Pissed of at some bad behavior...

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I just have to say something and get this off my chest. I joined this site to get advice and help with my personal private grow. I have severe diabetes with neuropathy so bad I can't feel my feet. I have severe anxiety as a result of my illness and with knowing I won't be able to work much longer. Cannabis is the only thing that provides relief without taking addictive pills. Why do other growers join this site just to tear down the new guys. WTF are you even doing on this site?? I see it every time I'm on this site. Some "well known member" talking shit to someone legitimately looking for advice, basically calling them dumb ass... So why are you on this site? Is it too feel like you have some authority cause you "grow better weed" than someone else? Or is it so you can virtue signal to everyone else here about your prowess and knowledge?? I just thought this was a community where people can help each other out cause we all have the same interests and obvious hobby?? Think about what you say to others before you say it. As a new Grower there is so much conflicting advice out there it's ridiculous to try to wade through it all. People are fallible and make mistakes. Even you were a dumb ass when you first started growing. Hopefully in the future there can be a set standard on growing and cultivating cannabis that can be used for reference to help first time growers. Nasty comments just set people back that are just looking for help. I read a comment on someone else's post that was just idiotic... This shit had to be said. If you get pissed at others peoples mistakes and don't have the patience to teach others, then shut the hell up and don't say anything and piss off....

I hear ya ! Unfortunately in this world and in here there are many unhappy campers. I think their bitterness breeds contempt and mean spiritedness. On a more positive note, there are heaps of kind, helpful, witty , fun , informative dudes ! F the "bullies", don't yield......stick around. On the very 1st night I spent in this sanctum I got into a bar room brawl.......everybody gets a taste of the " sharp tongue ". I think pricks have been around since the dawn of man.
Escalate what? There is nothing to escalate because this thread is a big nothing. Someone started crying. Myself and others said stop crying. That's pretty much the extent of it.

Whatever it is you wrote I wish you would have just left it. I'm a big boy.

What I said was you apply your corporate standards of behavior to a site designed to help sick people grow cannabis to help with their misery. I said the last thing they need is someone piling on. We're not children. That is true. But it isn't a cage match or Sparta, which is what some people prefer.

Ok? I didn't want to pizz you off accusing you of trashing a sick person looking for help, calling them babies or whatever label you chose.

That's it.

...when you've forgotten to check the expiration date when you're in the grocery store, and don't notice it for a couple days.
On the flip side, I've gained so much knowledge here about so many aspects of cannabis. So many posters with hundreds of styles and combinations of grows. It's great!
This site is specifically designed and run to help people, especially newcomers, grow cannabis, usually for medical issues.
I think you will find, once you have been here a while, that your statement is not accurate. Since the legalization of many places there has been a flood of young growers here that have no medical issues but a ton of attitude. No willingness to be wrong, no knowledge but will defend to the death some grow technique they saw on Youtube or Instagram without ever trying it. Just a trend I have noticed. Most medical growers have resources available to them and also don't come in arrogant and unwilling to take advice. I have seen some of the worst grows on here by humble people who got treated with respect due to their attitude. What you put into this place tends to dictate what comes back at you. Not always but much of the time.

once the troll-crew has assembled
I resemble that remark, not all trolls are bad 11c59b05d916c19bde5cad8157e9150014d0ffd6.gif
That was really a pretty awesome post from @blueberrymilkshake I snorted in amusement multiple times while reading that.
He appears to be sometimes be guilty of PWI though - e.g. posting while (super-super) intoxicated, which probably hurts his trophy points a bit. I always think I’m George Carlin level funny when I’m hella-baked but my wife assures me I’m not.
I assure you my constant state of inebriation has nothing to do with my shitty sense of humor. I don't know how the trophy system works.
What I said was you apply your corporate standards of behavior to a site designed to help sick people grow cannabis to help with their misery. I said the last thing they need is someone piling on. We're not children. That is true. But it isn't a cage match or Sparta, which is what some people prefer.

Ok? I didn't want to pizz you off accusing you of trashing a sick person looking for help, calling them babies or whatever label you chose.

That's it.

Why would I be pissed off? You have a right to your opinion no matter how wrong it is.

I didn't trash anyone. I responded to a post that should never have been made in the first place. I stated what I thought and I stand by what I wrote. I was polite but direct. I don't know why I should have to put on kid gloves. You're right this is a site about cannabis. Last I heard you have to be an adult to consume cannabis so I assume that people on this site are adults. Adults should be able to deal with minor things like some post on the internet without getting all dramatic and starting a thread about it.

I don't see how you can elevate anything I wrote to the level of a cage match. That's just ridiculous. But this also isn't Romper Room.

Have a nice day.
Like the rest of life, I personally think it's about the approach. During my first grow ever I came on this site I had this set up below. In case you can't see I was trying to DWC like 12 plants in 5 gallon buckets with 2 or 3 25w cfls and a long flourescent tube light. I think I was trying to use a mirror for "reflectivity". LOL!

The point is while there were some people who "trolled" me mostly people gently lol'd or said something about their first grow then politely asked me to stop hijacking their thread and then helped me figure out how to make the most out of my budget. :D It has been quite the experience in growing and growing.
first hydro grow.jpg
I think you will find, once you have been here a while, that your statement is not accurate. Since the legalization of many places there has been a flood of young growers here that have no medical issues but a ton of attitude. No willingness to be wrong, no knowledge but will defend to the death some grow technique they saw on Youtube or Instagram without ever trying it. Just a trend I have noticed. Most medical growers have resources available to them and also don't come in arrogant and unwilling to take advice. I have seen some of the worst grows on here by humble people who got treated with respect due to their attitude. What you put into this place tends to dictate what comes back at you. Not always but much of the time.
I see. That explains a bit. Thank you.

Explanations always help. My state has been legal to grow for a couple of years, but only medical. So all of my experience and searches here have been geared towards that end. Most are medical not recreational. My mistake. I'll try to keep that in mind!

My response in this specific thread were due to the heartbreaking initial post. The poster was obviously sick as hell. I've been there. I can't see treating them poorly for any reason. My reaction was emotional.

I just don't like hurdles to getting this fantastic medicine!

Getting a buzz is ok. There's nothing wrong with that! I'm from the 70s. Lol. But being sick is horrible. I plan on helping every single person that asks. If I can help ease agonizing pain for five minutes I will do it!

Recreational is not my mission. I'm here to help people heal. I love it!
Why would I be pissed off? You have a right to your opinion no matter how wrong it is.

I didn't trash anyone. I responded to a post that should never have been made in the first place. I stated what I thought and I stand by what I wrote. I was polite but direct. I don't know why I should have to put on kid gloves. You're right this is a site about cannabis. Last I heard you have to be an adult to consume cannabis so I assume that people on this site are adults. Adults should be able to deal with minor things like some post on the internet without getting all dramatic and starting a thread about it.

I don't see how you can elevate anything I wrote to the level of a cage match. That's just ridiculous. But this also isn't Romper Room.

Have a nice day.
I'll keep that in mind! You have a nice day too!
What I said was you apply your corporate standards of behavior to a site designed to help sick people grow cannabis to help with their misery. I said the last thing they need is someone piling on. We're not children. That is true. But it isn't a cage match or Sparta, which is what some people prefer.

Ok? I didn't want to pizz you off accusing you of trashing a sick person looking for help, calling them babies or whatever label you chose.

That's it.

FYI, referring to 'your corporate standards of behavior' is in fact a troll.
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