Have you ever been in Rehab?

Have you ever been in Rehab?

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 28.1%
  • No

    Votes: 23 71.9%
  • What is Rehab?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
If YES, what were your circumstances and experiences?

When I was 16 me and acouple friends went to another friends house while they were on family vacation. The neighbor called the cops and we all got busted with Breaking and Entering and simple possession. The court said they would drop the B&E if I went to rehab, so I did. It was one of the funnest and coolest experiences of my life. I was in out-patient with 30 other people that liked mostly the same things I did. I ended up banging a super hot chick that everyone else wanted to bang. It was awesome. So hows about you?


Well-Known Member
Never really got into any hard drugs to warrant going into rehab. I mean I have prolly experimented with just about everything, but the only thing I do habitually is smoke pot and I don't see pot as a rehab worthy substance.


Well-Known Member
Never really got into any hard drugs to warrant going into rehab. I mean I have prolly experimented with just about everything, but the only thing I do habitually is smoke pot and I don't see pot as a rehab worthy substance.
Same here....


Well-Known Member
I've quit speed, coke, crack and cigarettes on my own without help.

Rehab is for people with no self control and they shouldn't be using anyway.


Well-Known Member
Never really got into any hard drugs to warrant going into rehab. I mean I have prolly experimented with just about everything, but the only thing I do habitually is smoke pot and I don't see pot as a rehab worthy substance.
I don't see pot as rehab-worthy either but it doesn't matter what we think, if it's a MMS state with drug courts you don't have much of a choice. Half of the people in my class were there for pot and the other for heroin.


Well-Known Member
BAH! Rehab is for losers
And AA is for quitters! Hahahaha you're hilarious.

Anyways, no. Never been to rehab because I was never retarded with any substances I tried in my life. Did them all at home, safely. Was never hooked on anything, nor did I feel the need to do them again. Except thizzles, I had a checklist of things to complete before stopping rolling. I accomplished them all, and never had a bad roll or bunk pill.


Well-Known Member
went to rehab by court order. Got 2nd paraphinila charge and a Poss. W/ Intent to Sell. 45 days of sitting in one room for 8 hours, 29 other dudes. The other 4 hours was bullshit school where they just told u to do work from books and "group counseling". Funny thing is, there were only like 4 kids who werent in rehab for marijuana charges. Those 4 were pill/meth heads.Oh, and 2 kids were in for LSD. Know what everyone talked about doing when they got out of rehab? Smoking a phat one


Well-Known Member
My parents made me go to counseling when I was 14 and got caught with weed....but after 2 sessions they dropped it without any further mention.

I have to say my mother was right though...She said marijuana would lead to harder drug use, and it certainly did, just through association. Moms are always right!!


Well-Known Member
I had to go to some anger management nonsense back when I was much younger. I got kicked out for getting mad during a session.

They wanted me to talk about my feelings and other crap to get to the root cause of my anger issues. I told them to kiss my ass.

I also went to a couple AA meetings with someone who had asked me to go with them. By the time I left all I wanted to do was have a drink. All they did was drink pots of coffee and tell stories of wild escapades. Most sounded fun.


Well-Known Member
I had to go to some anger management nonsense back when I was much younger. I got kicked out for getting mad during a session.

They wanted me to talk about my feelings and other crap to get to the root cause of my anger issues. I told them to kiss my ass.

I also went to a couple AA meetings with someone who had asked me to go with them. By the time I left all I wanted to do was have a drink. All they did was drink pots of coffee and tell stories of wild escapades. Most sounded fun.
Yeah that was another contingency of rehab. Go to two AA meetings or NA meetings a week. I'm in there like "Hi, I'm Neo. I got caught with weed". And then the AA guy is like "Hi, I'm Rob. I use to drink a half gallon of Jacquin's vodka a day. It cost me my wife, house and kids. I killed a family drunk driving. I have liver cancer. I ran over my dog. I've been sober for 5 minutes". I felt out of place. But yet I was the criminal.


Well-Known Member
Yeah that was another contingency of rehab. Go to two AA meetings or NA meetings a week. I'm in there like "Hi, I'm Neo. I got caught with weed". And then the AA guy is like "Hi, I'm Rob. I use to drink a half gallon of Jacquin's vodka a day. It cost me my wife, house and kids. I killed a family drunk driving. I have liver cancer. I ran over my dog. I've been sober for 5 minutes". I felt out of place. But yet I was the criminal.
I had to go for weed. rehab and AA. The stories were wild lol. I'm like 75% sure it's just a cult. "Hi I'm Ted ('hi ted!') And I ran head on into a school bus."


Well-Known Member
I had to go for weed. rehab and AA. The stories were wild lol. I'm like 75% sure it's just a cult. "Hi I'm Ted ('hi ted!') And I ran head on into a school bus."
Yeah it definitely seemed like that. I joined this cult for free Coffee and donuts. It only cost me gout and a strained relationship with everybody in my life.