Back around 1999 one night we had three dogs all get sprayed point blank in the face by a cornered skunk here at home. They all ran into the house before my mother in law knew what was happening. She came running down the hall towards our bedroom screaming the dogs attacked something. I’m not sure what was going on with her nose but I knew there was a skunk incident a few seconds before I heard her screaming.
I had been eating Oreo cookies with a glass of milk and had just asked the wife if the milk might be old, then I asked if maybe her mom had burned some garlic bread, then I said WTF smells like we have a skunk in the house. I went down to the other end of the house trying to get the dogs back outside and one of them was rubbing her face on everything then started rubbing her face on my bare legs.
I cleaned myself up best I could and went to Food Lion to get tomato juice along with several other ingredients to bath the dogs with outside. I almost cleared out the store, there was no escaping the invisible skunk aroma(aroma to some, odor to others).
We had to keep all three dogs closed off in one room for at least 6 months because the odor was so offensive to my in-laws. One day around 4 months after the incident I thought it was a good idea to bath my dog in the bathtub. I was tired of him being stuck in the sunroom in the back of the house. Well, I stunk up the whole house again and the whole family (wife and in-laws) were acting like they were gonna string me up by my nuts for doing it.
I swear I can catch a faint smell of skunk just typing this post. The smell isn’t really here now but it was so strong that if I breathe in through my nose and think about it I can still smell it.
A couple of years ago there was a dead skunk on the edge the road about 1/8 mile from our house. I didn’t smell anything for a week or so. Then one day you could smell it strong as can be a mile down the road. When I drove by the carcass I noticed a couple of buzzards had dragged it over and were feasting on the ass end.