Convoy? ..Convoy!

They seem like nice Nazis.
There are very fine people on both sides in Ottawa. We’ve firmly established that already in the US, now we just need to establish the same level of tolerance and understanding for white supremacists in Canada too. It may all be a false flag operation funded by Soros and Gates, my Parler feed is starting to pick up rumblings.
as long as the do not impede services like..ambulances and fire trucks...the right to peaceful assembly is also ingrained in our constitution.

I agree with the right to protest and free assembly. But I do not agree with swastikas and ignorant trashy asshats..

Glad that convoy is 6 hours from here...have at it.
There isn't mobs of Nazi flags, there was 1 and hes been gone for a while now
There isn't mobs of Nazi flags, there was 1 and hes been gone for a while now
and the desecration of the unknown soldier and terry fox...yeah they cleaned it up..and yes they will be charged. Fringe of the Fringe.

Do you call that fringe the lunatic fringe ?

The truckers convoy is about 10% of actual truck drivers in Canada...those dudes are rock solid delivering goods...doing what they can to make money and get the goods to the population.

The proper fucktards are in Ottawa.

Maybe i mean politicians.
Every single one of these fools has had mandated vaccines as a child. It took 200 years of vaccine mandates and a concerted worldwide effort to eradicate smallpox by the 1980s. This is a public health issue, plain and simple, it has nothing whatsoever to do with "freedom." These idiots have just been sold a bill of goods by pathetic right wing politicians with no platform and no ideas other than exploiting the white victim culture and Nihilism of the Trump cult. George Washington's soldiers didn't like getting vaccinated either, but we live in a society and getting vaccinated is as much a part of the social compact as paying taxes-NO ONE likes it, but you put on your big girl pants and do it because your "freedom" isn't more valuable than the lives that are at stake.
You mean as triggered as you clowns with your 18 pages of hate toward a bunch of people protesting something just as stupid as "defund the police".

Lol, you retards are comical as fuck.
Do you get regular notifications on who to hate daily?
Asking for patriotic Americans who don’t watch Newsmax