Newbie - Germination issues


Hey everyone, been really enjoying reading all the great advice on here so far ! I am 3 days into seed germination now and not seeing anything sprouting so wanted to post and see what you all think?

PH balanced water with lemon juice - reduced ph as it was high (around 8).
Poured on to rockwool to saturate.
Seed in hole, tip down. Covered hole with rockwool lightly.
They've been in a heated propogator now for three days and I'm not seeing any signs of life. So tempted to open the rock wool a bit to check? I have added a bit of water to the Rockwool as they seemed a bit dry. The light is just a thermometer. Trying to keep it around 25°c but has fluctuated from 23-29.

Currently have one seed using a different method, soaked for 20 hours, and just now placed on a damp kitchen roll under a plate on a very low setting heater as the cupboard is cold. Going to see if this sprouts any faster.

Any advice? Or do I just need to be patient. Thank you all!


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Considering that it more then likely had taken 24-48 hours for the seeds to even open....I would say you are just being impatient. If you don't see anything by day 5, I would open one and see what's going on.
thanks for the replies! I do think I’m just being impatient. One rock wool looks like it might have a white sprout just starting to push up.
nothing on the paper towel yet.

thinking to just soak in a glass for up to 24hrs then straight in to rock wool and bypass the kitchen roll next time.
thanks for the replies! I do think I’m just being impatient. One rock wool looks like it might have a white sprout just starting to push up.
nothing on the paper towel yet.

thinking to just soak in a glass for up to 24hrs then straight in to rock wool and bypass the kitchen roll next time.
You can legit leave them float in water until they crack open...if you dont touch the cup, the seeds can sprout and still float. Would be a little better then going straight to a plug. At least then you know the seeds were open prior and wont wait even longer.
All I have ever done is place seeds in a glass full of room temperature tap water, then leave in a dark area overnight. The next morning, I tap the seeds...generally viable seeds will sink.
I leave overnight again, then straight into a prepared double Dixie cup. One solid color, another clear inside with drainage and aeration holes.
Lightly water, then wait.
99% effective for me.
I thought seedlings weren't supposed to be put in a humidity dome as that can cause root damp off. I thought it was only cuttings that you put under a humidity dome
I probably wouldn't of used "Lemon juice" to germinate seeds. As it is very acidic. And you don't need to ph your water for seedlings, it's only when you are adding nutrients that you want to ph your water
The best method for germinating seeds - Get a about 10 sheets of toilet roll fold the toilet roll in half, put the seeds in the middle then fold the toilet roll again with the seeds inside and put the paper with the seeds inside on a dish and wet the paper, keep repeating this every 4 or 5 hours so the toilet roll doesn't go dry and you want to do this for about 48 hours and then open the paper and the seeds should have a little white sprout coming out the seed. if not, just keep doing it for about another 24 hours and the seeds will pop and you should see a white little sprout.
All o can say is root riot cubes. Pit the seeds in And put light directly on the tray. Short dome only till they crack up. Pull dome after that.

Every other "method" is a waste of time and genetics. Temperature can be too hot. Don't go over 75

Seeds know which way is up. We don't need to outsmart a tap root

Seeds need proper moisture and tempwrure. Then lots of light right away.

Rock wool holds way to much water chokes seeds.
Thanks! :D
The reason for rock wool is they’re going in to an oxypot hydro, would otherwise have used jiffy’s.
The lemon juice was the tiniest dash in to a 2l bottle to bring ph down and they do seem to be doing alright with it so far. I didn’t realise ph didn’t matter with seeds, it was more due to the rockwool as apparently that notoriously high.

UPDATE; one has definitely popped from rock wool, and the paper towel one somehow in the last 5 hours has sprouted a nearly 4cm tap root!! Had to build it it’s own double height rock wool cube, so will have to see how that now works out. She might have been better off going straight into soil, will see how she is in the morning.
hoping the other two rock wools pop through tomorrow :)
think it depends on genetics but i had sone pop in the water and some in the paper towl.(roc buds inc seeds poped in the water) but i just do tap water. 12 to 24 in cup of water then papertowel in a warm place. few days agian depending on genetics some few days some longer but set it and forget it