1st Grow


Well-Known Member
New to growing. I picked up AC Infinity equipment. My basement has a high humidity level being managed by a commercial dehumidifier. I'm waiting on 2 6in oscillating fans. Do I need to place a dehumidifier in the tent? Do I need to add humidity?

I believe I'm going with a Foxfarm ocean forest with washed perlite added.

Dr Earth Flower girl and the all purpose. Also picked up some worm castings and bone meal.

Should a germ in a solo then to a 5, 7 or 10 gallon clothe pot?

Awaiting my Mephisto Double Grape. I have a 4x3 tent. Was thinking of doing 3 to 4 to start.

Preferred light schedule and height during germ, veg and flower?

Would love your feedback.


Well-Known Member
Did you watch a YouTube video by chance cause idk why this flower girl and fox farms ocean forest blend is so popular?

I will warn you Fox Farms is not designed for cannabis. Their nutrients have to be used at half strength or they will fry your plants and their soils are finicky and inconsistent at best. Some people have great success with it but usually they've been growing with it for many years..

If I were to recommend someone new a growing medium I'd say grow in a coco blend and if you want to use flower girl then blend it right into the coco per instructions and water when almost dry until the pot drips a little out the bottom then wait until almost dry and repeat.

Not sure where you're located but there are better options than flower girl such as Real Growers Grow Dots which were designed for growing cannabis in coco. You just mix them into the coco per instructions and water.

Fox Farms Soil is going to require skilled watering practices. If you use the search bar just search newbie section for "fox farms" and you will see hundreds if not thousands of threads of people having issues from over watering to ph imbalances to "unexplainable" issues that never resolve.

Regarding pots I would recommend doing solo cup > 5 gallon > 10 gallon. I don't think you need any bigger pot if your just using a 4x3 tent with 1 plant.


Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
Adding humidity and using a dehumidifier are completely opposite
We can’t answer because we have no idea what your environment is


Well-Known Member
18/6 light schedule. Try to get some compost. Foxfarm is not good by itself. Walmart sells Black Kow compost in my area of Florida. I would go with a blend of 2/3 compost and 1/3 Foxfarm Ocean Forest, extra perlite for drainage and whatever other amendments you have. Make sure to have good runoff when you water and make sure to let the plant dry back out before watering again. Runoff removes salts from the roots and soil preventing lockout


Well-Known Member
18/6 light schedule. Try to get some compost. Foxfarm is not good by itself. Walmart sells Black Kow compost in my area of Florida. I would go with a blend of 2/3 compost and 1/3 Foxfarm Ocean Forest, extra perlite for drainage and whatever other amendments you have. Make sure to have good runoff when you water and make sure to let the plant dry back out before watering again. Runoff removes salts from the roots and soil preventing lockout
I have plenty of compost. I use food scraps, leaves, grass clippings for years. I have tons of it, lol. I grabbed worm castings and perlite. When you say extra perlite what are you talking?


Well-Known Member
If you are exchanging air with the room environment surrounding the tent, then placing a dehumidifier/humdifier inside the tent wont help much. Better to control the space where you have the tent.

If you are not exchanging air, then you'll need to supplement CO2, and have dehum/hum/temp controls inside the tent. In a closed environment you are almost certain to have excess humidity requiring a dehuey.

I use FFOF no big problems, but you don't need to supplement nutes for a few weeks. After about 3 to 4 weeks of veg I start supplementing nutes with GH Flora or GH Maxi and sometimes a few other supplements. If I wait to supplement until 5 weeks, I usually start seeing deficiencies, so the plant needs something extra.

I use ascorbic acid for pH down. I never need to pH up unless I overdo it on the pH down. I use tap water that is about 8.0pH and 200ppm.

I run lights 24/0 in early veg and 20/4 in mid-late veg. 12/12 flower.

I feed veg nutes through the flower stretch...about first 2 weeks of 12/12, then transition over the following 2 weeks to full flower nutrients.

I use approximately the formula strength on the bottle for GH Flora, and for GH Maxi I do about 1tsp/gal. I use a TDS meter to measure ppm. I target 1000ppm at 6.5pH. When I first start supplementing nutes on the FFOF, I use 1/2 strength. Sometimes I do see a little N claw toxicity on the first 1 or 2 feedings. Some cultivars are more sensitive to this than others.

I'm sure you'll get lots of opinions here. The above works fine for me.

Good luck! Peace ✌


Well-Known Member
Did you watch a YouTube video by chance cause idk why this flower girl and fox farms ocean forest blend is so popular?

I will warn you Fox Farms is not designed for cannabis. Their nutrients have to be used at half strength or they will fry your plants and their soils are finicky and inconsistent at best. Some people have great success with it but usually they've been growing with it for many years..

If I were to recommend someone new a growing medium I'd say grow in a coco blend and if you want to use flower girl then blend it right into the coco per instructions and water when almost dry until the pot drips a little out the bottom then wait until almost dry and repeat.

Not sure where you're located but there are better options than flower girl such as Real Growers Grow Dots which were designed for growing cannabis in coco. You just mix them into the coco per instructions and water.

Fox Farms Soil is going to require skilled watering practices. If you use the search bar just search newbie section for "fox farms" and you will see hundreds if not thousands of threads of people having issues from over watering to ph imbalances to "unexplainable" issues that never resolve.

Regarding pots I would recommend doing solo cup > 5 gallon > 10 gallon. I don't think you need any bigger pot if your just using a 4x3 tent with 1 plant.

CT. The hydroponics store recommended it. I too thought a coco blend would be much better. I feel at ease knowing that's the better option. I'll take a look at real growers too. Haven't opened the flower girl. I was planing on 3 plants.


Well-Known Member
CT. The hydroponics store recommended it. I too thought a coco blend would be much better. I feel at ease knowing that's the better option. I'll take a look at real growers too. Haven't opened the flower girl. I was planing on 3 plants.
Three plants in a 4x3 I'd go with 5 gallon pots. Grow stores tend to recommend FFOF when its not the best option for beginners. I would really look into growing in coco and if you want to feed the plants organically there are options or just feed them using bottled nutrients in your water. The grow dots are just an alternative to the flower girl as it was literally designed to be used in coco for cannabis plants and designed and sold by a grower.


Well-Known Member
If you are exchanging air with the room environment surrounding the tent, then placing a dehumidifier/humdifier inside the tent wont help much. Better to control the space where you have the tent.

If you are not exchanging air, then you'll need to supplement CO2, and have dehum/hum/temp controls inside the tent. In a closed environment you are almost certain to have excess humidity requiring a dehuey.

I use FFOF no big problems, but you don't need to supplement nutes for a few weeks. After about 3 to 4 weeks of veg I start supplementing nutes with GH Flora or GH Maxi and sometimes a few other supplements. If I wait to supplement until 5 weeks, I usually start seeing deficiencies, so the plant needs something extra.

I use ascorbic acid for pH down. I never need to pH up unless I overdo it on the pH down. I use tap water that is about 8.0pH and 200ppm.

I run lights 24/0 in early veg and 20/4 in mid-late veg. 12/12 flower.

I feed veg nutes through the flower stretch...about first 2 weeks of 12/12, then transition over the following 2 weeks to full flower nutrients.

I use approximately the formula strength on the bottle for GH Flora, and for GH Maxi I do about 1tsp/gal. I use a TDS meter to measure ppm. I target 1000ppm at 6.5pH. When I first start supplementing nutes on the FFOF, I use 1/2 strength. Sometimes I do see a little N claw toxicity on the first 1 or 2 feedings. Some cultivars are more sensitive to this than others.

I'm sure you'll get lots of opinions here. The above works fine for me.

Good luck! Peace ✌
When you say exchanging air I only have air being exhausted out. Do I need to pump make up air inside or it's fine without?

I grabbed this pH and tds meters. They seem standard. Waiting on my fans now.



Well-Known Member
Three plants in a 4x3 I'd go with 5 gallon pots. Grow stores tend to recommend FFOF when its not the best option for beginners. I would really look into growing in coco and if you want to feed the plants organically there are options or just feed them using bottled nutrients in your water. The grow dots are just an alternative to the flower girl as it was literally designed to be used in coco for cannabis plants and designed and sold by a grower.
I work in medicine and often say why do patients come in to see me if they have the answers and ignore my recommendation, lol. I'm ABSOLUTELY taking your advice. Coco and dots here I come. I understand the science of it all but need to learn how to diagnose deficiencies and how to remedy them. You guys know your shit. Very much appreciated. I'm sure I'll have a million more.


Well-Known Member
I work in medicine and often say why do patients come in to see me if they have the answers and ignore my recommendation, lol. I'm ABSOLUTELY taking your advice. Coco and dots here I come. I understand the science of it all but need to learn how to diagnose deficiencies and how to remedy them. You guys know your shit. Very much appreciated. I'm sure I'll have a million more.
Keep us updated, should be a good grow. The other option would be mixing liquid nutrients per a feed chart every time you water the plants in coco, this honestly is easier than it sounds. The grow dots though you're just going to need to water and it'll be less tedious.


Well-Known Member
I have plenty of compost. I use food scraps, leaves, grass clippings for years. I have tons of it, lol. I grabbed worm castings and perlite. When you say extra perlite what are you talking?
The compost I use is really heavy so I cut it with perlite so I get better drainage