Aussie Growers Thread

90% sure I know who, there was an interstate tree mob with a fucking cherry picker working in eyeshot. Cleaning up the same storm that took out the house and car because the government can’t pull their cocks out each other’s bums and clean up a storm from January!!!

I don’t know many folks in this town, but blessed everyone I do know and trust with enough seeds and clones to not need to commit the cardinal sin.

Gonna have a look around tomorrow and If I do get hold of him/them I’ll be a happy man, and dish out some swift justice, but it’s doubtful they’re still about.

Good luck to everyone else for a safe harvest and if you do catch a bandit give him a few digs for me!
That sucks.
I have found over the years that it's usually someone who you trust, or someone they have trusted (on your unknowing behalf) that are the culprits. They go quiet or you don't see them for a while, they kind of avoid you, fall out of routine when you are involved etc...
That sucks.
I have found over the years that it's usually someone who you trust, or someone they have trusted (on your unknowing behalf) that are the culprits. They go quiet or you don't see them for a while, they kind of avoid you, fall out of routine when you are involved etc...
Yeah mate, I’m just gonna stay quiet and time will tell…
You still going with the outer town tree loppers that just happened to see it? One of the perks of the job I suppose. Piss poor.
Yeah mate, I keep coming back to them. Worst still, I do tree’s and have seen countless crops this year and every year and not once considered taking anything, most of the time I won’t even tell the boys. Out of respect for fellow growers/ smokers privacy.
it happened to me about 4 years ago, so I know how it feels mate, felt violated to be honest.

I ended up redesigning my plot moved it closer to the house and used 2.8m high black cyclone wire fencing mesh then cable tied shade cloth to that works a treat.

anything that will slow the cunts down, barbed wire and black berry bushes are also pretty good.
Blackberry bushes are the worlds number one deterrent.