

Well-Known Member
I don't know how they are fucking up, but they are. The bottom line is Vlad is violating not just the UN charter, but multiple agreements to protect Ukraine's sovereignty. Ukraine gave up it nuclear weapons over one of those treaties.

Vlad just went to nuclear defcon 2, a sign of desperation and possible suicidal intent.
I ,WE, can only hope that if he gives THAT order,that sanity prevails,I firmly believe that Russians in those positions would refuse to carry out launches,they KNOW what that means for humanity as a whole and they also KNOW their leader is a lying criminal. I know that Russians are people just like us, they want to love their family and live life as do we and I'm counting on them to do the right thing as they know that Russia is not being threatened in that way.


Well-Known Member
Well the good thing that came out of the invasion is that Covid-19 seems to be over, gone, no one mentioning it anymore just like that


Well-Known Member
t’s so great to see all the folk boycotting Russia after they invaded the Ukraine on a bullshit made up premise.
It reminds me of that time we all did the same thing to America when they invaded Iraq on a bullshit made up premise.
Oh, wait..

Just heard on the TV news that the US has sent in an assassination team to hit Putin. IDK if that's true or not but.....just but....( and no Hannibal its a Packer owned station not Murdoch ..)
Luke, my Aussie friend,#1 Australia didn't get hit on 9/11,factor in the paranoia from that and also it wasn't just WMD,Saddam violated the UN no fly zone agreements for years,he violated the spirit of the agreement flying helicopters to wipe out Kurds in the north no fly zone as well as bringing radars and SAMS into both southern and northern Iraq and started lighting up the air patrols over those areas. The Bush adm. FKD up and concentrated on WMD as a reason to go back,when in fact the UN violations were cause enough,plus the US admitted to finding no WMD and took the hit,how many other's would have planted WMD's to cover their asses.


Well-Known Member
Treasury announced that starting today US persons will be prohibited "from engaging in transactions with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the National Wealth Fund of the Russian Federation, and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation...


Well-Known Member
Have just watched video's of captured Russians,many are teenagers,conscripts,stating they were lied to, they were told they were exercises,a few in late 20's also stated they don't want war and have families in Russia. Clearly their hearts are not into this,they look confused.Now I know when taken POW,coercion exists,but I think their thoughts are genuine and there is low morale for Putin's gambit,this could be the end of Putin.