Old School Skunk, who's found it???

Time for one. Of us to domesticate a skunk and have him or her spray our baggies! Lol! It will at least have the smell of old and the potency of our newer shit.

by the way? Why am I always hearing todays weed is way more potent,,higher thc ,,I don’t believe this is true..
unless my tolerance is higher now, I remember being completely stoned after a single toke of Hawaiian out the can, or couchlocked after a rip off the old indica strains..am I wrong? I smoke all day now, I don’t get hammered but live on that semi stoned, floaty state, you know just to keep the negatives away and be happy for what I have,,that’s good enough for me..you know a positive lifestyle. However m positive I never get Weed as good as it used to be….maybe it’s just me?? But then again I’m older now
You'll know you have it when real live skunks spray your backyard and dogs right before harvest time.
The skunks smell the thiols and perceive it as either potential mates or competition and they come out blasting
I grew out S.African strain called Kwazulu that I got through World of Seeds via Seedsman, that had a sweet, berry smell at the tip but quickly turned to what I could only describe as “baby poop” or “dirty diaper”.
It’s been my favorite strain since that first set, because it has a nice uplifting high (and unique smell/flavor) but the funk has decreased after a few generations.
i think the environment and soil are the most integral factors.
Grown this strain recently and agree completely with the assessment.

The ones I grew have a sweet smell when close up but with a few feet of distance they really smell like skunk spray. Strong
I’ve run sensi ,seedsman, nirvana, and several other skunk seeds over the years. Nothing is even comparable to the skunk I smoked back in the early 90’s. Every time I drive by a roadkill I take a deep inhale,my wife and kids think I’m deranged,,,boy does that take me back to better day z … if anyone finds it,,,please fill me in!
LOL I'm w/ ya on the skunky inhaLES . Theres this one route I take home the weed they're growimng smells so skunky , I think in the winterOr maybe both summer too they are venting it out of a huge room . Nor.Cal. so anyuthings possible, Its right when I get to this underpass for trains on a main road , Oh I just hang my head out w/ out telling my 2 teen boys and their Momz what I"m up to . lol I just lean back in my tahoe and enjoy, thoughts and memories just fly . I just look up there and dang I need go talk to these people. lol , but then I remember weed smells like skunk sometimes when growing ,like the GG#4 I've done pull up to my house the 10/20 L bows in my yard are reaking but when I harvest and smoke it , not the road kill I smell pulling up to my house :) .I will have a full report on the dominion , swami purple zebra x 85 humboldt andthe TWreck and Tw x GDP, I was gifted from Humboldt few months back . And you will know my friend if I find the dank :) . The Swami I've got to admit had something a lil more than in his Orca x 85 hukmboldt skunk . but I lucked out I think and brought in the wrong plant, itwas vgolden/lime green growing but wasn't muchto look at cured . Anyway I have the G13x 85 humboldt he gifted me to pop soon too.. So theres that . Oh and my Boy Zon that passed last Feb. Fort Bragg 2 weeks ago his Momz gave me a tiny jar stuffed w/ she said his old school seeds that he was saving . In 1990 he gave me a handful of his fav /best vseeds and they were the poop.. Our buddy gave v400 a zip to me and said it was dankiervthan the stuff Z was bring from Humboldt , so theres that , Still hunting :) good luckto ya :)
mY gROWing friend Rhonda did own house there until few years back , shes back in Stkn Ca. now but her whole family grew back in the day 70s/80s/ into 90s and We know the Skunky danky weeds ,I just seen her few weeks ago . She had been telling me for yrs she had a sack of old skunk seeds that they used to grow , I think maybe they didn't pop right . I need to hit her up . I let her pick 3 seeds out of a lil jar My buddys Moms gave me of his last week . I'm hoping they are all from the ones he kicked in 1990 at least if not older Because he kicked down the goods then , but shit I had the hook ups on the danky skunk seeds anyway at that time I really thought nothing of it except a Homeboy hooking his partner up . Now 30 yrs later no danky skunk uhggg depressing , lololll I've got get busy :),. got some that dominion Local skunk , hoodoo, dominion G ,ang polecatx ,, pollen to drop on some shit we'll see soon :) . good hunting :)
Time for one. Of us to domesticate a skunk and have him or her spray our baggies! Lol! It will at least have the smell of old and the potency of our newer shit.

by the way? Why am I always hearing todays weed is way more potent,,higher thc ,,I don’t believe this is true..
unless my tolerance is higher now, I remember being completely stoned after a single toke of Hawaiian out the can, or couchlocked after a rip off the old indica strains..am I wrong? I smoke all day now, I don’t get hammered but live on that semi stoned, floaty state, you know just to keep the negatives away and be happy for what I have,,that’s good enough for me..you know a positive lifestyle. However m positive I never get Weed as good as it used to be….maybe it’s just me?? But then again I’m older now
Oh I've noticed some of that too. I've heard people say its way better now yrea right . I'm sure there might be a handful high thc count strains that taste sweet or like shit that get U there . I'm smoking Blueberry Muffin from Humboldt seed co ,, very good for what it is aND jmo both sweet but get U there BBMuffin dankier ,, lil skunky trate to it . Yeah I haven't smoked from 92' untill like 2015 So I know its not that . We used to have the tasty shit and it put U on a different plain right :) I bought a lemon Dosido clone in Humboldt few months back , I actually got to smoke a pre-role of the clone , dfont find that like ever lolo. Anyway regulaR Dosido has some good stuff going on , I'm going buy seeds soon . At least its a staple until I find something better ;0 .. haha
You'll know you have it when real live skunks spray your backyard and dogs right before harvest time.
The skunks smell the thiols and perceive it as either potential mates or competition and they come out blasting
Most would say that isn’t roadkill, and that is probably the problem. No one knows what it is. Skunk and dro are the same things, names. To me the burnt rubber smell associated with a dead skunk is common, at least in chem and stardog lines. The skunk spray like a skunk was in your yard, and it just Carry’s And sticks to your clothes…..that seems to be the rare one in it’s pure form. Most people forget That straight cookies would be loud as fuck and called skunk in the days of brickweed.
Most would say that isn’t roadkill, and that is probably the problem. No one knows what it is. Skunk and dro are the same things, names. To me the burnt rubber smell associated with a dead skunk is common, at least in chem and stardog lines. The skunk spray like a skunk was in your yard, and it just Carry’s And sticks to your clothes…..that seems to be the rare one in it’s pure form. Most people forget That straight cookies would be loud as fuck and called skunk in the days of brickweed.
You haven't been around long if you think burnt rubber came from chem lines. Chem got that from ghani and hindu.
Look into thiols if you want to know what skunk smells like. The thiols that cause plants to smell skunky are the exact same thiols found in the animal.
"Iowa State University and private odor identification experts, Byers Scientific was able to identify the compound 3-methyl-2-butene-1-thiol (i.e., 321 MBT) as the primary source of the traditionally objectionable odor of cannabis. This specific volatile chemical appears to be the primary culprit responsible for the downwind skunky-like odor complaints.

Skunk’s spray is comprised of seven compounds, six of which are sulfur-containing thiols, including 3MBT, which give the musk its distinct and pungent smell. The human olfactory system has evolved over time to detect substances, such as these sulfur-containing thiols, at exceptionally low levels. This level of recognition is called the odor detection threshold (ODT)."