
Yea I have 2 aluminum grinders with worn out threads, and the aluminum was starting to flake off on one. The Herb Ripper is stainless and is threaded, but the threads are course and have lots of bite, and I think the thread pitch helps mitigate how many times you have to unscrew it to get at the fluffy goodness inside. It's pricey too, though, for the full size 4 piece. $180. They have smaller ones and 3 piece with no catcher.

The QUBUS looks great too. It's $100 for the basic version, or you can get it CNC customized with some text and a logo on the top for $180. It has a nice magnetic design, and this was the main runner up to the UM grinder I ended up with.

The Brilliant Cut was on my list as well. If I didn't want something held together with magnets or made from SS, I would have probably got that one. A buddy has one and it's great.
Yea I have 2 aluminum grinders with worn out threads, and the aluminum was starting to flake off on one. The Herb Ripper is stainless and is threaded, but the threads are course and have lots of bite, and I think the thread pitch helps mitigate how many times you have to unscrew it to get at the fluffy goodness inside. It's pricey too, though, for the full size 4 piece. $180. They have smaller ones and 3 piece with no catcher.

The QUBUS looks great too. It's $100 for the basic version, or you can get it CNC customized with some text and a logo on the top for $180. It has a nice magnetic design, and this was the main runner up to the UM grinder I ended up with.

The Brilliant Cut was on my list as well. If I didn't want something held together with magnets or made from SS, I would have probably got that one. A buddy has one and it's great.
No shit. If I wanted to inhale aluminum I'd still be using a soda can, :lol:.
Grinders are convient and some look neat and high tec. But the residues they accumulate over time is more of a pain in the ass to clean. Can anyone tell me why it's a better idea to churn, mash and grind up all those trichomes?
Been there, done that. Scrapped it.
Cuticle scissors is the only thing I use now.
$5 at Target, Walgreens and Walmart.
its just the speed.put a nug in force it shut turn 5 times and its ready. and all that destroyed trichomes will still be on my weed and will go in to the bong soo i dont really stress about that.
its just the speed.put a nug in force it shut turn 5 times and its ready. and all that destroyed trichomes will still be on my weed and will go in to the bong soo i dont really stress about that.
I agree with the convenience of it, but dirty grinder teeth are tacky and they'll collect more broken glands everytime you grind up a flower. Its just the nature if the beast. Hence the way some look. A clean grinder would be opposite.
The screen and tray I feel are just there to make you feel better about your purchase of a product that destroys your trichomes. Screen and tray just make a person feel better, like they didnt loose potency because they got a tray with alot of stalks and less heads. Heads are still stuck on the teeth.
i tried the scissors and if you dont maintaine them they become same as the grinder. if i wanted to clean them every day i would clean the grinder the same way. never tried the screen and tray? did the hash grinder but buds explode on the other side its annoying.
Grinders are convient and some look neat and high tec. But the residues they accumulate over time is more of a pain in the ass to clean. Can anyone tell me why it's a better idea to churn, mash and grind up all those trichomes?
Been there, done that. Scrapped it.
Cuticle scissors is the only thing I use now.
$5 at Target, Walgreens and Walmart.
This has had at least a 1/2 lb run through by now. Never cleaned once.
Yea I have 2 aluminum grinders with worn out threads, and the aluminum was starting to flake off on one. The Herb Ripper is stainless and is threaded, but the threads are course and have lots of bite, and I think the thread pitch helps mitigate how many times you have to unscrew it to get at the fluffy goodness inside. It's pricey too, though, for the full size 4 piece. $180. They have smaller ones and 3 piece with no catcher.

The QUBUS looks great too. It's $100 for the basic version, or you can get it CNC customized with some text and a logo on the top for $180. It has a nice magnetic design, and this was the main runner up to the UM grinder I ended up with.

The Brilliant Cut was on my list as well. If I didn't want something held together with magnets or made from SS, I would have probably got that one. A buddy has one and it's great.
The Brilliant Cut is magnetically held together and has a lifetime warranty.
I just don't see the logic in using a grinder. More often than not, I find myself just packing a bowl sized bud. Lite it once and it holds a cherry till the end. Scissors are for big buds taken off the stem.
To each their own.
I was the same way for most of my life, until I used a girlfriend’s grinder to roll a joint. It magically fluffed up the bud in a way that I was never able to achieve, and made it really easy to roll. I still crush up buds by and stick them into my pipe sometimes, but I never roll a joint without it.
I was the same way for most of my life, until I used a girlfriend’s grinder to roll a joint. It magically fluffed up the bud in a way that I was never able to achieve, and made it really easy to roll. I still crush up buds by and stick them into my pipe sometimes, but I never roll a joint without it.
Joints are a different animal all together. A grinder is the best option. Like you said, it fluffs the bud. Practically eliminates any runs from uneven burning.
Lol, I haven't smoked a joint for a long time. I forget I even have a bowl in my hands let alone a joint.
since i quit tobbaco i havent done joints much. and every time now the tobbacoo makes me more high than the weed. just lowers me down
Bro, I've been trying to quit smoking for so long now. Going on 26yrs and nothing has worked. I did the Chantix pills and just wanted to kill myself, so the doctor took me off. Gum, lozenges and patches, still smoked with them. Then the vaping scene came about and I tried again to quit. Now I flippin vape and smoke, SMH. I'm doomed, but we all gotta die from something, some day.
Props on beating the beast!!
yea my friend tried vaping then he started like you doing both hahah.
i cant say i defeated it because if i get totally wasted with alchohol i will smoke. but when i am normal i have no problem not smoking. i realised i never liked them. gave me cold sweat and allways put me down brain gets too foggy cant explain it.
first time i realised i stopped smoking was after getting a fresh malrboro red smoking it and thinking to my selfe why the fuck are you smoking it it doesnt even taste good.

but pure weed now the high is soo much better