Is Biden really that bad?

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Your mom wants you to get off the phone she is paying for and go take your sweat suit out of the washer and put it in the dryer, she has to wash your dads clothes and you are wasting her time.
my mom has been dead for a decade, and would have smacked the fucking smirk off of your face for even mentioning her.... :lol: try again, trigger fish.
i grew up a long time ago, and take responsibility for my own actions, and pay my own way. you should try it sometime, it's very liberating, not having a curfew.
argue like an adult, or just shut the fuck up, or we'll all just ignore you, and you can go troll some other forum on some other site...
you have no power here, begone wicked dick of the west...:lol:
Mommy basement is so comfortable for you isnt it? Your screen name should be foodstamp.

Where do you get that idea of me? I factually stated the dismal performance of Republican presidents and laughed at your "both sides bad" argument, you jump to personal attacks. Weak. Very weak logic. This is why your kind do not prosper.

Republicans live on welfare. This is fact.


So, now you'll just send another made up ad hominum that has nothing to do with why your "both sides bad" is ignorant and wrong.
my mom has been dead for a decade, and would have smacked the fucking smirk off of your face for even mentioning her.... :lol: try again, trigger fish.
i grew up a long time ago, and take responsibility for my own actions, and pay my own way. you should try it sometime, it's very liberating, not having a curfew.
argue like an adult, or just shut the fuck up, or we'll all just ignore you, and you can go troll some other forum on some other site...
you have no power here, begone wicked dick of the west...:lol:

"dick of the west"

That's cute, Man, but he's your neighbor.

So it would more properly be "dick of the deep South." :lol:

Your mom wants you to get off the phone she is paying for and go take your sweat suit out of the washer and put it in the dryer, she has to wash your dads clothes and you are wasting her time.
Mommy basement is so comfortable for you isnt it? Your screen name should be foodstamp.
Truly compelling debate
If you are a teenager mad cause your parents were a complete failure
Just an observation :hug:
Your mom wants you to get off the phone she is paying for. . . . . .
Bless your heart.

Mamma has been dead for four or five years, but she was not one to pay for anything she didn't have to. A not so funny story. We live in a little town I will call A. I work in a little town called Bl. Mamma's friend lived in another little town called Br. With hardline phones A can call Bl for free, but it cost a quarter to call Br. So Mamma would call me and ask me to call her friend to ask her if she was interested in going to Panama City or whatever. When Mamma died and we divided up the money I halfway expected to get mine in quarters.
It's sort of weird when trumpers stick their head in here to get abused. Not sure if they think they are holding their own. It's just an odd use of time. Some people get abuse boners, maybe that's what is going on here. They need to get mocked for saying some stupid shit in order to get their nut off.

A long time ago, I went home to visit and was sitting in a shithole bar with a friend around lunch time. Some dude nobody knew was already drunk and loud, kept waving this 3/4ths of a torn 50 dollar bill at people and talking crazy shit. I happened to be wearing dress clothes, long pea coat, etc.; I stuck out like an alien. The guy came over talking his nonsense, sent the spidey senses tingling that something was about to occur. Sure enough he goes for a sucker punch that fails and we hit him a few times and depart. My buddy went back later that night and the same fucking guy is in there talking shit. The place was a biker bar and really damn rough, the dude started talking shit to a group and they did not exercise the same restraint and stomped him out badly. Why start shit when it's clearly a stupid stupid idea. What is wrong with people.

It's that mindset that I see in Trump voters, particularly the ones that show up to "debate" or whatever this bullshit is where they talk "kid sniffing." Just damn, do you need attention that bad?

Edit: people that are the bukowski character in Barfly, but without any self awareness.
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Where do you get that idea of me? I factually stated the dismal performance of Republican presidents and laughed at your "both sides bad" argument, you jump to personal attacks. Weak. Very weak logic. This is why your kind do not prosper.

Republicans live on welfare. This is fact.

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So, now you'll just send another made up ad hominum that has nothing to do with why your "both sides bad" is ignorant and wrong.
Wow, what a racist. So you think the states with high black populations are bad states? Stop being a racist, racist.
Wow, what a racist. So you think the states with high black populations are bad states? Stop being a racist, racist.
if you're doing this for free, you're stupid and lazy, and not very good at it....
if you're being paid to do this, then you're still stupid and lazy, and not very good at it, but at least you're getting paid...
you sound like one of those kids who got bullied, so you found the younger kids and made them hit themselves..."stop hitting yourself, why are you hitting yourself? "...they're hitting themselves because you're a little dick coward....
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Wow, what a racist. So you think the states with high black populations are bad states? Stop being a racist, racist.

They blame the democrats as a whole who used scare tactics and partisan politics during a pandemic like hiding ppe(NY) and then blaming Trump for not supplying enough,
Is this a good example?

So Trump was possibly the worst Prez in American history. No argument there from me.

But under Biden we are seeing world wide problems. Some of these problems are caused by him doing what Trump would not of. Getting involved with East Slav affairs is leading to huge world problems including famine and the first world problem that effect's most of us petrol prices.
So Trump was possibly the worst Prez in American history. No argument there from me.

But under Biden we are seeing world wide problems. Some of these problems are caused by him doing what Trump would not of. Getting involved with East Slav affairs is leading to huge world problems including famine and the first world problem that effect's most of us petrol prices.

Russian imperialism caused most of these issues, not our response to it.

Did he invade Ukraine and drive up food and fuel prices?
Did he bring on covid or even mismanage it?
Seems the Chinese had a thing or two to do with that.
Is he doing everything he can to mitigate the food crises?
Who is using food for a weapon?
Did he pull out of Afghanistan and try to limit American imperial adventures?
Is he backing up nervous allies in the Pacific and Australia, they already shifted the main focus from Ukraine to the Pacific.
Is he trying to dissuade China from reckless imperialism by invading Taiwan?

BTW we get most of the worlds advanced semiconductors from Taiwan, the processor in your computer was probably made there and maybe the motherboard too. America is trying to onshore chip making at a furious pace, along with other critical industries.
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