Root aphid?

That is in fact an Aphid. You can tell by the color, and the 2 horns coming out the back of the abdomen. There's many types of Aphids, and come in different colors, but they all basically have the same body structure. And thank you for having a decent scope!... not many people can get good, clear shots of thier bugs.
Random pic from the world wide inter web of Rice Root Aphids.....
Screen Shot 2022-02-09 at 6.06.31 PM.png
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you dont get rid of them in 2 weeks without using something gnarly, thats for damn sure. Quickest way is to just clone everything and scrap all your soil.
From what I've been reading online, it seems like this is the only option for most.
These shits came from out of nowhere too. I'm really at a loss of words if this is the only option. I just started back up just to shut it back down.
I had a fungus gnat problem once that wasn't really out of hand but there were visible fungus gnats at all times in 2 different teit's 2 different tents and the only way that I rectified that problem and it was rectified very quickly was through beneficial nematodes and about a 1 to 2" thick layer of diotomacious Earth over the top of the soil
I would order those beneficials on Amazon prime get them next day I would do an H202 drench then flush with ro water then add nematodes and cover the top with diotomacious Earth. If you are using fabric pots or smart pots transplant to plastic pots until the problem is solved.
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Most treatments will require you to soak rootballs for a few minutes. That’s not always feasible depending on the size of your plants and it’s messy and super stressful on plants. Systemics work best but then you need to veg the plants for a while to get the plant tissues clean again.
it’s probably cheapest and quickest to just take 10-15 days to clone everything and clean your space in the meantime.
I would order those beneficials on Amazon prime get them next day I would do an H202 drench then flush with ro water then add nematodes and cover the top with diotomacious Earth. If you are using fabric pots or smart pots transplant to plastic pots until the problem is solved.

Curious why transporting to plastic is helpful...battling an invasion right now
Curious why transporting to plastic is helpful...battling an invasion right now
yeah, changing pots is not gonna do much. Are you dealing with these in flower? I did rootball dunks with pyganic to knock the population back and then ultimately imidacloprid was what got rid of them for good. I was dealing with them in veg though, in flower you might try bioceres WP to keep them under control until harvest.

Coincidentally, every time I have tried to run coco, I've ended up with root aphids....not sure if they are somehow attracted to the substrate where i live, but when i go back to peat based mixes I dont have any problems.
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