Democrat virtue signaling = bad energy policy and inflation

It's not that it's "a lie" ---- and that's the kicker.

Much like the origin of this entire thread, modern day Republicans are only using a piece of the graph to fit their narrative. . ..and it's not a lie, per se, it's just incorrect because all you need to do is "zoom out" to see the whole picture, and not just the piece they're selling you.

SOME are outright lying, sure. . .. like the whole "Space Jews with lasers" thing, albeit super fucking hilarious is just an outright lie.

. . .. .or IS IT?!?!?!?!?!
The *INTENT TO DECEIVE* makes it lying, straight up.
It’s explaining why it’s not just war that is causing inflation. We were going in this direction before it even happened. Gas prices have been rising for the last year since dems had power of all 3 branches of gov. They pushed a bunch of garbage policies and we are Now seeing the fruits of those policies.
First, lay off the brick weed
second, Dems do not have the three branches you twit, Joe Manchin is a trumpturd in Dem clothing. Manchin even sat with the rightwing at state of the union
third, Covid resulted in many industries to suffer because of supply chain problems
fourth, do not get info and talking points from Joe Rogan, MTG or any right wing politician
finally since this is a non profane site and I am a newbie will refrain on further thoughts
It's not that it's "a lie" ---- and that's the kicker.

Much like the origin of this entire thread, modern day Republicans are only using a piece of the graph to fit their narrative. . ..and it's not a lie, per se, it's just incorrect because all you need to do is "zoom out" to see the whole picture, and not just the piece they're selling you.

SOME are outright lying, sure. . .. like the whole "Space Jews with lasers" thing, albeit super fucking hilarious is just an outright lie.

. . .. .or IS IT?!?!?!?!?!
Deliberate distortion of data is a lie: the deliberate delivery of a misleading message. The best lies are subtle things that require skill and attention to catch. Some have the skill, and a minority put in the attention.
An example is the early explanation of voodoo economics and the Laffer curve.
It’s explaining why it’s not just war that is causing inflation. We were going in this direction before it even happened. Gas prices have been rising for the last year since dems had power of all 3 branches of gov. They pushed a bunch of garbage policies and we are Now seeing the fruits of those policies.
Let’s start over: inflation began to rise as more states forced citizens to get back in motion; after a couple years of restricted trade, people were buying again. Companies, the ones that weren’t marginalized out of business, decided that since the money was flowing again, it was time to take a bigger bite. If gas prices *did* begin to seem inflationary at that point (let’s say 11/01/20-01/20/21, shall we?), IT COULD NOT BE DUE TO ANY ACTION OF BIDEN’S. He wasn’t IN office, so nothing he did could have bumped prices.

Why would gas prices rise “too much” so fast otherwise?

OPPORTUNITY: gouging the public while blaming democrats is a real sport among GOP; GOP-leaning & -supporting boards of directors would have no issue with gouging the public pricewise (and they never have had in the past 40-50 years), especially if they can gouge democrats in government & earn political points for doing it. They saw the chance to hurt the new administration in the public’s eyes, increase their already substantial profits, and destabilize the emerging political independence of people in general, by making sure they remained short of cash, even after regaining employment.

They acted on it, because there was (is) no downside for them.

While the earliest hikes may have been driven by need (remember, some of the earliest price hikes were driven by scarcity), once the oil companies started pushing prices up, other companies began jumping on the bandwagon enthusiastically…and raising prices became “the thing to do”. After all, they can ALWAYS blame it on Democrats (they blame *EVERYTHING* on Democrats), and their captive minions will totally buy into it - just like they always do.

Price hikes by anti-tax / anti-regulation / anti-oversight / anti-worker companies, beginning almost as soon as BIDEN won, that logged record profits during the shutdowns really *OUGHT* to have been a big ol’ hint of what happened next: (to recap) raising prices became the rage - and penalty-free, thanks to the generations-long ritual demonizing & scapegoating of everyone who doesn’t want to be forced into a powerless “servant population”…but especially of Democrats (who are, of course, the only group positioned to blow the whistle on their craziest and most dire plans for the rest of us)

People say there’s no difference between the two parties…one does exactly as it pleases, has no problem with fraud or political violence, and always blames SOMEONE ELSE no matter how long they’ve been in power, how ably they interfere with their own government (which they’re sworn to uphold, protect, and defend) - and NEVER take responsibility for *anything at all*. The other is trying to hold the fabric of our civilization together without killing everybody *AND* address the national and international issues and events that require sane and coherent responses.

I’d say that’s a big difference; if you can’t see it, maybe you’re not even looking.
Let’s start over: inflation began to rise as more states forced citizens to get back in motion; after a couple years of restricted trade, people were buying again. Companies, the ones that weren’t marginalized out of business, decided that since the money was flowing again, it was time to take a bigger bite. If gas prices *did* begin to seem inflationary at that point (let’s say 11/01/20-01/20/21, shall we?), IT COULD NOT BE DUE TO ANY ACTION OF BIDEN’S. He wasn’t IN office, so nothing he did could have bumped prices.

Why would gas prices rise “too much” so fast otherwise?

OPPORTUNITY: gouging the public while blaming democrats is a real sport among GOP; GOP-leaning & -supporting boards of directors would have no issue with gouging the public pricewise (and they never have had in the past 40-50 years), especially if they can gouge democrats in government & earn political points for doing it. They saw the chance to hurt the new administration in the public’s eyes, increase their already substantial profits, and destabilize the emerging political independence of people in general, by making sure they remained short of cash, even after regaining employment.

They acted on it, because there was (is) no downside for them.

While the earliest hikes may have been driven by need (remember, some of the earliest price hikes were driven by scarcity), once the oil companies started pushing prices up, other companies began jumping on the bandwagon enthusiastically…and raising prices became “the thing to do”. After all, they can ALWAYS blame it on Democrats (they blame *EVERYTHING* on Democrats), and their captive minions will totally buy into it - just like they always do.

Price hikes by anti-tax / anti-regulation / anti-oversight / anti-worker companies, beginning almost as soon as BIDEN won, that logged record profits during the shutdowns really *OUGHT* to have been a big ol’ hint of what happened next: (to recap) raising prices became the rage - and penalty-free, thanks to the generations-long ritual demonizing & scapegoating of everyone who doesn’t want to be forced into a powerless “servant population”…but especially of Democrats (who are, of course, the only group positioned to blow the whistle on their craziest and most dire plans for the rest of us)

People say there’s no difference between the two parties…one does exactly as it pleases, has no problem with fraud or political violence, and always blames SOMEONE ELSE no matter how long they’ve been in power, how ably they interfere with their own government (which they’re sworn to uphold, protect, and defend) - and NEVER take responsibility for *anything at all*. The other is trying to hold the fabric of our civilization together without killing everybody *AND* address the national and international issues and events that require sane and coherent responses.

I’d say that’s a big difference; if you can’t see it, maybe you’re not even looking.
Plus rep
Thank you kindly

To the OT, I found this well-said…it’s about oil prices:
The day before was more of the same from Doochey, and Brain Taylor Cohen really went off on it in a way I haven't heard from him.

(it is worth watching from he beginning because Psaki is really great at her job)

BTW, for such a shit titled thread, the responses were fantastic. I really have learned a lot form the people that actually know the oil industry, thank you.