Well-Known Member
I'm almost 12wks flower on some "piffs2" (a5haze). There is catpiss but the soapiness overpowers it. I get piss the first nano-sec of a rub. Then it turns to soap n liver and thats all i smell for awhile.I've heard nyc piff was a similar lineage to catpiss ssh x columbian sativa, very similar to catpiss in aroma too. Not really sure about that piff lineage though. I don't think anybody is.. I'd pay a $1000 for a clone of it..
Nevil said if catpiss turns up in more than 25% of offspring then its inbred.
IDFK why but maybe thats his skunk n haze experience.
Runtz x Obama isn't inbred but almost every pheno had some level of batpiss.