Does smoke get much smoother post one month cure?


Well-Known Member
I know people cure for months some hold over a year.

I've just hit one month with my last harvest curing in jars . Still hits a bit harsh but it's improving . I flushed two weeks before harvest and didn't overfeed on the nutes it was also soaked in water after chop so it should be as closed to its natural smoke and aroma as possible or there abouts . The smell is great from all 3 strains but needs a few more months in jars . Will there be a noticeable difference as the months go on when do you start to get diminishing returns

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
I’ve had harsh street taste that I left for a few months. Then it was surprisingly smooth!

That’s my limited experience. My buds always smooth even if dried after 5 days lol. Organics and cautious feeding result in smooth smoke.

I find curing works better for some strains than others. So actually get worse over time. In my
Opinion the 2-3 month mark seems to be the sweet spot.

Although I have some 2 year old blue cheese which is incredibly feety lol

Milky Weed

Well-Known Member
I think it may depend on the strain, i had one that needed a cure to mellow out the more acrid terps while all my other strains were ready immediatley after the initial dry.


Well-Known Member
Very generally speaking, yes. Smoke "should be" smoother a month into storage.

As stated though, it's all about proper drying. Weed pretty much cures as it dries, and you should be able to smoke it right off the trim tray. But I do agree that it just seems "better" after some proper storage time.


Well-Known Member
All I know is I did a good job drying this time and my fresh buds smell much better than the stuff I "cured" last time. I doubt they will improve with age, usually the smell just gets duller and starts to smell more generic.
Yeah true, but with proper storage I've always noticed the flavor of smoke kind of "deepens", if that makes sense. ...?


Well-Known Member
I’ve harvested nearly every month for years now. Weed gets old. Does it make you not cough as much to let it get old, yeah. But it’s not as strong either. Hang dry at 60/60 trim it, into jars and turkey bags. Open the jars once a day, after 4-7 days you will notice the off gassing of the green smell to be gone. That’s when it’s at its best imo.


Well-Known Member
There is a reason Chef's prefer to use fresh herbs and why herbs and spices that have been stored for extended amounts of time lack flavor and smell. The same principles that cause the decrease in taste and smell apply to cannabis. It might taste smoother but that's due to less terpene content.


Well-Known Member
It really varies a lot by the predominant terpenes too. There is nothing like fresh OG, it doesn't get any better. But I like some aged cheese/skunk, some terpenes just age better. I don't really consider what I do to be curing anymore, I like to bag at 55% after a low/slow dry, and that's it until the next crop.