This thread is an example of why I’m too scared of the internets to leave the general forum most the time….
Nah, this thread is just another example you fuckers ALL need to smoke a (nother) bowl. Seriously.
Entertaining as fuck at times, lot of really good information from the two perspectives on the far side of the spectrum, but jeeebus. Maybe it’s because I’m a moderate and libertarian thru n thru, but I’m crying in sympathy and laughter at most ya’ll, some of us do like to use the best of ideas from both worlds for a very good and balanced product we’re proud and confident to consume and share. Yin and Yang
Quoteing your post to bookmark, I’m always looking for a small guy/shop doing something smart I might need someday.
Back to the vitriol here, a lot of you guys are really smarter and wiser than to be this mean. By all means, freely accept a good challenge and argument without hesitation here, but try not to douche out on poor Pads tooo much behind the wall of internet anonymity. If you’re bored and just want to vent some on someone who won’t complain, come poke fun at my latest outdoor winter auto grow. I really don’t care if you want to tell me where or what to shove - before I smoke or lick it or whatever you think I should maybe do with my plants/opinions, here or in any thread.
I feel like I got to protect a poor puppy being beat like a dead horse here by the retard teenagers usually seen huffing paint in the back alley. Seriously, what the fuck did Pads really do at the start of this post besides offer a differing opinion (…or the complimentary chapstick he got with the lights from mars
