Flushing too early


Well-Known Member
I would pull off any completely yellow leaves that come off with an easy tug. You could even feed it, give it a few days then pull leaves. That way you can see what is toast and what will still green up.


Well-Known Member
If advertised 60 days you can add a few weeks on it without a problem.
Sorry if I’m flooding u with questions but there is just one more thing that I cannot stop thinking about :D so if all of the leaves are yellow, do u think that feeding plants again would help them finish properly despite the fact that there ain’t no green leaves left ? (Might be a dump question that but there are no dump questions so I’ve heard hah)
I feed all the way till chop, photos give you more control and take about same time. Autos dont need 12hr darkness if any. Ran them 20hr on when l grew them or 24hr in winter. Find that autos take longer than advertised for most part. A few weeks more.


Well-Known Member

This is my first grow. I’m growing 8autos from fast budz, Gellato, Wedding Cake Auto and one skittlez.

setup: 120x120cm tent, hps 600v with cool tube, ven 6 inch.

soil canna terra pro plus

I’m nearly done, it’s end of week 9, tomorrow week 10 starts. Skipping the fact that I had tremendous amount of problems during the grow starting from over 12hrs dark period during veg as I had to hide them cus got landlord coming for an inspection -.- then some starvation/over feeding I guess. Anyways I’ve done my best and I’d do better with my next grow, it’s all about experience :))

So the thingIm wondering if I pherhaps started flushing too early. Last Sunday was last dose of canna flo, I was feeding them half of recommended dose.I started flushing them on Monday, I guess some will be ready in few days however there are some that still have white pistils and all of the leaves turned yellow :/ I don’t know if I should feed them again or just wait? Any advice much appreciated.

Ps. Sorry if I’m posting in the wrong section
I know you already got good advice to start feeding again which is a good idea. Just wanted to chime in with an estimate of time left on the plant. I'm not sure which plant is which but the second photo show a plant with about another 5 weeks to go. Good job so far.



This is my first grow. I’m growing 8autos from fast budz, Gellato, Wedding Cake Auto and one skittlez.

setup: 120x120cm tent, hps 600v with cool tube, ven 6 inch.

soil canna terra pro plus

I’m nearly done, it’s end of week 9, tomorrow week 10 starts. Skipping the fact that I had tremendous amount of problems during the grow starting from over 12hrs dark period during veg as I had to hide them cus got landlord coming for an inspection -.- then some starvation/over feeding I guess. Anyways I’ve done my best and I’d do better with my next grow, it’s all about experience :))

So the thingIm wondering if I pherhaps started flushing too early. Last Sunday was last dose of canna flo, I was feeding them half of recommended dose.I started flushing them on Monday, I guess some will be ready in few days however there are some that still have white pistils and all of the leaves turned yellow :/ I don’t know if I should feed them again or just wait? Any advice much appreciated.

Ps. Sorry if I’m posting in the wrong section
If you started flushing 10 days before harvest than your fine, Iv even heard of 15 day flushes with good results. Personally I always run a 10 day flush.


Active Member
I would pull off any completely yellow leaves that come off with an easy tug. You could even feed it, give it a few days then pull leaves. That way you can see what is toast and what will still green up.
I mean some of them come off easy when I tug them but the thing is all of the leaves are proper yellow so that’s what worries me cus as far as I know the plant cannot get more energy out of yellow leaves so that’s why I was wondering if feeding them back again would allow them to mature properly if there are no green leaves left :/