up and spout off, since I can't work the elections or vote down there, if I did, I'd be volunteering with a local organization with a plan to win local elections for the people who control the vote and count it, as well as for political candidates. The internet can have an impact and a Canadian who put their mind to it and some effort might sway many votes in America and in effect, have more political power than an American who just votes and watches the news, the reverse is also true. The threat to American democracy is a threat to Canada's national security, the biggest threat we in Canada face.

well the good news is, I am registered to vote in Colorado and have done so twice; once for Joe Biden then this past November was local. My town is a Democratic strong-hold and CSU trained female sociologist won in a landslide against the cunt carpetbagger rightie with money for Mayor.

the Butt-Hurt cream was flowing for a week or two.
Biden Takes The Gloves Off, Tears Into The Former President For Inciting Jan. 6th Riot

One year after a violent mob ransacked the U.S. Capitol, Stephen looks back at The Late Show's spontaneous live episode from that night, and listens as President Biden blames the former president without mentioning him by name.
well the good news is, I am registered to vote in Colorado and have done so twice; once for Joe Biden then this past November was local. My town is a Democratic strong-hold and CSU trained female sociologist won in a landslide against the cunt carpetbagger rightie with money for Mayor.

the Butt-Hurt cream was flowing for a week or two.
There are only two sides in this fight, you will get much of what you want, if you can win the next election and even more if you win in 2024. If they had the power to over come the likes of Manchin and Senema, you would have gotten a big hunk of it this year or last. Bigger majorities are called for and if you get them big enough, it is clear where the democratic party is going. It will be no more same old, same old for black people, social programs and healthcare, because they are all linked together along with the left wing of the party. Now there is not just a clear difference between the parties, the democrats will exterminate the republicans with law and regulations and end the filibuster, to insure a level playing field and fairness. The republicans are actually a minority of the country and know they have to cheat to win, more democracy will finish them off as a force in federal politics until something better comes along and it will, power abhors a vacuum.
There are only two sides in this fight, you will get much of what you want, if you can win the next election and even more if you win in 2024. If they had the power to over come the likes of Manchin and Senema, you would have gotten a big hunk of it this year or last. Bigger majorities are called for and if you get them big enough, it is clear where the democratic party is going. It will be no more same old, same old for black people, social programs and healthcare, because they are all linked together along with the left wing of the party. Now there is not just a clear difference between the parties, the democrats will exterminate the republicans with law and regulations and end the filibuster, to insure a level playing field and fairness. The republicans are actually a minority of the country and know they have to cheat to win, more democracy will finish them off as a force in federal politics until something better comes along and it will, power abhors a vacuum.

he will not be in 2024; something is going to happen prior to not allow him to run if he's still alive.

He wants Trump Media; he will never get it.

He's finished; everyone knows except him and his cult.
well the good news is, I am registered to vote in Colorado and have done so twice; once for Joe Biden then this past November was local. My town is a Democratic strong-hold and CSU trained female sociologist won in a landslide against the cunt carpetbagger rightie with money for Mayor.

the Butt-Hurt cream was flowing for a week or two.
I’m curious about something I see in quite a few of your posts. You substitute a “v” for a “u” in the f-word. However you went with a full throated c-word in this post. Would you mind explaining? I’m not trolling, I’m genuinely curious. If you read a few of my posts you’ll see that we are generally in agreement about Jan 6th.
I’m curious about something I see in quite a few of your posts. You substitute a “v” for a “u” in the f-word. However you went with a full throated c-word in this post. Would you mind explaining? I’m not trolling, I’m genuinely curious. If you read a few of my posts you’ll see that we are generally in agreement about Jan 6th.
Because a CVNT is a car transmission.
I’m curious about something I see in quite a few of your posts. You substitute a “v” for a “u” in the f-word. However you went with a full throated c-word in this post. Would you mind explaining? I’m not trolling, I’m genuinely curious. If you read a few of my posts you’ll see that we are generally in agreement about Jan 6th.

isn't swearing against TOS? cunt is not a swear word- fuck is.

thank you for reading my posts.
isn't swearing against TOS? cunt is not a swear word- fuck is.

thank you for reading my posts.
I don’t think the terms and rules explicitly prohibit swearing. Quoting the relevant paragraph, the TOS prohibits “…any Content which is defamatory, abusive, hateful, threatening, spam or spam-like, likely to offend, contains adult or objectionable content…”
Likely to offend is pretty subjective and audience dependent though. I’ve never caught a warning for using profanity on here and see it used pretty frequently, especially in politics. It’s kind of hard to talk about Trump and what has happened to the Republican Party without the occasional f-word.
I do try to not directly attack people though. Half the time I point out the ridiculousness of someone’s post, I doubt they even realize that they look ridiculous. Others pick up on it though.
FWIW I’m closer to 50 than 40 and have seen swearing go from not acceptable in daily conversation to more or less the norm in my lifetime. I work in a professional setting and swearing is normal here, from men and women.
Keep posting, I’ll keep reading.
Trump Lawyers Met With Georgia Prosecutors; Days Later, Trump Rants About Law Enforcement

Gwen Keyes Fleming, former district attorney for DeKalb Count, Georgia, talks with Rachel Maddow about new details in the criminal investigation of Donald Trump's alleged actions to pressure election officials in that state.
Republicans In At Least Three States Filed Forged Elector Letters

Rachel Maddow shares reporting from Politico of Republicans in Michigan and Arizona creating fake elector letters pretending to certify Donald Trump and Mike Pence the winners of their states even though Joe Biden and Kamala Harris won them both, with the Michigan letter markedly similar to a previously reported forged Wisconsin letter.
There are only two sides in this fight, you will get much of what you want, if you can win the next election and even more if you win in 2024. If they had the power to over come the likes of Manchin and Senema, you would have gotten a big hunk of it this year or last. Bigger majorities are called for and if you get them big enough, it is clear where the democratic party is going. It will be no more same old, same old for black people, social programs and healthcare, because they are all linked together along with the left wing of the party. Now there is not just a clear difference between the parties, the democrats will exterminate the republicans with law and regulations and end the filibuster, to insure a level playing field and fairness. The republicans are actually a minority of the country and know they have to cheat to win, more democracy will finish them off as a force in federal politics until something better comes along and it will, power abhors a vacuum.

they forget that the two sides are no longer separated by the Mason-Dixon line; just how would this second civil war take shape? butchering your neighbor?
The projection is strong within the Republicans. It's the reason I keep looking at a bunch of them sideways when they start rambling crazy shit.

What's going on in their local pizza place basements?

if you read the previous presidents response to 1/6/22 it was a projected confession. that fvcker is still trying to alter reality. the Whitecoats used to come for people like that..straightacket him right up. he's going to need a Hannibal Lechter set-up.

Biden, who is destroying our Nation with insane policies of open Borders, corrupt Elections, disastrous energy policies, unconstitutional mandates, and devastating school closures, used my name today to try to further divide America. This political theater is all just a distraction for the fact Biden has completely and totally failed. Our Country no longer has Borders, has totally and completely lost control of Covid (record numbers!), is no longer Energy Independent, Inflation is rampant, our Military is in chaos, and our exit, or surrender, from Afghanistan was perhaps the most embarrassing day in the long and distinguished history of the United States – and so much more.

umm, Biden never used his name..what a psycho..and so much more.:lol: when he uses 'and so much more' it sound like he's selling a timeshare.
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If Far-Right Groups Are Bankrupted By Jan. 6 Lawsuit, ‘So Be It,’ Says D.C. AG

“The lessons from suing insurrectionists and hate groups is that money matters to them. When you come after their money, their assets, their buildings, guess what? They run, they scatter, they hide, they complain,” says D.C. Attorney General Karl Racine on his civil lawsuit against the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers.
If Far-Right Groups Are Bankrupted By Jan. 6 Lawsuit, ‘So Be It,’ Says D.C. AG

“The lessons from suing insurrectionists and hate groups is that money matters to them. When you come after their money, their assets, their buildings, guess what? They run, they scatter, they hide, they complain,” says D.C. Attorney General Karl Racine on his civil lawsuit against the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers.

maybe we can all get together at Manassas and have a picnic to settle this thing?
isn't swearing against TOS? cunt is not a swear word- fuck is.

thank you for reading my posts.
No, name-calling is, but simple swear words are not. So just say it with me -

(you can do it!)

It has been my experience that “cunt” is currently our single most profane word in English, displacing fuck and various popular combinations like motherfucker and cockswallower.
You risk nothing so long as you don’t call names or post hate speech. Certain other behaviors can get you a warning, but they don’t revolve around the use of language.

In “Hot Fuzz” they had a sweat jar with penalty rates. All the words from 25p to £1. had a letter replaced by an asterisk as a nod to politeness, but cunt (£2.) was spelled out for comedic effect. I’m in enough touch with my inner12-year-old that I smile every time I see the scene.