Convoy? ..Convoy!

I have to say, this has been a pretty weak protest and response up there in Canada. They should have come to Portland to train. We know how to do it here.



Capitol Police ups security ahead of SOTU amid concerns of truck convoy protesting
Capitol Police issued a statement on Friday saying they are planning for extra security ahead of President Biden's first State of the Union address, noting that law enforcement agencies “are aware of plans” of truck convoys arriving into Washington, D.C. around that time.

“Law enforcement agencies across the National Capital Region are aware of plans for a series of truck convoys arriving in Washington, DC around the time of the State of the Union. As with any demonstration, the USCP will facilitate lawful First Amendment activity,” Capitol Police said.

“The USCP is closely coordinating with local, state and federal law enforcement agencies, including DC’s Metropolitan Police Department, the United States Park Police, the United States Secret Service and other allied agencies to include the DC National Guard,” the law enforcement agency added.

Earlier this month, the Department of Homeland Security told other law enforcement partners that U.S truck protests could be taking place, possibly impacting both the Super Bowl on Feb. 13 and the State of the Union, which is scheduled for March 1.

The department “has received reports of truck drivers potentially planning to block roads in major metropolitan cities in the United States in protest of, among other things, vaccine mandates. The convoy will potentially begin in California early as mid-February, potentially impacting the Super Bowl scheduled for 13 February and the State of the Union address scheduled for 1 March,” according to a memo obtained by The Hill on Feb. 9.
i just watched that video twice and didn't see anyone getting trampled, didn't see the horses even get close....unfortunately
I must have blinked. Most of these trash live in rural areas, they should be used to horses.

Caught the video. The one in the brown coat gets nudged aside by the horse three times before slipping on the slippery icy and snow covered street. I don't know about you but I would have figured out the love tap the horse gave the first time made more of an effect on my place in the world than the horse's.
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I have to say, this has been a pretty weak protest and response up there in Canada. They should have come to Portland to train. We know how to do it here.
It was always a battle of hearts and minds, with 90% of the country vaxxed it was an uphill struggle for them, pissing on the national war memorial and dancing on the grave of the unknown soldier, didn't help their PR at all. Over the weeks what sympathy they had melted away and when the cops government did act, they had a lot of support to clear the dipshits out.

It's what happens when the racists, lunatics and idiots, who in America would be republicans. In Canada they have no political home, except tepid support from the conservatives, but they would get burned if they got to close to this mob of fascists, morons and miscreants. So they wander the political wilderness homeless for the most part, rejected by the Tories, but still voting for them. Every now and then there arises a "cause" that can unite them, but it usually has to be antisocial in nature to appeal to them. They will occasionally coalesce around a bad idea or ever charismatic leader I suppose and this is the result.

The government wins the PR war by waiting and warning and takes the streets back for citizens, the idiots are despised. Someone created this "culture war" in Canada, there was no real reason for it, policy is changing all over the place and has been for a while as the pandemic becomes endemic. A lot of fools went tribal during this stupidity and are gonna ruin their lives over nothing but bullshit. There will be no mandates in a couple of months, or vaccine passports because of omicron and falling hospitalizations, not because of these morons.
It was always a battle of hearts and minds, with 90% of the country vaxxed it was an uphill struggle for them, pissing on the national war memorial and dancing on the grave of the unknown soldier, didn't help their PR at all. Over the weeks what sympathy they had melted away and when the cops government did act, they had a lot of support to clear the dipshits out.

It's what happens when the racists, lunatics and idiots, who in America would be republicans. In Canada they have no political home, except tepid support from the conservatives, but they would get burned if they got to close to this mob of fascists, morons and miscreants. So they wander the political wilderness homeless for the most part, rejected by the Tories, but still voting for them. Every now and then there arises a "cause" that can unite them, but it usually has to be antisocial in nature to appeal to them. They will occasionally coalesce around a bad idea or ever charismatic leader I suppose and this is the result.

The government wins the PR war by waiting and warning and takes the streets back for citizens, the idiots are despised. Someone created this "culture war" in Canada, there was no real reason for it, policy is changing all over the place and has been for a while as the pandemic becomes endemic. A lot of fools went tribal during this stupidity and are gonna ruin their lives over nothing but bullshit. There will be no mandates in a couple of months, or vaccine passports because of omicron and falling hospitalizations, not because of these morons.
And that is it, in two months (hopefully) it will mostly be over. Spring will be around the corner, I will stick my head out, and get Omicron 2.0.
And that is it, in two months (hopefully) it will mostly be over. Spring will be around the corner, I will stick my head out, and get Omicron 2.0.
I think when the hospitals aren't swamped and there is an abundance of antiviral medications this spring, we should be able to relax a bit when the weather improves. I expect if there's another round of boosters this fall, it will be updated to better reflect the situation and along with other immunity, vaxxed or natural, prevent even illness. If another strain doesn't pop up, we could be out of the woods for the most part, though the unvaxxed will continue to die like flies, oh well, Darwin at work.
And that is it, in two months (hopefully) it will mostly be over. Spring will be around the corner, I will stick my head out, and get Omicron 2.0.
If hospitalizations are the metric they are using now, you can imagine the impact of antiviral medications, that unlike antibodies, work across multiple strains. There are millions of courses of these medications becoming available now and when we get ahead of this wave, you can see how they will be a game changer, by reducing hospitalizations dramatically.
Well this is gonna be interesting. An elderly indigenous handicapped women on a mobility scooter supposedly trampled and killed by a horse :o! Ya things got a tad ugly last night :(. Cops saying that’s not true and no one hurt.
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Says the brainwashed libatard parrot incapable of critical thinking . You really don't have to continue with your pathetic insecure intellectually challenged existence . Just replace the cock in your mouth with a barrel loser .
Welcome special person! Enjoy your stay here. Perhaps you could elaborate on your “critical thinking” comment. I’ll wait.
If hospitalizations are the metric they are using now, you can imagine the impact of antiviral medications, that unlike antibodies, work across multiple strains. There are millions of courses of these medications becoming available now and when we get ahead of this wave, you can see how they will be a game changer, by reducing hospitalizations dramatically.
Stuff that worked on Delta did not work on Omnicrom, some others that was used on Omnicrom does not work on Omnicrom 2. I doubt I would bet any money which way the virus will go.