You make no sense.
My point was that you both have a problem with letting old shit go.
Sorry for not keeping up this week, on Vacation in St. Augustine, busy trying to ignore the world. View attachment 5125976
Welcome to American politics. You must not be from here. Trump changed politics in 2016. That I think everyone can agree on. He changed it into a shit show. And to keep up so have the Dems.
There needs to be a LAW that you can not talk negatively about your opponent. The ads/speeches need to focus on your policies and visions for the country.
If you add up all the money Trump spent on ads trashing Biden, in 2016 and 2020, you could solve the ENTIRE worlds poverty.
Edited for Burt
I consider it a part of the m. o. of every troll farm:
no Internet backwater too small to be disinfo bombed.
And the antecedents stretch out into the past. It’s why I put a stake in @ Appomattox: southern culture, all high, mighty & noble in its own eyes, did a complete 180 (‘it was never about slavery, it was always about states’ rights’) and traded their John C Calhouns in for real-life Boss Hogg & actual Buford T Justice, local fat-cats enforcing the old ways with the new laws…a nudge, a wink, and business as usual…every southern jail a re-education camp for every black person consigned to one - punishment for having escaped captivity and having ‘given themselves airs’.
It channeled everything we’ve done since as a nation into right where we are right now.
Every time we drill thru & expose another layer of bullshit obscuring the deeds of these fine & heroic southern patriotic people, it becomes a game to see what sort of bullshit pseudo-response they can come up with to confuse, derail, or bog down any forward motion on anything related to race relations.
I'm a Brit, mate. You're all fucking traitors
eta: and BTW, I'm not pimping for anyone and I'm certainly no fan of the Trumptard. I'm only saying it's not healthy to view half your country as traitors just because they vote differently from you.
Fuck tea, it tastes of boredom.
I'm only a Brit by legalities. I'm actually Scottish, but the joke wouldn't have worked if I'd said that.
Ahhhhhh so then you're a cheap ass too..everyone knows those with Barbarian heritage are like that.
The journey trumpist and republicans in general have been on for decades now?
When does the hilarity start? Did I miss it?
Saying propaganda and intentional misinformation are covered by free speech is just as dangerous as trying to restrict non inflammatory political and social commentary.... ammunition is legal to sell to the general populace, armor piercing overloaded ammunition is not....
No, we're that makes you all....?
So what would you call a party that actively tries to undermine the entire basis of our government? Michievious scamps?...they seem pretty enimical to our entire way of life...
Proud of that heritage, tbf. Not sure how it makes me cheap though.
Agains, I'm talking about the voters, not the parties. But fuck it. You're right. Let's just call everyone who disagrees with us as traitors. I'm sure that'll work out well.
he keeps distorting the dialog to suit his initial and debunked premise. Empty trollery.But all the voters weren't there and those who were are from one party..they walked the flag of shame through the Capitol while spreading feces on the walls.
So you admit to your Scot cheapness?
But all the voters weren't there and those who were are from one party..they walked the flag of shame through the Capitol while spreading feces on the walls.
People who can understand a joke?
No I was asking you to clarify how that made me cheap.
Right, but I'm not talking specifically about that "right to peaceful assembly." Tbf, I'm more talking about the people I've been chatting to in this thread.