First time indoor grower. Feedback appreciated


Active Member
Hey, as title says first time indoor grower here looking for some feedback/advice. I am growing in a 4x4 tent and started them from clones around Feb 6th.
I also have a few questions if anyone can help.
-When should I switch to flower, the plants are about half way up now. I believe I saw in a post that the plants would double in size once switched. If that's true, I guess I should be switching soon?
-I am also noticing that some of the leaves have water on them (in attached pic) and it's not me watering. Should I be concerned? Humidity is never above 50%.
-The 1 plant I have has some huge leaves. Should I cut some off to give the plant more light all around?
-Will I need more then the 1 black fan I have running on the ground? I also have a infinity intake fan running at the same time. I have another fan mounted in the top right corner of the tent but I find the temperatures raise too high when that top fan is running. So right now I haven't been using it.

Here are some pictures, thanks for any help.



Well-Known Member
Don’t cut anything, hit flower now. Trim blocking leaves if you need to after 2 weeks flower and then lollipop the bottoms. Water on the leaves is normal.


Active Member
They certainly filled out! Nice work man.
Thanks, ya I think it's going pretty good. Here are some new pictures, week 4 of flower.



Well-Known Member
Thanks. Besides some browning leaves, I think everything is going well. Now just need to read up on autopots and see if flushing is necessary.
I am using the Spiderfarmer SE5000
Flushing is good for one thing, your toilet.
Cut back your nutes later in flower, but don't get lost in the "hype" of having to flush your plants for "bro science" reasons, I.E.: harshness, dark ash, nutes affecting flavor etc etc. In all my years of growing, I've never starved my plants by flushing, just cut back on the nutrients.
How many farmers do you see out flushing their corn crops at the end of the season??? I bet your Corn Flakes tasted just fine without using flushed corn.


Active Member
Thanks for the advice & feedback, much appreciated. If anything, I was just going to fill the reservoir with plain water starting week 8 of flower but with it being my first grow (and advise from you guys) I figure I will just limit the amount of nutrients given the last 2 weeks and see how it goes. Besides I will probably cut the top halves of couple of the plants in a week or 2 and continue to let the bottom halves grow for a week or 2, if the cut plants allow me to do so.
Here are a few more pictures, half way through week 7 of flower.

