The fishing thread ( not about fish fertilizer)

Google whiskeytown kokanee. Thats how big they get in that lake which is not far from shasta lake that i also know well. For bows browns kings and of course bass. This fire fucked me up man. I’m almost back.
Hell ya. Eleven Mile Reservoir is full of monster fish too. I love that lake. We've got to take a trip there this summer. I haven't been in a few years. It's gotta be one of the cleanest lakes I've seen.

A smoker is really easy to make, my one consists of a metal ammo box aprrox 24"x18" a camping stove and a wire grill.

I chuck some whisky/sherry/brandy shaving in then put the grill on and close it for 20/30 mins deppending on weight, it's in the garage I'll snap a few pics in the morning if you're interested in making one.
Oh ya. Show me them pics. I have a big smoker for meats. But I heard I shouldn't use it for fish too. So I was thinking about getting a Little Chief like my grandma had special for fish.
Hell ya. Eleven Mile Reservoir is full of monster fish too. I love that lake. We've got to take a trip there this summer. I haven't been in a few years. It's gotta be one of the cleanest lakes I've seen.

Oh ya. Show me them pics. I have a big smoker for meats. But I heard I shouldn't use it for fish too. So I was thinking about getting a Little Chief like my grandma had special for fish.
That's probably right enough I only know the very basics of smoking a few fish I've not delved into the subject that much I didn't know you don't mix meat and fish. .
Why is fishing fun?
Something about pulling up a creature from an area where you cannot see what you have or where they are fullfills a primal instinct.

It's a lottery and when you hit the jackpot the rush is next level. The fight of a good sized pissed off fish on the right gear is a thrill and a half.

This is what makes it fun for me and many many other anglers.
Something about pulling up a creature from an area where you cannot see what you have or where they are fullfills a primal instinct.

It's a lottery and when you hit the jackpot the rush is next level. The fight of a good sized pissed off fish on the right gear is a thrill and a half.

This is what makes it fun for me and many many other anglers.
The thrill of the hunt! And surival of the fittest.


In rehab on a 14 day 40+ mile hike through the woods in the snow, I took advantage of the cheesy piece of fishing line and hook they gave everyone in the tiny emergency pack. Found a worm and caught a nice trout to eat for myself. They were like WTF, lol.
Something about pulling up a creature from an area where you cannot see what you have or where they are fullfills a primal instinct.

It's a lottery and when you hit the jackpot the rush is next level. The fight of a good sized pissed off fish on the right gear is a thrill and a half.

This is what makes it fun for me and many many other anglers.
Light tackle kicks ass.
My fishing buddy and I have been friends for 55 years , back in about '77 we started using 2lb test for stocked trout . People thought we were nuts until they saw our stringer . I've caught some surprisingly large fish on 2 and 4lb line . Pike , walleye , bass , trout. It's a hoot !
Hell ya. You get it. The big guys are smarter. Fish aren't blind, and the smart ones test shit first. I'd do a 4# line with 2# leader for trout usually, and 6# line with 4# test for walleye, pike and that shit. But if I was strickly going for pike or muskee I'd use a steel leader. Those fuckers have some gnarly teeth.

Light tackle makes smaller fish fun, and bigger fish amazing.