My Meijiu $$$ light is "burnt up" how do I get a refund or results from China?

What about their theft of patents and American military secrets?? I'm sure those don't count though right??
they are our enemy. why would you expect differently?

dems support trade unions to guarantee fair (if exorbitant) wages for US workers while repus support illegal labor by refusing to support e-Verify. simple supply and demand would fix the immigration issue. no jobs to non citizens and they stop coming here
pretty sure most american companies that manufacture in china send them blueprints, specs, material lists, etc for what they want made.

i think it was tyson that sent shipping containers of chicken grown in the US over to china to be processed and sent back.

It's not the American companies manufacturing in China that I'm talking about. For instance when China hacked into US Steel and stole trade secrets for manufacturing steel. Do you realize the impact that had on American jobs? That's just one of thousands.
We don’t have enough people here to fill up a jack in the box crew for me to get tacos. You really think we can just make everything we need here no problems? Stop and think before you speak. We need China. It sucks to admit but America needs China.
We don’t have enough people here to fill up a jack in the box crew for me to get tacos. You really think we can just make everything we need here no problems? Stop and think before you speak. We need China. It sucks to admit but America needs China.
i use this analogy: think of a simple push broom. made in china with labor rates at probably 20 to 30 USD a month or made in usa with labor rates at 20 to 30 USD an hour. which broom retails for less?