What did you accomplish today?

Hey, I meant to call, I won't be able to make it for supper after all, sorry.

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Yeah we gots one of those labs too. But I’m hoping that’s not were my steaks have been coming from .

We have a rat tower that is a super high security area. Rats with no immunity systems for research. I have to do maintenance on fume hoods, lighting and receptacles, coolers and freezers . Everything has to be super sterile, no chemicals I have to dress up like I’m in an ET movie and I don’t even get Reese’s pieces… wtf.
Cooking supper…..after a nine hour shift changing exterior lighting on the second floor of all the dog kennels, and changing both front wheel hubs on my suv ….. listening to anti wife songs very because I’m pissed she didn’t cook while I was busy af. Ok time to play Miss Misery one more again lol.
not mine

We have chicks.

Ivory has laid her clutch in a log/nest. Lucky, the papa, feeds her and guards over the entrance.
It is interesting to watch as Mustard "babysits" tending the eggs while Ivory is out for water and a stretch.

I hope it is fewer than more. Research indicates 2 to 6 eggs is average.
I have seen one featherless pink chick so far today.

We are excited for this first but are not likely to promote future hatchings.
Chicks In A Nest animated emoticon

Lucky is male, green and yellow in color. Ivory is ivory in color with no other coloring.
It’s not done yet it’ll be a panel fence when I’m done I still have to put up the slats some people call it a privacy fence
We raise King Charles cavaliers as well that would slip right under and not blink an eye hell the big dogs would get thru it as it is now. I’ll post more as I complete it
Ok that makes a lot more sense now! It looked more like horse fencing. I'd love to see the gate too.
Ok that makes a lot more sense now! It looked more like horse fencing. I'd love to see the gate too.
No outside access. we fenced in the side of the garage with the extra man door so you have to go thru the garage to get into the fence area so nobody can let the dogs out or get into them without climbing or physically trying to. It prevents accidents that way.