Convoy? ..Convoy!

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Just because someone calls themselves something doesn't make it true. That's such a child's argument. But it works for you guys. Prime example is Black Lives Matter. If you know nothing about them except the title you'd think "wow, they're right black lives do matter, what a great cause" but if you actually look at things they do and say like calling for violence against police officers, some may reconsider. All while individuals like yourself scream "RACIST! Look at the title bro! Are you saying black lives don't matter? .

so where are all those calls by blm to kill police?
oh yeah, in the head of trump, and the heads of the fucking morons who kiss his fat orange ass
orange ass kisser :lol:


Well-Known Member
An impressive first day for the grass roots spontaneous counter protesters in many places, all complaining of local police inaction and apparent insubordination in enforcing a court order and the law. Moving forward, they won't be spontaneous, but will become more organized and much larger, the cops better act, or there's gonna be trouble and they will be right in the middle of it. When this shit is over people are gonna want an inquiry about police behavior during this incident.

The government better end this soon, or the population will and there are 10 times as many of us, as there are of them, the organization has already begun and there are plenty of pissed off people close by.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Black Lives Matter doesn't believe in good cops
you've spoken to them about this? you've actually asked a member, or even just someone wearing a shirt or a hat, "do you believe there are any good police officers?" then you don't know fuck all and are going with your unreliable, unscientific, hormonaly influenced feelings?....that seem's logical


Well-Known Member
Bro i don't know anyone who would want to be on government healthcare. Not saying there aren't but again we are products of our experiences. I witnessed the struggles my grandfather had dealing with the VA before he died of cancer. Also having lived in a government institution for 4 years I was a first hand witness to the waste and inefficiency. Private industry will always offer better services than government.
There is so much bullshit to wade through in your posts, but I would point out that prior to Obamacare if your grandpa had to deal with private insurance companies, he would have been kicked for pre-existing conditions and been shit out of luck.

Also you are full of the brainwashing soundbites.

I especially got a good laugh at your 'Defund the Police' troll. Can you name one time Biden supported that? (hint: you can't unless it is bullshit propaganda).

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
A bunch of idiots in trucks. They should turn it into a reality show.

here come the fat fucktard hillbilly trump supporting qanon morons....
people actually want to expose themselves to that family of the trashiest of white trash?
whatever, i guess some people like getting their balls stomped on...

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
that would be it right fucking there, they had a chance to go the fuck home, now i'd be impounding trucks, and the assholes who drove them there, and wouldn't let any of them out till those 100K fines are paid, in full....


Well-Known Member
An impressive first day for the grass roots spontaneous counter protesters in many places, all complaining of local police inaction and apparent insubordination in enforcing a court order and the law. Moving forward, they won't be spontaneous, but will become more organized and much larger, the cops better act, or there's gonna be trouble and they will be right in the middle of it. When this shit is over people are gonna want an inquiry about police behavior during this incident.

The government better end this soon, or the population will and there are 10 times as many of us, as there are of them, the organization has already begun and there are plenty of pissed off people close by.
Where that "first time...?" meme when you need it. Are you familiar with police? They aren't exactly subtle about which side they line up on, never have been. There's a reason the far right picked the blue line cop flag to rally around.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Where that "first time...?" meme when you need it. Are you familiar with police? They aren't exactly subtle about which side they line up on, never have been. There's a reason the far right picked the blue line cop flag to rally around.
They picked the wrong side, this has not even begun for them, many people are unhappy and heads will probably roll. 90% of Canadians are vaxxed and 100% of them, though some didn't like it. They better come around real fast or they will be excops.


Well-Known Member
I guessing you are feeling like I did last year when I saw Portland police turning a blind eye to fascists in Portland last year.

Also, this:

View attachment 5085240

Fascist cops are a real problem and threat to democracy.
I had a hard time believing the depth of the problem and don't really understand their affinity for these losers in this country. This has been noticed here and we will be getting to the bottom of it, people are pissed and will want answers. The cops should be starting to realize this cause some will be fired surer than shit. Counter protesters haven't even organized yet, this is spontaneous, folks expected the cops to act when the courts did. If this persists, the counter protesters are gonna get organized and big, it won't take long, we can use the internet to organize too.