Just a struggling newbie...unsure of problem.

Which is why I always advise keeping the ego clear of things, and why I poke fun.
The science does not change, but as different principles are widely discovered, it opens the door for corporate profit. Exploitation always comes before implementation.
Time for some munchies and tv I guess, I’m going to start to lose brain cells in this conversation. I’m out before pudwans next South Park link.
Time for some munchies and tv I guess, I’m going to start to lose brain cells in this conversation. I’m out before pudwans next South Park link.
Just turn to Comedy Central then. Channel 249. Terrance and Phillip: Behind the Blow is on now, lol.
This thread is an example of why I’m too scared of the internets to leave the general forum most the time….

Nah, this thread is just another example you fuckers ALL need to smoke a (nother) bowl. Seriously.

Entertaining as fuck at times, lot of really good information from the two perspectives on the far side of the spectrum, but jeeebus. Maybe it’s because I’m a moderate and libertarian thru n thru, but I’m crying in sympathy and laughter at most ya’ll, some of us do like to use the best of ideas from both worlds for a very good and balanced product we’re proud and confident to consume and share. Yin and Yang

Looking at your plants, it looks like the leaf burn is worse towards the bottom.
I think you can't really look past that leaf burn. Gotta fix that before any other symptoms can be judged.
The medium is too hot for them.
Most label directions should be cut in half.
I'm not sure what you'll do about the saturated soil.
Perhaps go with ph'd water in the sips for a while, until the burn stops?
If you have any genuine insect problems, I have successfully used Method1 pps in any number of situations. Small company, owners ship the product the created themselves. Natural essential oils in a formula that seems particularly effective.
Those plants aren't mortally threatened. You can bring them back into full health and get a good harvest. Just get the soil flushed and bring your ppms down.

Quoteing your post to bookmark, I’m always looking for a small guy/shop doing something smart I might need someday.

Back to the vitriol here, a lot of you guys are really smarter and wiser than to be this mean. By all means, freely accept a good challenge and argument without hesitation here, but try not to douche out on poor Pads tooo much behind the wall of internet anonymity. If you’re bored and just want to vent some on someone who won’t complain, come poke fun at my latest outdoor winter auto grow. I really don’t care if you want to tell me where or what to shove - before I smoke or lick it or whatever you think I should maybe do with my plants/opinions, here or in any thread.

I feel like I got to protect a poor puppy being beat like a dead horse here by the retard teenagers usually seen huffing paint in the back alley. Seriously, what the fuck did Pads really do at the start of this post besides offer a differing opinion (…or the complimentary chapstick he got with the lights from mars :wink:)?
This thread is an example of why I’m too scared of the internets to leave the general forum most the time….

Nah, this thread is just another example you fuckers ALL need to smoke a (nother) bowl. Seriously.

Entertaining as fuck at times, lot of really good information from the two perspectives on the far side of the spectrum, but jeeebus. Maybe it’s because I’m a moderate and libertarian thru n thru, but I’m crying in sympathy and laughter at most ya’ll, some of us do like to use the best of ideas from both worlds for a very good and balanced product we’re proud and confident to consume and share. Yin and Yang

Quoteing your post to bookmark, I’m always looking for a small guy/shop doing something smart I might need someday.

Back to the vitriol here, a lot of you guys are really smarter and wiser than to be this mean. By all means, freely accept a good challenge and argument without hesitation here, but try not to douche out on poor Pads tooo much behind the wall of internet anonymity. If you’re bored and just want to vent some on someone who won’t complain, come poke fun at my latest outdoor winter auto grow. I really don’t care if you want to tell me where or what to shove - before I smoke or lick it or whatever you think I should maybe do with my plants/opinions, here or in any thread.

I feel like I got to protect a poor puppy being beat like a dead horse here by the retard teenagers usually seen huffing paint in the back alley. Seriously, what the fuck did Pads really do at the start of this post besides offer a differing opinion (…or the complimentary chapstick he got with the lights from mars :wink:)?
I made a simple choice years ago.
Simply don't get mad.
But, it helps to counter strong opinions with humor.
The behavior of people on forums only mirrors the behavior of people in society right now.
I suggest not taking it so seriously.
I would have had a stroke watching it take decades for people to accept a truth I freely tried to share the whole time, if I were to take myself too seriously.
Hard feeling cause the issues, not witty reparte.... :)
This thread is an example of why I’m too scared of the internets to leave the general forum most the time….

Nah, this thread is just another example you fuckers ALL need to smoke a (nother) bowl. Seriously.

Entertaining as fuck at times, lot of really good information from the two perspectives on the far side of the spectrum, but jeeebus. Maybe it’s because I’m a moderate and libertarian thru n thru, but I’m crying in sympathy and laughter at most ya’ll, some of us do like to use the best of ideas from both worlds for a very good and balanced product we’re proud and confident to consume and share. Yin and Yang

Quoteing your post to bookmark, I’m always looking for a small guy/shop doing something smart I might need someday.

Back to the vitriol here, a lot of you guys are really smarter and wiser than to be this mean. By all means, freely accept a good challenge and argument without hesitation here, but try not to douche out on poor Pads tooo much behind the wall of internet anonymity. If you’re bored and just want to vent some on someone who won’t complain, come poke fun at my latest outdoor winter auto grow. I really don’t care if you want to tell me where or what to shove - before I smoke or lick it or whatever you think I should maybe do with my plants/opinions, here or in any thread.

I feel like I got to protect a poor puppy being beat like a dead horse here by the retard teenagers usually seen huffing paint in the back alley. Seriously, what the fuck did Pads really do at the start of this post besides offer a differing opinion (…or the complimentary chapstick he got with the lights from mars :wink:)?
I'm about to mix up some top dressing mixture for tomorrow, but I've gotta recover from my beating first.

Are you seriously asking for my advice, lol?

see, you can be a
Chemistry IS neat. Especially when you understand it.
Takes more work than reading a label, but it's worth is.

I will always kinda regret (and blame public education lol) on not getting an engineering or science or biology degree after high school. Just a little though. Got to fix airplanes and do a lot (a lot) of cool shit for 15 years, before the paperwork started making me piss blood… waitafuckingodaminute, you think maybe it was all those chemicals?…
see, you can be a

I will always kinda regret (and blame public education lol) on not getting an engineering or science or biology degree after high school. Just a little though. Got to fix airplanes and do a lot (a lot) of cool shit for 15 years, before the paperwork started making me piss blood… waitafuckingodaminute, you think maybe it was all those chemicals?…
Look up Dr Elaine Ingham on YouTube.
So many free videos. She's one of my personal heroes.
Like a ninja fighting Monsanto for years.
Never too late, old dog. This is Us against Them, and you can be a guerilla fighter in your own yard. Never too old.
I'm about to mix up some top dressing mixture for tomorrow, but I've gotta recover from my beating first.

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Tag me w/ how it goes the next two weeks. I’ll be there in a few weeks. Driving today and thinking how I’m going to do my top layering the first time w/ some white clover top cover when things get settup for the summer in their final pots….

… ITS NOT FOR ORGANIC!!1!… bcuz dat siit looks purty!!>:(:cuss: