Flushing too early


Active Member

This is my first grow. I’m growing 8autos from fast budz, Gellato, Wedding Cake Auto and one skittlez.

setup: 120x120cm tent, hps 600v with cool tube, ven 6 inch.

soil canna terra pro plus

I’m nearly done, it’s end of week 9, tomorrow week 10 starts. Skipping the fact that I had tremendous amount of problems during the grow starting from over 12hrs dark period during veg as I had to hide them cus got landlord coming for an inspection -.- then some starvation/over feeding I guess. Anyways I’ve done my best and I’d do better with my next grow, it’s all about experience :))

So the thingIm wondering if I pherhaps started flushing too early. Last Sunday was last dose of canna flo, I was feeding them half of recommended dose.I started flushing them on Monday, I guess some will be ready in few days however there are some that still have white pistils and all of the leaves turned yellow :/ I don’t know if I should feed them again or just wait? Any advice much appreciated.

Ps. Sorry if I’m posting in the wrong section



Active Member
Well over a month to go. Your lack of nutrients kept the plant from maturing properly IMO
:O surprised me there then, I know I probably stunted them but I didn’t expect a mont as those are autos that suppose to be ready in 10 weeks. What would u suggest then?


Well-Known Member
:O surprised me there then, I know I probably stunted them but I didn’t expect a mont as those are autos that suppose to be ready in 10 weeks. What would u suggest then?
Feeding them properly and letting them finish. They look pretty good, just underfed. Maybe they were fine until you started flushing but who knows without pics before


Active Member
Well before I had yellow leaves here and there but nothing like now, now as u see the whole plant is yellow -.- so do u think if I start feeding them again they’d would come out fine ? What the dose would u suggest, full dose or 1/2?


Active Member
Right so as far as I understand I should start feeding them again, now the question is what dose, do u recon I should go wiv full dose or half?

and also should I start feeding all of them or only the one that I shown u on the first pic?

I’ve got two or three of them like that one

here’s another one for comparison:



Well-Known Member
Using breeders timelines should be used as a gauge that seldom meets its reported goal so it kinda becomes a marketing strategy...... I feed till the last although cutting back on any 'grow' nutes.
Parameters such as DLI etc become important in keeping autos performing within their genetic makeup as we hope they will. Patience is the best tool and the last to be employed.
The last pics appear to show 3-4 weeks left...Nice plants, let'em finish.


Well-Known Member
Well before I had yellow leaves here and there but nothing like now, now as u see the whole plant is yellow -.- so do u think if I start feeding them again they’d would come out fine ? What the dose would u suggest, full dose or 1/2?
If those leaves were mostly on the lower part of the plant, that’s a sign to bump up your feed.

If you don’t add any nutrients they won’t finish properly.


Well-Known Member
Right so as far as I understand I should start feeding them again, now the question is what dose, do u recon I should go wiv full dose or half?

and also should I start feeding all of them or only the one that I shown u on the first pic?

I’ve got two or three of them like that one

here’s another one for comparison:
I don’t ever stop supplying food to my plants mate.

Towards the end of flowering I taper down slightly as the demand for nutrients decreases slightly the closer you get to harvest but I never “flush” unless it’s brown then i flush it down!



Well-Known Member
Just curious- Do they have a strong scent? I worked with autos for a few rounds but never really got too much of a “bouquet” from them. Those look really nice so hoping you get the full experience from them (unless you are happy to not be stinking up the area, which is understandable).
Also- my first try at autos ran about 110 days(!), no joke. Was Banana Kush from ILGM. I was inexperienced then, but still- NEVER put all faith in the breeder’s timeline, haha.
Another little advice is don’t let life pass you by while you wonder how much longer. I was just thinking this 20 minutes ago after checking in on my plants. Patience.
Happy growing, yo


Active Member
Sorry if I’m flooding u with questions but there is just one more thing that I cannot stop thinking about :D so if all of the leaves are yellow, do u think that feeding plants again would help them finish properly despite the fact that there ain’t no green leaves left ? (Might be a dump question that but there are no dump questions so I’ve heard hah)