Convoy? ..Convoy!

good catch. I was laughing too hard to read it properly. These guys prove the statement that Asimov made.

“Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.”

The fuckers can't even use a spell checker.
I use a spell checker but I do not trust it. I really hate when it tries to break one word into two, incorrectly.
good catch. I was laughing too hard to read it properly. These guys prove the statement that Asimov made.

“Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.”

The fuckers can't even use a spell checker.
Sometimes I quote the dumb ones with the improper spelling and forget to put the improperly spelled words in quotation marks.

That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
@xtsho , naaaah. We given em enough rope to hang themselves. Then the animals are let loose! We're just starting. :bigjoint:

No offense but that start ended with a whimper.

"“Freedom Convoy” leader Chris Barber says his “organizing days are over” and he just wants to go home to his farm in Swift Current, Sask., after being arrested and jailed on charges of mischief and obstruct police. "

No commitment.

Not that it's something to be proud of. I'm glad the city of Ottawa didn't have to suffer through this level of violence.



It's becoming apparent that we've always been on the edge of epidemics and global air travel has turned them into pandemics that circle the globe in hours and days. We might even have gotten "lucky" with covid and omicron in particular. Moving forward we will have a more fine grained understanding of these things, it was only recently they have even been noticed in some cases.
the tech to fight worse viruses may or may not exist, i'm more worried that meathead antivaxx dumb fucks will kill us all with their whining shit when something really bad hits...