the media and pundits should be held responsible for the consequences of their broadcasted opinions

One side doesn't side with authoritarians like Trump, Putin, and Orban. One side is actively engaging in the fascist playbook, i.e., disinformation and gaslighting, dehumanization of groups via fear mongering, attacks on the free press and free speech, destruction of the institutions that support democracy, efforts to control the voting system, attacks on protesters, establishing laws with citizen vigilantes spying on neighbors, appointing unqualified loyalists in oversight positions, consolidating power with one leader, establishing policing forces that report to the leader, deregulation of business, ...
No Roy
I live in reality
Americans taking action against insurrectionist
is American

So, in your reality, it's okay to force people to pay for a so-called protection service which says it will protect people from being harmed or extorted
from, but first it has to extort from you to pay for it's "service" ?

Your "reality" relies on circular reasoning. Circular reasoning is not reality based, it's emotion based.

Your argument is weak and smells like whining, arm waving and spittle flying off a trembling lip.

Now go roll a fattie and mellow the fuck out! I voted that you have to do that!
So, in your reality, it's okay to force people to pay for a so-called protection service which says it will protect people from being harmed or extorted
from, but first it has to extort from you to pay for it's "service" ?

Your "reality" relies on circular reasoning. Circular reasoning is not reality based, it's emotion based.

Your argument is weak and smells like whining, arm waving and spittle flying off a trembling lip.

Now go roll a fattie and mellow the fuck out! I voted that you have to do that!
I’ll be on your six looking like a typical tRUMP MORON till it’s to late
One side doesn't side with authoritarians like Trump, Putin, and Orban. One side is actively engaging in the fascist playbook, i.e., disinformation and gaslighting, dehumanization of groups via fear mongering, attacks on the free press and free speech, destruction of the institutions that support democracy, efforts to control the voting system, attacks on protesters, establishing laws with citizen vigilantes spying on neighbors, appointing unqualified loyalists in oversight positions, consolidating power with one leader, establishing policing forces that report to the leader, deregulation of business, ...

I'm not arguing which oppressor is better...why are you?

Clearly, Democrats love guns. How else would they force their ideas on otherwise peaceful people if not for guns?

Democracy and gang rape are similar in that both use a threat of force against peaceful or neutral people to violate individual consent. Wouldn't you agree with that?
Democracy is merely sanctified by the ignorance of the participants. while most gang rapists probably know their consent violations are wrong.
Ahhh, yes. The politics of universal healthcare, equal rights and inclusion, protecting workers, combatting climate change, strengthening our educational departments, increasing access to college.


We can nuke hurricanes.

Equal rights implies individual rights. As in, we all, as individuals, have the same rights to self determine. I don't think it means we all have the right to determine how others live etc. That would be absurd.

Which then follows, self determination, as long as we don't violate another persons right to peacefully run their own life.

I don't want your universal healthcare, you'd need guns to force me to pay for it. Why would you abandon persuasion in favor of guns to get people to go along with your ideas?

Government run schools are not about education. Their primary purpose is to control thoughts and instill obedience. If you don't believe's proof their plan is working.

I wouldn't nuke a hurricane or force you to pay for my ideas either.
Who will enforce "stricter gun laws" and what will be used to enforce them ? Won't police and military use guns to do that?

All political edicts require guns to back them up. If all they sent was scary letter demands to pay or to obey, we could ignore them. All politics is based in violence and removal of individual consent. Coincidentally. so is rape.

Yeah, I can see that as sort of an argument, particularly about political edicts requiring guns to back them up.

I am curious what they would plan to do in this particular case. The people that would be tasked with enforcement are quite vocal on which political group they back and where they stand on this issue. It would be quite funny in a very dark way.

It's a race to the bottom, and not related to the point above really, but I am decidedly pro gun for the simple fact that others have them that may wish me harm. I think you have a right and duty to protect yourself. *insert whole long conversation about being part of society/the state/social contracts that isn't worth having again* In my view, you should in theory be able to rely on the group you are part of for protection; but that shit can break down and you are on your own. Sans a state based mechanism to protect your rights, they exist only to the extent you can protect them.
Equal rights implies individual rights. As in, we all, as individuals, have the same rights to self determine. I don't think it means we all have the right to determine how others live etc. That would be absurd.

Which then follows, self determination, as long as we don't violate another persons right to peacefully run their own life.

I don't want your universal healthcare, you'd need guns to force me to pay for it. Why would you abandon persuasion in favor of guns to get people to go along with your ideas?

Government run schools are not about education. Their primary purpose is to control thoughts and instill obedience. If you don't believe's proof their plan is working.

I wouldn't nuke a hurricane or force you to pay for my ideas either.
My answer is always the same
Ya let's get rid of freedom of speech in favor of what exactly? Who should we run any statements by to ensure they follow your approved agenda?

Thats not a world I want to live in. It would be a system just begging for corruption.

If you are too fucking stupid to ignore a comedians medical advice or any other non-credible source on topics of importance then unfortunately you are too stupid for life.

I'd love to know peoples obsession with handing the government even more power when they've only proven to use their power incompetently or in corruption benefitting corporate entities
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Equal rights implies individual rights. As in, we all, as individuals, have the same rights to self determine. I don't think it means we all have the right to determine how others live etc. That would be absurd.

Do you have children? Do you leave them unattended without rules or consequences to 'self determine'? THAT would be absurd.

Which then follows, self determination, as long as we don't violate another persons right to peacefully run their own life.

Clearly there is an American epidemic of 'violating another persons right to peacefully run their own life' in the form of removing life from them. How does your utopia deal with Uvalde? Sandy Hook? Columbine?

I don't want your universal healthcare, you'd need guns to force me to pay for it. Why would you abandon persuasion in favor of guns to get people to go along with your ideas?

Why would you not want a society that takes care of sick and injured people? That’s awful fucking selfish and childish.

Government run schools are not about education. Their primary purpose is to control thoughts and instill obedience. If you don't believe's proof their plan is working.

Ahhh yes! The gotcha of if I don’t take YOUR word as the absolute truth I’ve been bamboozled by the system thereby proving your proof of proof. Weak.

I wouldn't nuke a hurricane or force you to pay for my ideas either.
ALL movements start small my friend.
there's a difference between starting small, and starting doomed....a third or even fourth party is a possibility, but it's not going to get started by random individuals voting for doomed to fail candidates, it would have to be started by groups of people in multiple states campaigning, fund raising, word of mouth advertising, ceaselessly, for at least a couple of election cycles. and it would have to have a palatable platform that actually makes sense and is attractive to a broad segment of the country....if you find such a mythical beast, inform me, and i'll join the campaign
The FCC is part of a criminal organization and it's primary job is to violate free speech.

Oppressing free speech equally is not an example of protecting free speech.
how the fuck did you get off of ignore? how do you operate in society at all? do you live in one room, huddled behind a hand built barricade to stop the evils of the outside world from corrupting you?....according to you, every government agency's sole purpose in existing is to suppress freedom of thought, freedom of speech, freedom to make even one personal decision...what is it like living in a horrible, gray, lifeless world like that? do you lie awake at night listening to winston smith scream about the rats eating his face every night?
you're just a one trick pony...government is bad, m'kay, so don't support the matter what branch, no matter what situation, no matter that you're a fucking fool giving up the only tools the common people have to effect their own lives...
Who will enforce "stricter gun laws" and what will be used to enforce them ? Won't police and military use guns to do that?

All political edicts require guns to back them up. If all they sent was scary letter demands to pay or to obey, we could ignore them. All politics is based in violence and removal of individual consent. Coincidentally. so is rape.
some politics are based in efforts to control people, and some are based in how to minimally impact peoples lives while improving the quality of life for the most people possible. i know as a paranoid sociopath, you don't believe that, but frankly, i could give a fuck what you've proven yourself to be a delusional paranoid antisocial ass, who has radicalized himself to the point where i'm surprised you can go to any business without being kicked out permanently for trying to take things, because money is just a construct the government uses to oppress us all.
So, in your reality, it's okay to force people to pay for a so-called protection service which says it will protect people from being harmed or extorted
from, but first it has to extort from you to pay for it's "service" ?

Your "reality" relies on circular reasoning. Circular reasoning is not reality based, it's emotion based.

Your argument is weak and smells like whining, arm waving and spittle flying off a trembling lip.

Now go roll a fattie and mellow the fuck out! I voted that you have to do that!
^ this screed is the best advice you could give yourself, every single word applies to you...remove the beam from your own eye, before you address the mote in mine...
there's a difference between starting small, and starting doomed....a third or even fourth party is a possibility, but it's not going to get started by random individuals voting for doomed to fail candidates, it would have to be started by groups of people in multiple states campaigning, fund raising, word of mouth advertising, ceaselessly, for at least a couple of election cycles. and it would have to have a palatable platform that actually makes sense and is attractive to a broad segment of the country....if you find such a mythical beast, inform me, and i'll join the campaign

I think something like the green party filled this (the Nader version...not now) or whatever the Democratic socialists are. The greens have put in the legwork, getting out there as a viable choice on ballots.

However, I can't get on board with splitting the vote. Both my ideal and the one I find acceptable will fail, leaving the shit I don't want. I think the more liberal people need to stay in the Democrats and try to sway the masses. It did work with the Republicans, they swung way to the right as a whole party due to getting pushed/pulled by their more radical supporters. The more radical people were over with Ron Paul previously, they couldn't do shit because they didn't have numbers and it also weakened the Republicans since those fringe people were voting for the libertarian was the equivalent of having part of your base stay home.
aaaand right back into the both sides dishonesty.
Yep. Because they are dishonest..
