

Well-Known Member
So I have goats and recently started making cheese with their milk. I end up with a lot of whey and there are only so many uses for it in the kitchen... I'm assuming I can use this to make labs and or fpjs but I have not been able to find much in here. Any ideas from the braintrust?
So I have goats and recently started making cheese with their milk. I end up with a lot of whey and there are only so many uses for it in the kitchen... I'm assuming I can use this to make labs and or fpjs but I have not been able to find much in here. Any ideas from the braintrust?
I was just watching this video yesterday and dude used the whey from a goats milk cheese starter to make a ferment. So , yes that’s doable.
I was just watching this video yesterday and dude used the whey from a goats milk cheese starter to make a ferment. So , yes that’s doable.
Yeah i had watched that also. Wondering if I need to add the labs also or if I can just roll with maybe sugar plant material and whey? Also how long can I store ferments for? They seem to be working wonders on my current garden (using build a soil comfrey and hemp in veg and now switched to pumpkin) so I figure I should start making some.
It IS labs :lol: labs is literally just whey. That's it.
microbally curdled that is, not by acid, or by rennet I assume
So in the video he uses .. maybe it is more concentrated labs? Or is it just a product that bas sells so they use it also? Lol so I can just try to go 1:1:1:100 whey (labs), sugars, plant material, water and I should be good to go?
I curdled it using white vinegar and lemon juice though. So maybe this will not work.

You can still use it even though it's acid whey. You dilute it to 70% water / 30% whey.

You can still use it even though it's acid whey. You dilute it to 70% water / 30% whey.

so not the same as labs but still useful. interesting... thanks!
So in the video he uses .. maybe it is more concentrated labs? Or is it just a product that bas sells so they use it also? Lol so I can just try to go 1:1:1:100 whey (labs), sugars, plant material, water and I should be good to go?
if you mean his bucket of goat whey then it's probably the same story lol. I'm no expert but I'm positive whey would be beneficial for a garden regardless of how it's made, all that protein's gonna become nitrogen afaik, and it would make the environment more friendly to friendly species like LABs and yeasts.

if you mean the bottle he called LABS then yeah I think it could be a product placement lol. Although it wouldn't hurt to add a little diversity, and if his goat whey wasn't curdled by LA bacterias maybe he just wants to he certain has a healthy population of them. But that said....

I curdled it using white vinegar and lemon juice though. So maybe this will not work.

it should be helpful no matter what. The fact the whey came straight from the goat means it should have a great population of microbes from the goats own body. I don't know how lacto bacillus strains handle already acidic environments since they expel lactic acid as waste, but adding the acid afaik doesn't get rid of the lactose they munch on, you just wont have a visual indicator to know when/if they've done so.
oh yeah....I also hear some rose gardeners say they spray their bushes with straight milk, and saw in a lecture a professional spinach farmer who fertilized with nothing but milk and compost tea foliar sprays who had beautiful plants.
thanks for all the insight! I guess I will try making some FPJ with it and go from there. or maybe just dilute some and throw it on the soil bed...