
you are consistent, i'll give you that, you were a fucking idiot when i joined this site 6 or 7 years ago, and you're still the same fucking idiot...
trump did that, with his retarded policies...trump fucked up the covid response, trump fucked up the supply chain, trump put incredibly stupid tariffs in place...Biden has done nothing but fix trump's fuck ups since he got in office, you fucking maroon
Same with food costs and factory/industrial farming, its way cheaper to produce things now.

Maybe the long time lines aren't that helpful when looking at it. 100 years is a long time. It's like when fucker Carlson talked about how well off the poor are because they have refrigerators...what the hell are they comparing that against.
Yeah everything is relative. We really have not been good at keeping track of the true costs of things too. Which makes it far easier to use shit like 'inflation' to fear monger.
I do view capitalism as being a great driver of innovation
Why is it a great driver of innovation?
I think it is Humankinds innate desire/drive to explore/create, something given to us, a means of self-survival in a way.
Man didn't invent a better knife to make money, that came later, he made it out of necessity.
Man will innovate no matter what.
But capitalism as a means of actually, physically benefitting the "Society" it exists in is another matter altogether.
Capitalism is designed to exploit the masses, not really help that much.
Leave that to Communism
Oh yea, Capitalism it's wonderful
In America now for instance we are witnessing 1st hand the downsides to unfettered Capitalism, lack of a living wage/poverty for a substantial segment of this country.
Massive inequity in the distribution of wealth.
Inadequate/massively expensive medical care.
Shit educational system
And that was pre-Pandemic
What the fuck happens now in our "Great Society"
Build some more fucking robots?
Ship/buy more shit from overseas (The Chip Shortage is Even Worse Than Biden Thinks - TheStreet) because it means more profit & our shareholders will love us, which justifies me earning 1000% more than the average worker, whom is now unemployed you dumb fucks.
Capitalism in the Age of COVID is going to blow the fuck up & you know who will win?
Ha Ha Ha!!!!!
Marx is grinning somewhere :)

Same with food costs and factory/industrial farming, its way cheaper to produce things now.
Your right.
A labor force of 100 humans can/will/has been replaced by automation/robots & those 100 people are now unemployed & living on welfarw whereas the owner of that factory is celebrating how much money he saved/made.
He's a successful man
And you starve
God bless America (land of the sucker/join a union :) )
you are consistent, i'll give you that, you were a fucking idiot when i joined this site 6 or 7 years ago, and you're still the same fucking idiot...
6 or 7 years ago I was on hiatus from this site. I didn't post between 2014 and 2019, so you don't know what the fuck you're taking about. I never even posted in politics here until 2019.
Why is it a great driver of innovation?
I think it is Humankinds innate desire/drive to explore/create, something given to us, a means of self-survival in a way.
Man didn't invent a better knife to make money, that came later, he made it out of necessity.
Man will innovate no matter what.
But capitalism as a means of actually, physically benefitting the "Society" it exists in is another matter altogether.
Capitalism is designed to exploit the masses, not really help that much.
Leave that to Communism
Oh yea, Capitalism it's wonderful
In America now for instance we are witnessing 1st hand the downsides to unfettered Capitalism, lack of a living wage/poverty for a substantial segment of this country.
Massive inequity in the distribution of wealth.
Inadequate/massively expensive medical care.
Shit educational system
And that was pre-Pandemic
What the fuck happens now in our "Great Society"
Build some more fucking robots?
Ship/buy more shit from overseas (The Chip Shortage is Even Worse Than Biden Thinks - TheStreet) because it means more profit & our shareholders will love us, which justifies me earning 1000% more than the average worker, whom is now unemployed you dumb fucks.
Capitalism in the Age of COVID is going to blow the fuck up & you know who will win?
Ha Ha Ha!!!!!
Marx is grinning somewhere :)

View attachment 5074617

I dont think they will innovate without incentive, or at least some sort of reward system. It isnt ideal or good, but human nature (be it innate or just how the current world impacts it) isnt going to do or allow that at this point in time.
Why is it a great driver of innovation?
I think it is Humankinds innate desire/drive to explore/create, something given to us, a means of self-survival in a way.
Man didn't invent a better knife to make money, that came later, he made it out of necessity.
Man will innovate no matter what.
But capitalism as a means of actually, physically benefitting the "Society" it exists in is another matter altogether.
Capitalism is designed to exploit the masses, not really help that much.
Leave that to Communism
Oh yea, Capitalism it's wonderful
In America now for instance we are witnessing 1st hand the downsides to unfettered Capitalism, lack of a living wage/poverty for a substantial segment of this country.
Massive inequity in the distribution of wealth.
Inadequate/massively expensive medical care.
Shit educational system
And that was pre-Pandemic
What the fuck happens now in our "Great Society"
Build some more fucking robots?
Ship/buy more shit from overseas (The Chip Shortage is Even Worse Than Biden Thinks - TheStreet) because it means more profit & our shareholders will love us, which justifies me earning 1000% more than the average worker, whom is now unemployed you dumb fucks.
Capitalism in the Age of COVID is going to blow the fuck up & you know who will win?
Ha Ha Ha!!!!!
Marx is grinning somewhere :)

View attachment 5074617
I'll stick with liberal democracy until we figure out a better system. There are alternatives but the following have been tried and they fail to provide security and freedom for their people:

absolute monarchy
military dictatorship
tribal clans
social darwinism

Right now, the most successful societies are hybrid socialist-capitalist democracies and none are purely one or the other. Humans haven't done this before. Large, complex, cooperative society is new and we don't have a good enough understanding of our own humanity to objectively choose how best to run them.
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the most successful societies are hybrid socialist-capitalist democracies
They have moved past the black vs white/capitalism vs communism theories & incorporated needed social programs which is anathema to an American capitalist society.
Pull up your bootstraps, get a job, work hard and you will get ahead, yada ,yada ,yada.
FUCK YOU!!!!!!!
The majority of Americans do that, so why is EVERYTHING SO FUCKED UP!!!!!
Why does 2% of the population OWN FUCKING EVERYTHING and the majority struggle?
They worked harder?
Double FUCK YOU!!!!
Most Americans are in debt up to their eyeballs (still paying off student loans?/Ask someone in the EU and they'll say what the fuck is a student loan, in America you loan out students?
The commitment of a true Capitalist to the betterment of Society is tossing a fiver in the Salvation Army bucket (they'll write it off as charity & the hot dog they ate while waiting for a receipt is a business expense (Lunches are deductible)
The US wasn't founded for freedom, that's just the shit they teach you in grammar school (no Critical Race Theory, thank God) it was founded for fucking money & hasn't changed one iota since.
We'll see how it all turns out in the end (which due to climate change will be in around 50 years or so, give or take.
I used to care
Fuck it
Waste of time
Speaking of time, it is that time of the day to fill my pipe & smoke it listening to this (the older I get the more sense it seems to make)

then this (2nd bowl :) )

why don't you crawl back under the log with the other grubs and maggots? you've never once had anything of value to add to any conversation you've jumped into ass first. just get lost you one trick pony loser...go molest a kid while trying to get the 7-11 you shop at to refuse service to minorities or anyone wearing a mask....

You forgot to call me a racist.
racist (although i did imply it..."refuse service to minorities"...)

I stand corrected, you did imply racism. Of course you're wrong on the implication though, as usual.

I think how other people run their business is not up to me.
I abhor government forced segregation and forced integration. Who people associate with or not should be up to the individuals involved.

I would not be dumb enough to run any hypothetical business that excluded paying customers based solely on their race. I would not knowingly support a racist business.