Are we too Calm?


Well-Known Member
You have shown libertarian tendencies, and libertarianism is a delusion just like Maga. Why would you vote Treason Party? Don’t Hawley, Cruz, Abbott, De Santis, Boebert, Jordan, Greene, McCarthy and Moscow Mitch repel you? They are naked fascists.
I am not a fan of them on a personal level and each of them are imperfect. I would vote for some of them depending on who was on the ballet. I actually voted against one of them, but my guy didn’t win. The candidate I voted for ran on eliminating property taxes. I dislike Mitch McConnell mostly of the names on that particular list. I could make a matching list of democrats I dislike more.

Let me take a crack at this though:

“People like you have been trampling the words treason and fascists”

When you revert to stuff like that I just can’t take you serious.

“There comes a point where this is no longer governed by personal opinion. Consider how many exercised a wrong opinion based on mis-and disinformation eighteen months ago.”

What do you suggest in place of people’s personal opinions in their own lives and at the voting booth?
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Well-Known Member
I know, we tend to get so upset when people voice their opinions.

Man Charged With Murder in Shooting at Protest in Portland
A 60-year-old woman was killed and five others, including the suspect, were shot during a confrontation near the man’s house, the authorities said.

The shooter was just voicing his opinion.

But yeah, fast food, yeah, we are really concerned about that.
How many people has fast food killed compared to…..well I don’t really know what point you’re trying to make actually……Gun violence?

Gun violence is why I often carry when going certain places. You never know who is out there

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
How many people has fast food killed compared to…..well I don’t really know what point you’re trying to make actually……Gun violence?

Gun violence is why I often carry when going certain places. You never know who is out there
This article says fast food kills annually 11million people a year globally. That's nearly twice as many as have died of covid during the entire 2+ years of the pandemic..



Well-Known Member
This article says fast food kills annually 11million people a year globally. That's nearly twice as many as have died of covid during the entire 2+ years of the pandemic..

No we’re not concerned about that. The pandemic was like….avoidable and stuff. People making the wrong choices and such….

Nice red herring though


Well-Known Member
That's your opinion of what should be considered a liberty or not. I would argue that requiring such mandates of others is in itself selfish. If you want to be protected, then you are welcome to wear a mask and get a vax, but the moment that you mandate that others do the same, you have taken their liberty away. See how that works.
George Washington mandated all of his soldiers get inoculated against smallpox, because it was wiping them out, and was possibly going to be a cause for being defeated by the British. He also banned them from entering Boston.

Though it was a controversial action, many historians credit the medical mandate with the colonists’ victory in the Revolutionary War and the creation of the United States of America.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
How many people has fast food killed compared to…..well I don’t really know what point you’re trying to make actually……Gun violence?

Gun violence is why I often carry when going certain places. You never know who is out there
non sequitur

Your authoritarian right wing is literally killing people and terrorizing others for disagreeing with them. Or being openly gay. Or being Jewish. Or being Black. Or being a mayor in a Republican controlled state who enforced mandatory mask mandates.

Voicing an opinion that disagrees with the Republican fascist zeitgeist is dangerous. Contrast that with your silly and weak burger blather. Regarding fast food, there is a health issue on one side and on the other, people who believe they have the right to choose what to do with their bodies. We can have a debate whether or not the state should regulate access to burgers and nobody is going to get shot. But turn the subject toward a woman's right to choose certain medical procedures and people on your side get the guns out for real. So you picked a dumbass argument about fast food based upon a principal that people should be able to make their own decisions and at this very moment Republicans are about to prevent women from being able to make their own decisions. If you don't support the idea that a woman has a right to make her own medical decisions then your argument about burgers is just another example of right wing conservative hypocrisy. With guns out to enforce right wing views..
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Well-Known Member
A bad diet isnt contagious. Also at one point covid was the number one cause of death in USA.
it is not contagious but it does affect the entire population - even those that choose to abstain.

I am not suggesting a ban enforced by the federal government be put in place even though it harms society


Well-Known Member
Its not filling up hospitals, and ICU units, and to the point where they have to bring in refrigerated trucks to store the dead bodies because the morgues are full. Its not putting first responders at risk, and isnt causing them to have to work 60-80 hours a week because the hospitals are so full of covid patients. Its not causing hospitals to have to open and isolate whole sections of hospitals because the ICU units are full, and people are also being housed in the hallways because therees no beds. A buddy of mine had to lay in a hallway for 2 days because there were no beds. Hes also a stroke victim, and is bedridden, and cant even scratch his ass.

Comparing a highly infectious virus to an obese person is silly. Dying from obesity is mostly a slow process. Covid in many cases kills you within days after infection. Coviid affects first esponders way more than obesity. Obesity is no threat al all to first responders, unlss you want to include fucking up your back trying to move them. But its not potentially deadly. Plus first responders can become infected, and take it home to their families. Wiping out whole families.

At one time Covid was the #1 cause of death in the USA. Right now it stands at #3, while the right claims its going away. Covid has also cause the life expectancy rate to fall 2.2 years since 2019.

Not that Im pro cop, though we do need them. Covid is the #1 cause of death among cops.
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Well-Known Member
non sequitur

Your authoritarian right wing is literally killing people and terrorizing others for disagreeing with them. Or being openly gay. Or being Jewish. Or being Black. Or being a mayor in a Republican controlled state who enforced mandatory mask mandates.

Voicing an opinion that disagrees with the Republican fascist zeitgeist is dangerous. Contrast that with your silly and weak burger blather. Regarding fast food, there is a health issue on one side and on the other, people who believe they have the right to choose what to do with their bodies. We can have a debate whether or not the state should regulate access to burgers and nobody is going to get shot. But turn the subject toward a woman's right to choose certain medical procedures and people on your side get the guns out for real. So you picked a dumbass argument about fast food based upon a principal that people should be able to make their own decisions and at this very moment Republicans are about to prevent women from being able to make their own decisions. If you don't support the idea that a woman has a right to make her own medical decisions then your argument about burgers is just another example of right wing conservative hypocrisy. With guns out to enforce right wing views..
See there you go again with “your authoritarian right wing” and “Republican fascist zeitgeist” and “people on your side”

Why can’t you understand I am not they, I am I? I will vote for who I want for reasons I choose.

I vote Republican by and large.
I disagree with republicans often
I didn’t storm the capital
I go to work and pay taxes and live my life.
All of my opinions are my own

There are millions and millions of people who vote Republican and you’re really twisted in the head equating individuals who have attacked abortion clinics with the mass populace. It’s like you think people are inherently bad or evil.

There are some fuuuuuuucked up individuals that have voted Democrat all their lives. There are some violent individuals who voted Democrat that have attacked/threatened Republican lawmakers. @Fogdog didnt do that though

on the subject of roe v wade I do not agree with the federal government butting in to dr patient relationships. I think it’s a foolish leg to stand on but others share a different opinion.


Well-Known Member
Its not filling up hospitals, and ICU units, and to the point where they have to bring in refrigerated trucks to store the dead bodies because the morgues are full. Its not putting first responders at risk, and isnt causing them to have to work 60-80 hours a week because the hospitals are so full of covid patients. Its not causing hospitals to have to open and isolate whole sections of hospitals because the ICU units are full, and people are also being housed in the hallways because therees no beds. A buddy of mine had to lay in a hallway for 2 days because there were no beds. Hes also a stroke victim, and is bedridden, and cant even scratch his ass.

Comparing a highly infectious virus to an obese person is silly. Dying from obesity is mostly a slow process. Covid in many cases kills you within days after infection. Coviid affects first esponders way more than obesity. Obesity is no threat al all to first responders, unlss you want to include fucking up your back trying to move them. But its not potentially deadly. Plus first responders can become infected, and take it home to their families. Wiping out whole families.

At one time Covid was the #1 cause of death in the USA. Right now it stands at #3, while the right claims its going away. Covid has also cause the life expectancy rate to fall 2.2 years since 2019.

Not that Im pro cop, though we do need them. Covid is the #1 cause of death among cops.
nowhere did I mention obese people*

you’re focusing too much on my example which was one among many I could have chosen on the subject of federal enforcement/mandates for the “good of society” and what is and isn’t selfish


Well-Known Member
You posted bad diets, and the article had fast food posted, which generally equals obesity. Heart Disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure.
No I didn’t post bad diets either it’s possible you’re mixing up one of the quoted posts. I posted an anti fast food stance specifically. You do not have to be obese to experience the negative side effects you mentioned. Those you mentioned have been the leading causes of death (cancer is on that list too) for many many years now. Plus we all experience the environmental effect

the “reasoning” displayed by some on this thread is a perfect illustration of why the world is in the shitter.

if I valued the opinion of a rodeo clown and a white supremacist, I might argue with these assholes too.

interesting opinion

I don’t so I won’t.

right back at you pendejo ;-)
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Ursus marijanus
This article says fast food kills annually 11million people a year globally. That's nearly twice as many as have died of covid during the entire 2+ years of the pandemic..

It does not once mention fast food. It doesn’t even mention junk food by name. “The junk we eat” was described as the broader category of poorly nutritious foods.

Which could mean the solitary sort who only eats one brand of polenta. Or the mother of three who is having trouble affording protein in Mozambique. Or city kids whose school lunch is all carbs due to big ag lobbying.

It is this routine, unannounced moving of the goalposts by you that makes argument with you worthless. You cheat.


Well-Known Member
It does not once mention fast food. It doesn’t even mention junk food by name. “The junk we eat” was described as the broader category of poorly nutritious foods.

Which could mean the solitary sort who only eats one brand of polenta. Or the mother of three who is having trouble affording protein in Mozambique. Or city kids whose school lunch is all carbs due to big ag lobbying.

It is this routine, unannounced moving of the goalposts by you that makes argument with you worthless. You cheat.
I think if you go back and kinda read the entire context of the conversation it will make more sense. PJ posted said article in response to what I said to fogdog

I don’t think the article not mentioning fast food takes away from the context of the conversation. He just as easily could have found an article referencing fast food but you’re getting hung up on trying to insult people.


Ursus marijanus
I think if you go back and kinda read the entire context of the conversation it will make more sense. PJ posted said article in response to what I said to fogdog

I don’t think the article not mentioning fast food takes away from the context of the conversation. He just as easily could have found an article referencing fast food but you’re getting hung up on trying to insult people.
The last is you projecting emotion. The rest is contortion trying to distract from the obvious moved goalposts.


Well-Known Member
The last is you projecting emotion. The rest is contortion trying to distract from the obvious moved goalposts.
Seriously, just imagine he hadn’t posted at all.

What exactly has been moved by me in terms of goal posts? What are you getting at? You dispute the societal and environmental effects of fast food consumption?

you’re the one projecting by bringing up malnutrition in other countries as it has nothing to do with what we were originally talking about. (Mandates for the overall benefit of the public/personal decisions that effect others)

Edit: post #36 onward